
  1. 日本CDMA终端芯片技术动向

    The Development of CDMA Terminal Chips Technology in Japan

  2. CDMA终端芯片设计是CDMA技术应用领域中一个具有重要实际应用价值和广阔应用前景的研究课题。

    The design of CDMA terminal chip is a very actual value and extensive application problem in the field of CDMA technology application .

  3. 为了保障TD产业链的健康发展,移动终端芯片的协议分析测试必不可少。

    In order to ensure the healthy development of TD industrial chain , protocol analysis for mobile terminal chip is indispensable .

  4. 通过两种通信网络的联合校验测试,来研究基于TD-LTE终端芯片的优化系统,并最终形成一套可使用的软件系统。

    A suit of software system is realized finally to study the optimization system of TD-LTE terminal chip by combining test of two communication networks .

  5. 移动终端芯片认证技术

    The research on mobile terminal chip authentication

  6. 一种安全终端芯片的体系结构设计

    System Architecture of A Security Terminal Unit

  7. 多模移动终端芯片设计

    Design of Multi-mode Mobile Terminal Chip

  8. 由于现有终端芯片的技术限制,该数据卡还需要一些完善的地方,这样才可以正式投入通信产品市场。

    Due to the technical limitation of existing terminal chip , this data card also needs to be further improved so that it can be put into communication product market .

  9. 个人移动信息终端RF芯片产品及其发展趋势

    The Trend in Development of RFIC for Personal Mobile Information Terminals

  10. SoC功率管理及其在TD-SCDMA终端基带芯片设计中的应用

    Soc power management and application in TD-SCDMA terminal base-band IC design

  11. 通过对金属微电子测试阵列和终端接口芯片XT-1的成品率仿真实例,对仿真系统进行了检验。这是迄今为止的第一个集成电路功能成品率仿真与设计系统。

    With the simulation results of a metal test structure layout and a terminal interface chip XT - 1 , the simulation system is checked .

  12. 终端厂商,芯片供应商对3G标准的倾向直接影响了移动用户对网络标准的选择。

    The attitude of terminal manufacturers and chip suppliers toward3G standards directly affects mobile users'selection of network standards .

  13. 文章分析了B3G技术可能的演进进程,在此基础上,对移动终端基带处理芯片进行了介绍,并探讨了多模移动终端基带处理芯片的关键技术。

    Based on the analysis of B3G evolution , base-band processing chips for mobile terminals are introduced . Key technologies for multi-mode mobile terminal base-band chips are discussed .

  14. 讨论了VDMOS功率器件的外延层结构,结终端技术,芯片背面多层金属化的优化设计理论与器件制造工艺技术;

    An optimization design for the structure of the epitaxial layer , the technique of end junctions , multi-layer metalization at the chip back and the manufacturing technique of the power devices VDMOS are described .

  15. 同时介绍一种用于实现H.324终端的处理器芯片8x8公司的LVP。

    At the same time , it also introduces a processor chip 8 + 8 for realizing the H. 324 Terminal , the chip of the company .

  16. 奇迹科技集团预期,它面向移动和无线终端市场的芯片销量增速将回落至中等个位数。

    Marvel expects its mobile and wireless end-market sales to fall in the mid-single digits .

  17. 该体系结构将可信的概念从接入扩展到了网络,同时可以兼容传统无线终端以及带有TPM芯片的无线终端的接入。

    The architecture extends the concept of trustworthy from the accessing to network .

  18. 但目前国内电力线宽带接入终端(基于Intellon51X1芯片)只提供MAC层管理接口,不支持网络管理协议,无法通过网络管理平台对接入终端进行管理。

    At present the BPL ( broadband over powerline ) terminal ( Intellon 51X1 ) only provide user management protocal on MAC layer without network management protocal interface , so we can not manage the BPL network terminal at the network management station .