
  • 网络Solid polymer electrolyte;SPE;Solid Polymer Electrolyte-SPE
  1. 本实验采用溶液浇铸法制备了PVA-KOH-H2O基系列碱性固体聚合物电解质。

    Alkaline solid polymer electrolyte films , which composed of PVA-KOH-H2O series , were synthesized by a solution cast technique .

  2. PVA/Nb2O5复合碱性固体聚合物电解质的性能微波辐射下固相合成乙酰基二茂铁-DL-甘氨酸缩合物

    Performance of PVA / Nb_2O_5 based composite alkaline solid polymer electrolyte Solid Phase Synthesis of Acetyl Ferrocene-Glycine Condensate under Microwave Irradiation

  3. 固体聚合物电解质膜(SolidPolymerElectrolyteMembrane),简称SPEM,是指本身呈现固态却能像液态电解质一样传导离子的一类高分子膜材料。

    Solid Polymer Electrolyte Membrane ( for short SPEM ) is a kind of polymer material which can conduct ion just like liquid electrolyte .

  4. 溶胶&凝胶法制备杂化固体聚合物电解质P(AN-MMA)/SiO2的研究

    Study on Preparation of P ( AN-MMA ) / SiO_2 Hybrid Solid Polymer Electrolytes by Sol-Gel Method

  5. 固体聚合物电解质电解臭氧发生器中不同晶型PbO2阳极催化剂的特性

    Performance of PbO_2 Anode Catalysts on Solid Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Electrode Composite in Electrolytic Ozone Generators

  6. 通过电化学窗口等测试方法对电解质的性能进行测试,结果显示P(AN-MMA)/SiO2杂化固体聚合物电解质性能满足锂离子电池的需要。

    The electrochemical window of the electrolytes indicated that P ( AN-MMA ) / SiO2 hybrid solid polymer electrolyte meet the performance need of lithium-ion batteries .

  7. 固体聚合物电解质(SPE)电解池无碱电解,安全,电解效率高,使用寿命长,产氢纯度高,应用范围广泛。

    Solid polymer electrolyte ( SPE ) water electrolyzers possess the following advantages : absence of alkaline solution , safety , higher energy efficiency , long lifetime , highly pure hydrogen production and widespread use .

  8. 对固体聚合物电解质(SPE)气体扩散电极在臭氧中电势上升暂态的分析表明,在无共轭反应的情况下,电势的上升是臭氧还原对双电层的充电过程。

    Based on the analysis of the transient response of a solid-state polymer electrolyte ( SPE ) gas-diffusion electrode to ozone , the potential rise of the working electrode is identified to be the double layer charging process due to ozone reduction .

  9. 结合实例介绍了离子交换膜作为固体聚合物电解质(SPE)在有机电合成中的应用,扼要阐述了离子交换膜复合电极在有机电合成中的工作原理及技术要求,并指出了今后的发展方向。

    In this paper , the application of ion exchange membrane as solid polymer electrolytes ( SPE ) to electro-organic syntheses and the principle of the SPE method as well as the technique requirements are described . The research direction of the SPE method is pointed out .

  10. 基于超支化聚醚的固体聚合物电解质性能研究

    Properties of Solid Polymer Electrolytes based on Hyperbranched Polyether

  11. 锂离子蓄电池固体聚合物电解质研究进展

    Progress on solid polymer electrolyte for Li ion battery

  12. 复合固体聚合物电解质导电增强机制与导电模型

    The Conduction Mechanism and the Conduction Models of the Composite Solid Polymer Electrolytes

  13. 杂质离子对固体聚合物电解质水电解槽性能的影响

    Influence of impure ions on per for mance of solid polymer electrolyte water electrolyser

  14. 固体聚合物电解质燃料电池的研究

    A Study on Solid Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cell

  15. 固体聚合物电解质水电解池电极的优化研究

    Optimization of membrane electrodes for SPE water electrolysis

  16. 固体聚合物电解质在肉桂醇电化学氧化中的应用(Ⅰ)

    Application of SPE ( solid polymer electrolyte ) in electrooxidation of cinnamyl alcohol (ⅰ)

  17. 全氟磺酸固体聚合物电解质电容式湿度传感器

    Perfluorosulfonic Solid Polymer Electrolyte Capacitor Humidity Sensor

  18. 水的生成与排出之间的平衡对于固体聚合物电解质燃料电池的成功运行特别重要。

    The proper balance between water production and removal is particularly important for successfully operating solid-polymer-electrolyte fuel cells .

  19. 固体聚合物电解质具有质轻、安全、易加工等优点,在锂离子电池中具有极大的应用价值。

    Solid polymer electrolyte ( SPE ) has great potential for application in Li ion battery due to its advantages , such as light weight , high safety , excellent visco-elasticity , membrane formability and easy processing .

  20. 锂离子二次电池作为目前广泛应用的一种高性能二次电池,正在朝着能量密度更高、使用更安全的全固态聚合物电池(聚合物正极+固体聚合物电解质+金属锂负极)方向发展。

    As a widely applied high-powered chargeable battery , lithium ion secondary batteries are developed into pure solid state polymer battery ( polymer cathode , solid polymer electrolyte and lithium anode ) with higher energy density and better safety performance .

  21. 质子交换膜燃料电池(protonexchangemembranefuelcell,PEMFC)由全氟磺酸膜型固体聚合物为电解质,高担量Pt为电催化剂,以及多孔结构的扩散层构成。

    Proton exchange membrane fuel cell ( PEMFC ) was composed of the whole fluorine sulfonic acid membrane for electrolyte solid polymer , the high load amount Pt was the electric catalyst , and diffusion layer was formed in porous structure .

  22. 比较了液体电解质、固体电解质和固体聚合物电解质NOx电化学传感器的优缺点,指出基于固体聚合物电解质和气体扩散电极而制备的电化学NOx传感器将成为未来NOx电化学传感器开发的热点。

    Aim at comparing the nitrogen oxides ( NOx ) chemical sensors of liquid electrolyte , solid electrolyte and solid polymeter electrolyte . It is pointed out that electrochemical NOx sensors based on solid polymeter electrolyte and gas diffusion electrode will become the most promising in the future development .

  23. 薄膜与新型固体电解质传感器固体聚合物电解质电容式湿度传感器

    Thin-and New Type Solid Electrolyte Sensor Solid polymer electrolyte capacitor humidity sensor