
  1. 动画片《哆啦A梦》(Doraemon)中的任意门(通过这扇门能把你传送到任何想去的地方),因为我总是四处旅行演出,这真的令人疲倦。

    The Anywhere Door from the Doraemon cartoon [ which transports those who walk through it anywhere they would like to go ] because I always travel a lot to give performances and it 's really tiring .

  2. 对蔡志松来讲,历史是个可以活用的任意门。

    For Cai Zhisong , history is a flexible swinging door .

  3. 如果我有任意门就轻松多了。

    It would be much easier if I had an Anywhere Door .

  4. 受到重伤后,时窃怪通常会利用其窃取时间能力或“任意门”逃走。

    When badly wounded , the filcher escapes using its time filch ability , or dimension door .

  5. 任意量子门都可以由二比特控制非门(CN门)和单比特旋转门(R门)组成。因此,人们致力于研究如何实现CN门和R门。

    Since any logic gate can be constructed by two-qubit controlled not gates ( CN gate ) and one qubit rotation gate ( R gate ), the realization of the CN and R gates has been studied extensively .

  6. 采用多种门级延时模型,可以对任意的逻辑门定义时延值,根据耦合电容大小以及信号跳变时差确定串扰效应的延时值,在模拟过程中删除波形传播中产生的实际不存在的窄脉冲。

    The simulator uses different gate-level delay models , and defines delay for any logic gates , and defines the crosstalk-induced delay according to the coupling capacitance and the signal transition distance . It can delete unpractical glitches generated by signal propagation in simulation .

  7. 任意要求RABS的门开启的干预在高级无菌工艺的背景下均是不可以接受的。

    Any intervention that requires the doors of the RABS to be opened is unacceptable within the context of advanced aseptic processing .