
yě xìnɡ nán xùn
  • 熟语untamable
  1. 贝内迪克特小时候野性难驯,年轻时又爱与人争吵。

    Benedict had been a wild boy and a quarrelsome young man .

  2. 我从没有想到过,我家的可人的小猫咪会变得这般野性难驯。

    I have never thought my little lovely cat can become feral like this .

  3. 而且他们不再野性难驯,而是完全放弃了自己的远古生活习性,因为它们已经生活在一种完美平静的幸福中。

    They are no longer wild and have completely lost their primitive instinct for survival , as they live in perfect peace happiness .

  4. 她想,自从春月带着翰林那个野性难驯的外孙女回来以后,这几个月尽是灾难。

    Disaster , she thought , had been coming for months , ever since Spring Moon returned with that incorrigible grandchild of Hanlin .

  5. 巴克和商州野狼虽然野性难驯,但都代表了强悍的生命力,它们有着相似的人性化感情。

    Though it is not easy to tame the wild nature of Buck and the wild wolves in Shan Zhou , they represent the strong vitality . They have similar humanized emotions .