
  • 网络Buffalo Bill;WILD BILL
  1. 看起来像是野牛比尔干的。

    It 's a Buffalo Bill situation .

  2. 他与野牛比尔有什么关联吗?

    Is there some connection between him and Buffalo Bill maybe ?

  3. 要他协助破野牛比尔的案子,长官?

    To get his help on Buffalo bill , sir ?

  4. 你知道他为什么叫野牛比尔吗?

    Do you know why he 's called buffalo bill ?

  5. 时年19岁的大公爵玩得很开心,尤其是那场他亲身经验的疯狂驿马车之行(前有六匹野马拉车,后有野牛比尔操控缰绳);

    The Grand Duke , who was19 , had a great time , especially when he went on a mad ride in a stagecoach behind six wild horses with Buffalo Bill holding the reins .

  6. 在这部影片中,克拉丽丝是一名年轻的联邦调查局见习特工(由茱迪·福斯特饰演),他向正在服役的汉尼拔博士寻求建议,他想从他身上了解另一名杀人恶魔,名叫“野牛比尔”。

    In the film , Clarice Starling , a young FBI trainee played by Jodie Foster , seeks the advice of the imprisoned Dr. Lecter to apprehend another serial killer , known only as " Buffalo Bill . "

  7. 当“野牛”比尔的“西大荒”表演在美国巡回演出时,包括印第安酋长卧牛在内的许多美洲原住民参加了演出,许多人赶来一睹这位昔日的大敌。

    When Buffalo Bill , began touring the US with his Wild West show , the chief Sitting Bull was one of many Native Americans in it , and many people went to see this former great enemy .

  8. 在左边还要高一些的地方,是一处被叫做野牛坟或比尔坟的高地,它几乎就是南威塞克斯的最高点,迎天耸立,四周被土沟围绕着。

    Still higher , on their left , the elevation called Bulbarrow or Bealbarrow , well-nigh the highest in South Wessex , swelled into the sky , engirdled by its earthen trenches .