
  • wild shot
  1. 这种策略,你可能会在人们在防守一名中学主力球员的时候见到,甚至是在野球场上,但绝不是在NBA比赛中。

    It was the type of scheme you might expect to see against a dominant middle school player , or even out on the playground , but not in an NBA contest .

  2. 我记得他一开始也是在街上踢野球。

    Wayne 's the last of the street players which I can remember .

  3. 学习内野球规则--它会让你了解人生。

    Learn the infield fly rule : this will give you a good perspective on life .

  4. 不难想象,如果一只野球发现自己被关在辛辛那堤市一个13岁小破孩的卧室的玻璃缸里,那种打击是什么样的。

    It is not hard to imagine the shock of a wild snake that finds itself in an aquarium in the bedroom of a13-yearold in Cincinnati .

  5. 无论是休赛期在家中、野球场上、还是场下的各项活动,詹皇都把洛杉矶这座世界娱乐之都视为他个人帝国的首都。

    Whether it was through his offseason home , pickup games or his many off-court ventures , King James has the entertainment capital of the world serve as the capital for his personal global empire .

  6. 有时我会去我家旁边的球场打野球,每次我都会在投篮的时候喊一句:“科比!”

    Sometimes I 'd go to this court by my house where guys would play pickup , and every time I 'd shoot the ball , I 'd literally yell out , " KOBE ! "