
ɡuì fù rén
  • noblewoman;grande dame;woman of rank
  1. 她把自己打扮成一位贵妇人。

    She was dressed up as a lady of high society .

  2. 鲜花、糖果和珠宝看来是那些贵妇人的主要兴趣所在

    Flowers , candy , jewelry , seemed the principal things in which the elegant dames were interested .

  3. 1892年,《贵妇人运动手册》(TheGentlewoman'sBookofSport)描述了一位女士穿着厚重的连衣裙、靴子、帽子、手套,手持雨伞游泳。

    In 1892 , The Gentlewoman 's Book of Sport described a woman swimming in a heavy dress , boots , hat , gloves and carrying an umbrella .

  4. 女主人完完全全像贵妇人一样高雅。

    The hostess is every whit as elegant as a lady .

  5. 当那些贵妇人到达的时候他讲话斯文了些。

    When the ladies arrived , he toned down his language .

  6. 天公终于勉强把我造成一位贵妇人。

    Providence has made me a lady after a fashion .

  7. 贵妇人也有个女儿,和乔安娜同岁。

    The rich lady had a daughter of Joanna 's own age .

  8. 一个被当作贵妇人贴身侍从的女仆。

    A maid who is a lady 's personal attendant .

  9. 那个贵妇人在起居室养了一只宠物猪。

    The rich lady raises a pet pig in her living room .

  10. 里面的东西全是成打的,还有一些和贵妇人衣料一样的绸缎衣服。

    Everything by the dozen , and silk gowns like a lady .

  11. 贵妇人轻蔑地点一点头,将她的女仆打发走了。

    The lady dismissed her maid with a disdainful nod .

  12. 像是喝疗养地矿泉水的老年贵妇人中的一员。

    Like one of those old dowagers taking the waters .

  13. 你的举止该象个贵妇人的样子!

    Such behavior does not fit a noble lady !

  14. 一天,一个衣着华丽的贵妇人去拜访一处人家。

    One day , a dignified lady in splendid dress visited a home .

  15. 她打扮得像一位公爵夫人(贵妇人)。

    She has got herself up like a duchess .

  16. 第二章从场景角度分析《贵妇人画像》中的戏剧化。

    The Second Chapter analyzes the scenes in The Portrait of a Lady .

  17. 镜头慢慢转向坐在角落里的那位贵妇人。

    The camera panned slowly across to the lady sitting in the corner .

  18. 因此,很长一段时间里,我待所有女人如贵妇人。

    So for a long time I went through life treating women like ladies .

  19. 她是既镇静又紧张的,既有求知欲又似顺从的贵妇人。

    She is both poised and uptight , both intellectually curious and submissively ladylike .

  20. 她喜爱装扮贵妇人。

    She loves to play the grand lady .

  21. 她看起来像一位楚楚动人的贵妇人。

    She looks like a lovely woman .

  22. 人们也不再认为妇女参加体育不是贵妇人的表现。

    People do not think it is unladylike for a woman to compete in sports .

  23. 她的确是一位贵妇人。

    She is quite a lady .

  24. 她喜爱装扮贵妇人.他装扮成一个小贩。

    She loves to play the grand lady . He rigged himself out as a peddler .

  25. 说实话,他丝毫也不像贵妇人养的狗;

    Sooth to say , he was as unlike a lady 's dog as might be ;

  26. 贵妇人便唤仆人,快端出盘肉饼给这个人看看。

    Gentlewoman calls out lackey , swift end gives dish of hamburger to look to this individual .

  27. 说到底,她仍是一位温文尔雅、礼貌可嘉的守旧派的贵妇人。

    She was , to the end , a gentlewoman of the old school , gracious and mannerly .

  28. 这所学校很幸运,因为有一个贵妇人捐献了10000元的参考书。

    The school is sitting pretty because a wealthy woman gave it $ 10,000 worth of reference books .

  29. 萨姆是个个睡鲜明、挺受妇女人青睐的男人。女主人完完全全像贵妇人一样高雅。

    Sam is a real tough cat man . The hostess is every whit as elegant as a lady .

  30. 两个贵妇人同乘一辆出租车讨论去哪里消费。

    Two rich ladies were sharing a taxi and talking about the high cost of going anywhere by taxi .