
bǔ shǒu
  • catcher;wicketkeeper
捕手[bǔ shǒu]
  1. 这名捕手不会很担心他发炎红肿的右手肘。

    The catcher isn 't too concerned about an inflamed right elbow .

  2. 但是现在这个问题有了解决方案:那就是雾捕手。

    But that problem now has a solution : the fog catcher .

  3. 他是个私家捕手,你是个警长。

    He 's a bounty hunter . you 're a sheriff .

  4. 我并不期望哪个独行捕手会赏识这警徽。

    I wouldn 't expect no bounty hunter to appreciate this badge .

  5. 这名老经验的捕手很喜欢他看到的一切。

    So far the veteran catcher likes what he sees .

  6. 他们怎么可以因为我块头大,就要我当捕手?

    How can they make me catcher just because I am big ?

  7. 真紧张啊,甘看了看捕手的暗号。

    Looking nervous , gam watches the catcher 's signs .

  8. 女捕手安戈琳娜。约翰逊说。

    " And women ," said Chaser Angelina Johnson .

  9. 影评人对巨人捕手杰克的褒贬不一。

    Jack the Giant Slayer has received a mixed response from film critics .

  10. 任务:打开蛇捕手的包装盒;

    TASK : Open the snake catcher 's box ;

  11. 捕手的护胸能减轻球的冲力。

    The catcher 's chest protector cushions the blow .

  12. 洋基也提供其他六名捕手非正式名单的春训邀请。

    The Yankees are bringing six other catchers to camp on non-roster invitations .

  13. 贾斯帕站在他身后几英尺的地方,作为另一队的捕手。

    Jasper stood several feet behind him , catching for the other team .

  14. 捕手把球还给投手。

    The catcher returned the ball to the pitcher .

  15. 我可以抓很多只苍蝇,我是最好的苍蝇捕手!

    I can catch lots of flies ! I am the best fly catcher !

  16. 淘气的外表下掩藏的是它们作为英国头等捕手的身份。

    Their mischievous appearance belies their status as one of Britain 's top predators .

  17. 他仔细的看了看捕手的暗号。

    He watches the catcher 's signs carefully .

  18. 现在,我是一位捕手。

    Right now , I 'm a catcher .

  19. 约翰算不上是最好的捕手,但也算得上是优秀的。

    John didn 't measure up to the best catchers , but he was a good one .

  20. 捕手要投手投出一个远球,以看看他们是否能捉到盗垒的人。

    The catcher wanted the pitcher to pitchout and see if they could catch the runner stealing .

  21. 对于间谍捕手们来说,他们有了完美的窃听和跟踪仪器,目标还会好心地使之持续供电。

    For spycatchers , these are ideal bugging and tracking devices , which the target kindly keeps powered up .

  22. 接球员,捕手接球的人,尤指位于本垒之后发出信号并接球的棒球选手。

    One that catches , especially the baseball player positioned behind home plate who signals for and receives pitches .

  23. 我最喜欢的电影是“心灵捕手”。不要浪费我们汲取知识的天赋才能。

    My favorite movie is " good will hunting . " don 't waste our talents for acquiring knowledge .

  24. 他将自己的名字改成弗雷德里克·道格拉斯以隐藏自己的身份逃避奴隶捕手的追捕。

    When Frederick Bailey reached New York he changed his name to Frederick Douglass to hide his identity from slave capturers .

  25. 我本想看《心灵捕手》来解释心中的苦闷,但却看到我前方不同的道路。

    I just wanted to watch the movie , Good Will Hunting , to acknowlege myself the glom of my heart .

  26. 在《麦田捕手》故事开始时,霍尔顿又一次被一所寄宿学校开除。

    At the beginning of The Catcher in the Rye , Holden has just been kicked out of yet another boarding school .

  27. 上面也有一些消闲照片,其中之一是他穿着棒球服正在用捕手手套抓向棒球。

    It also has photos from playful times , like ones of him wearing a baseball uniform and catching a ball with a mitt .

  28. 然而名利遥不可及,这时他们创作了电影《心灵捕手》的剧本,并亲自担任剧中主角,最终一举获得奥斯卡最佳剧本奖。

    When that wasn 't forthcoming , they wrote and starred in Good Will Hunting , which won a Best Screenplay Oscar for the pair .

  29. 实际上,我想读几句台词给你们听,读些麻省理工校报上《心灵捕手》影评选段给你们听。

    In fact I 'd like to read you some actual lines , some selected passages , from the review of Good Will Huntingin the MIT school paper .

  30. 拇指问题:洋基先发与后援捕手现在都受伤了,让洋基先发补手原先预期上场的时间提早了。

    Thumbs down : Injuries have now struck both the Yankees ' starting and backup catchers , pushing starter Jorge Posada back to action a little sooner than previously expected .