
  • 网络field analysis
  1. 实验结果表明,这个方法仪器简单、小型,既可以应用于在线实时监测,也适用于野外分析。

    Results showed that the proposed method was applicable to both on-line real-time monitoring and field analysis .

  2. 小型金属氢化物储存净化器适于野外分析、标准频标氢原子钟和气相色谱仪等测试仪器及燃料电池的氢气源。

    The small-scale devices are suitable for the hydrogen source of open-air analysis , hydrogen atom clocks , fuel cells and testing instruments such as gaseous phase chromatographs .

  3. 这样的PCR芯片可以使系统微型化,可以很方便地应用在医疗诊断、野外生化分析等领域。

    With the PCR biochip , a miniaturized analyzing system can be realized for PCR , and it can be very expediently applied to the medical , environment analysis in outdoor .

  4. 通过ETM卫星影像和野外考察分析了工程引水隧洞线路区断层的空间分布及活动特征。

    Through ETM and exploring in site , analyze the distribution and the activity of active faults , evluate faults influences on the stability of deeply buried long tunnel .

  5. DO野外简易分析法的研究研究了S.E。

    Study of Simple Field Analytical Model of DO The method of S.E.

  6. 不同利用方式下沙地土壤凝结水变化规律野外试验分析

    Field Test on Change Law of Sandy Soil Condensation Water in Different Lands

  7. 锡石野外快速分析法在地质找矿中的应用

    Application method of cassiterite field high speed analysis on geology and looking for minerals

  8. 砷的野外快速分析方法&氢化物发生-光导分光光度法

    Rapid Field Method for Arsenic Analysis & Determination of Arsenic by Hydride Generation-Fibre-Optic Spectrophotometry

  9. DO野外简易分析法的研究

    Study of Simple Field Analytical Model of DO

  10. 结合已知矿点和野外验证分析,圈定了四处找煤有利区域。

    Four advantageous coal mineralization regions are circled through combining the known mineralization points and field confirmation analysis .

  11. 对比野外采样分析测试结果,对水库周边的土壤侵蚀与养分流失状况进行了较为系统深入的研究。

    Compared with test result of field sample , soil erosion conditions of this reservoir surrounding areas were deeply studied .

  12. 地质灾害评估成果是多种地质背景资料及野外调查分析资料的综合反映,信息种类繁多,使得编图工程量十分繁重。

    The result of geological calamity dangerous assessment is a whole reflection which based on various geological datum and field investigation and analysis .

  13. 根据前人的研究成果和野外观察分析了唐山地震区的地貌格局,结合唐山地震区的液化现象,对液化和地貌之间的关系进行了初步的讨论。

    Based on the earlier research works and the field investigation , the relationship between soil liquefaction and landforms in Tangshan region is discussed .

  14. 航空遥感技术、地面土壤盐分探测技术、实验室和野外光谱分析技术与地面土壤盐分测试数据相结合进行土壤盐渍化监测极具发展潜力。

    Airborne remote sensing and ground-based electromagnetic induction meters and laboratory and field spectrometers , combined with ground soil salinity data , have shown potential for monitoring soil salinization .

  15. 基于野外变形分析与断层滑动矢量构造应力场反演,初步确定了六盘山盆地形成与构造演化历史。

    Based on the field analysis of deformation and stress field inversion from fault slip data , the formation and tectonic evolution history of the Liupanshan basin has been preliminarily established .

  16. 采用室内原状土矿化培养法和野外采样分析的方法分别对土壤氮矿化和矿质氮的动态进行研究。

    And we applied lab incubation method to incubate primary soil samples and the method of collecting and analyzing soil samples to study soil nitrogen mineralization and dynamics of soil mineralized nitrogen , respectively .

  17. 泥石流源区广泛分布着砾石土,从野外观察分析和理论计算可知,泥石流源区产流是由于土体强度降低的结果。

    There is widely distributed gravelly soil in triggering area of debris flow . From the observation , analysis and calculation , it is found that triggering of debris flow results from soil strength reduction .

  18. 通过白菜盆栽试验及野外调查分析,研究了亚硫酸铵制浆造纸黑液对土壤性状及白菜产量、品质的影响。

    This paper makes a study on the influences of black liquor of papermaking with ammonium sulfite pulp on the properties and cabbage 's output and quality based on the cabbage 's pot experiments and field investigation .

  19. 针对野外现场分析的要求,选择了微珠比色、微量滴定和蛋膜富集比色三项技术,拟定了30个痕量(或次量、主量)元素的40个分析方法;

    In allusion to the need of elemental analysis in the field , three techniques of microbead colorimetry , micro titrimetry and eggshell membrane enrichment colorimetry have been established and forty analytical methods for thirty elements based on these three techniques were studied .

  20. 主要研究成果表现在如下两大方面:1.海口市海防林现状及评价(1)野外调查分析结果表明:海口市目前主要的海防林有海岸天然红树林及海岸人工防护林。

    The main results as follows : 1.The status and assessment of the coastal shelterbelt in Haikou ( 1 ) Mangrove forests and artificial coastal shelter forests were the main coastal shelterbelts of Haikou , mainly including casuarina forest , and some casuarina / coconut mixed forest .

  21. 采用高灵敏度野外X荧光分析系统,对四川会理小青山铜矿进行了勘探。

    A high sensitivity X-ray fluorescence analyzer for fieldwork is presented .

  22. 高灵敏度野外X荧光分析系统及其在铜矿勘探中的应用

    A fieldwork high-sensitivity X-ray fluorescence analysis system and its application on exploration of copper mine

  23. 借助野外调查采样分析和GIS技术进行福建省荔城区季节性蔬菜地综合环境质量评价。

    Based on the technologies of field investigation , soil sampling , analysis and GIS , the multiple environmental qualities of seasonal vegetable fields in Licheng county , Fujian province were evaluated .

  24. 在实地调查与筛选的基础上,采用野外采样系统分析法对湖南省郴州柿竹园铅锌矿区周边9种优势植物物种的重金属(Cu、Cd、Pb、Zn)积累特性进行了初步研究。

    Based on field investigation and filtration , preliminary research on accumulative characteristics of heavy metals " Cu , Cd , Pb and Zn " in nine predominant plant species growing in Hunan Chenzhou Pb - Zn Mining Area was carried out .

  25. 基于相互垂直的2条5km长的样线的野外调查,分析了鄂尔多斯高原东南部地区沙地草地的景观现状。

    The landscape condition of the sandy grassland in southeast of Ordos Plateau was analyzed based on the data from field investigation along two intercepting 5 km transects .

  26. 金的野外现场快速分析方法探讨

    A discussion on in situ field rapid analysis method for gold

  27. 通过大量野外调查,分析了花岗岩残积土质边坡的特性。

    Through many field investigations , characteristics of granite residual soil slopes are analyzed .

  28. 食管癌放射野外新病灶分析

    New focuses outside radiation fields of esophageal carcinoma

  29. 总结了金的野外现场快速分析方法及其应用效果。

    The rapid analysis of gold in the field and its application to mining are summarized .

  30. 野外观察及分析结果表明:组成废矿堆的岩石主要是赋矿围岩中奥陶统黑色页岩和原生碳酸锰矿石。

    Field observations and analysis indicate that the main materials of the waste rock dump are the host rock Middle Ordovician black shale and primary carbonate manganese ore.