
zhōnɡ diǎn fǎ
  • end-point method
  1. 方法以速率法代替终点法,并改进标准的配制方法。

    Methods Using kinetic method replace end-point method and improve normal compounding methods .

  2. 2004年我司开发研究再创新高&研制成功显色基质鲎试剂(终点法)。

    In2004 our company successfully developed the end point chromogenic reagent of TAL ( end-point method ) .

  3. 终点法荧光定量PCR检测HBV-DNA的临床应用

    Clinical application of endpoint detection of HBV-DNA by fluorescent quantitive PCR

  4. 目的运用终点法荧光定量PCR检测HBV-DNA,探讨其临床应用价值。

    Objective To investigate the clinical value of endpoint detection of HBV-DNA by means of fluorescent quantitive PCR .

  5. 方法采用终点法测定48例肝硬化患者血清GS的活性;

    Methods The activity of GS in48 liver cirrhosis patients was detected by endpoint method .

  6. 方法:用尿酸酶POD终点法,在全自动生化分析仪上测定血尿酸浓度。

    Methods : The level of uric acids was tested by biochemical auto analyzer with uric acid enzyme POD terminal method .

  7. 方法采用双试剂终点法测定UA。

    Methods The level of serum UA was determined by end point method of double reagent .

  8. 终点法测定NAG。

    NAG was determined with terminus .

  9. 结论终点法荧光定量PCR检测临床HBV-DNA标本稳定可靠,可作为荧光定量PCR的应用方法之一在基层医院推广应用。

    Conclusion Endpoint fluorescent quantitive PCR is a stable and reliable method on clinical HBV-DNA detecting . It can be widespread application in clinical laboratories as a replacement method of real time FQ-PCR .

  10. 本文介绍用两步终点法测定人血浆蛋白制品中PKA活性,方法简便易行,重复性好,CV平均为3.6%。

    The paper introduced that the prekallikrein activator ( PKA ) activity in human plasma protein products can be determined by two - stage endpoint method .

  11. 方法:采用金标法测定骨源性碱性磷酸酶(BALP)和终点法测定血清钙。

    Methods : Bone alkaline phosphatase ( BALP ) was detected using auri-labelling method and serum calcium using endpoint method .

  12. 电解KBr水溶液,使Pt阳极上电生成Br2,Br2与HAsO2定量反应,采用永停终点法确定库仑滴定终点。

    Electrolysis the potassium bromide solution , to make the platinum anode producing the Br_2 ; Br_2 reacting with HAsO_2quantitatively . confirming end point of the titration by the forever stop end point method ;

  13. 方法29例糖尿病肾病(DN)病人、36例无肾脏疾病的糖尿病(DM)病人,采用终点法检测UAER,酶法来检测GFR。

    Methods 29 patients with diabetic nephropathy ( DN ) and 36 patients with diabetes without nephropathy were selected , UAER was determined with two point end , GFR was determined with enzymatic .

  14. 方法在反应体系中加入分子信标探针,对13株副溶血性弧菌和其他细菌分别进行tdh基因实时和终点法荧光检测。

    Methods The tdh gene of 2 strains of Vibrio parahaemolyticus and 13 strains of other enteric pathogens was respectively amplified in the PCR reaction system containing a molecular beacon probe , and record the fluorescent value in the terminal of PCR and during the real time PCR .

  15. 血脂测定采用终点法(氧化酶法、直接测定法、免疫比浊法)。

    Blood lipid concentration was determined by endpoint method .

  16. 压电凝血反应频率指数衰减规律及最大曲率终点法的研究

    Exponential decay regularity of frequency and endpoint determination by maximal-curvature in piezoelectric coagulation

  17. 方法:终点法,速率法试验的结果分类加以讨论。

    Methods Every thing that can change the final results and rate were analysed .

  18. 脲酶的制备及终点法检测尿素氮试剂盒的配制

    Preparation of Urease and Prescription of Reagent for Determination of Urea by a Method of Ending

  19. 甘油三酯测定采用终点法/GPO-PAP法。

    Determining triglyceride by endpoint GPO-PAP .

  20. 方法:全自动分析、速率法、终点法、两点法。

    Methods : Automatic analysis , Rate assay , 1-Point assay and 2-Point assay were performed respectively .

  21. 改良双缩脲双试剂二点终点法测定血清总蛋白的研究与应用

    Investigation and application of measuring serum total protein by improving biuret double reagent through two point terminal method

  22. 方法:用电极法和终点法测定5种不同浓度标准,进行线性分析;

    Method : Using the electrodes and end reaction methods , the linearity of5 different concentration standards were analyzed .

  23. 目的建立压电凝血反应曲线拟合模型及最大曲率终点法判断反应终点。

    Objective To establish a curve fitting model and an endpoint determination by maximal-curvature for the reaction curve of piezoelectric coagulation analysis .

  24. 方法将单试剂双缩脲法改成双试剂,在全自动生化仪上采用二点终点法直接测定。

    Methods The single reagent biurea reaction was altered to the double reagent and direct determination was performed by using the two-end-point method on the automated biochemical analyzer .

  25. 以Fe2+对Cr2O27-进行库仑滴定,采用永停终点法确定库仑滴定终点,根据电解定律计算三氧化二铬含量。

    The end point of the titration is confirmed by the forever stop end point method . The content of Cr_2O_3 in chromium mineral is calculated based on the electrolyse law .

  26. 方法雄性正常成年鹌鹑,按常规方法饲养7~131d,饲养不同时间检测血清生化指标:血糖测定采用葡萄糖氧化酶终点法/GOD-PAP法;

    Methods To breed the normal male quails in compliance with conventional and then at different time to detect related biochemical indicators : determining blood sugar by glucose oxidase endpoint / GOD-PAP ;

  27. 方法对92例临床表现符合并经B超明确诊断为脂肪肝的患者采用酶动力学法及化学显色终点法,测定血清酶和脂类含量水平。

    Methods The levels of serum enzymes and the content of lipid were detected with enzyme kinetics and chemical coloration end point assay in 92 patients with fatty liver confirmed based on the clinical appearance and B ultrasonography .

  28. 石油产品总酸值、总碱值pH终点滴定法的改进

    Improvement Of pH End-Point Titration Method For The Total Acid And Total Alkaline Determination Of Petroleum Products

  29. 利用鸡胚终点稀释法对这8株NDV进行了克隆。

    They have been cloned by the method of limited-point dilution using chicken embryos .

  30. 针对用电位法滴定石油产品总酸、总碱含量时无明显滴定突跃点的情况,研究了用pH终点滴定法的可行性和可靠性。

    Since no obvious leap point can be observed when determine the total acid or total alkaline of petroleum products by potentiometric titration , the feasibility and reliability of pH end-point titration method are examined .