
  • 网络dowager;Lady dowager;grandmother jia
  1. “贾母虽年老,却极有兴头。”

    " In spite of her age , the lady Dowager looked forward to any excitement . "

  2. “次日起来,省过贾母,因往王夫人处来”

    " The next morning , after paying her respects to the lady dowager , Daiyu went to lady wang 's apartments . "

  3. 从贾母所定择偶标准看其开明婚姻观&兼论林黛玉婚姻悲剧产生的原因

    On Mother JIA 's Liberal Views on Marriage & From the Spouse Standards She Set for JIA Bao-yu

  4. 第二、三章重点研究贾母的交际语言,第四章重点研究贾母的领导语言。

    Chapter two and three focused on JiaMu 's communication language , Chapter four focused on JiaMu 's leadership language .

  5. “王夫人本是好清净的,见贾母回来也就回来了”

    " And lady wang , who liked peace and quiet , returned too after her mother-in-law 's departure . "

  6. 贾母笑道:“可又是胡说,你又何曾见过他?”

    " You 're talking nonsense again ," said his grandmother , laughing . " How could you possibly have met her ?"

  7. 当下茶果已撤,贾母命两个老嬷嬷带了黛玉去见两个母舅。

    Now the refreshments were cleared away and the Lady Dowager ordered two nurses to take Daiyu to see her two uncles .

  8. “这熙凤携着黛玉的手,上下细细打谅了一回,仍送至贾母身边坐下。”

    " Xifeng took her hand and carefully inspected her from head to foot , then led her back to her seat by the lady dowager . "

  9. 然而,从贾母为贾宝玉所定择偶标准来看,她的婚姻观是相当开明的,从未限制过某人的自由。

    However , Mother JIA 's views on marriage were quite liberal from the spouse standards she set for JIA Bao-yu , for she had never limited somebody 's freedom .

  10. 宝玉为舅舅过生日,特穿上贾母送他的一件俄罗斯人用孔雀毛线织成的毛氅去赴宴。

    For the special occasion of his uncle 's birthday party , baoyu puton a very unique Russian-made cloak woven with threads from peacock feather , a gift from his grandmother .

  11. “每日或饭后,或晚间,薛姨妈便过来,或与贾母闲谈,或与王夫人相叙.”

    " Every day after lunch or in the evening , Aunt Xue would walk over to chat with the Lady Dowager or to talk over the old day swith her sister . "

  12. “贾母又与了一个荷包并一个金魁星,取”“文星和合”“之意.”字母(及其组合),贱金属制(不包括打印机和打字机的活字)

    The Lady Dowager 's gift was a purse containing a small golden effigy of the God of Learning symbolizing literary talent and harmony . letter ( and sets there of ), of base metal ( excl. printers ' and typewriter type )

  13. “因东边宁府中花园内梅花盛开,贾珍之妻尤氏乃治酒,请贾母,邢夫人,王夫人等赏花.”

    " As the plum blossom was now in full bloom in the Ning Mansion 's garden , Jia Zhen 's wife Madam You invited the Lady Dowager , Lady Xing , Lady Wang and the others to a party to enjoy the flowers . "