
  • 网络People's Choice Awards;Peoples Choice Awards;People's Choice Awards, USA;People's Choice Awards,USA
  1. 今年是美国人民选择奖的第38个年头!粉丝们,赶快为你喜欢的电影和演员投上你宝贵的一票吧!

    This year marks the38th anniversary of the People 's Choice Awards , and you , the fans , can vote for all your favorites .

  2. 昨日,备受离婚事件困扰的凯蒂佩里发微博说自己不会出席1月11号在洛杉矶举行的美国人民选择奖颁奖典礼。

    Katy Perry tweeted yesterday shell no longer be attending the Peoples Choice Awards in Los Angeles Jan. 11 .