
  1. “这件事很突然”,贾小军回忆。

    " It was a very sudden thing ," Jia recalled .

  2. 起初,贾小军在北京找了份保险代理人的工作,虽然很成功,但他依然感觉这并不是他想要的生活。

    Initially , Jia got job as an insurance agent in Beijing and although he was successful he still felt like he was not pursuing his passions .

  3. 然而事情突然有了转机:贾小军的同学告诉他北京电影学院正在举办业余培训班,无论是否有专业背景,都可以到那里学习。

    However , things began to change one day when Jia 's classmate told him that the Beijing Film Academy was recruiting part-time students regardless of their background .

  4. 贾小军目前是一位自由电视及电影配音演员,对他来说这不仅仅是份工作,更是儿时梦想的实现。

    His current work as a freelance television and movie dubber is more than just a job to Jia , it is the fruition of a childhood dream .

  5. “我爱这份工作,可它并不轻松”,贾小军坦言。“忙的时候,我必须在一天之中奔波于五个不同的录音棚。”

    " I love it , but it 's not an easy job ," Jia admitted . " On busy days , I have to go to as many as five different recording studios a day . "