
  1. 结果表明,无论是地体麻粒岩还是捕虏体麻粒岩,岩石中的主要组成矿物均含有结构水,主要以OH形式存在。

    The results show that all these minerals can contain some water in the manner of OH .

  2. 捕虏晶发育的环状裂隙、扭折带、矿物成分环带以及捕虏晶与主岩Mg值之间的不平衡均暗示它们为玄武质岩浆上升捕获的早期岩浆晶出矿物的堆晶体。

    The circle cracks , kink bands , composition zoning , and equilibrium of Mg # values between olivine xenocrysts and host basalts imply that the xenocrysts could be the earlier magmatic cumulate caught by the host basaltic magmas .

  3. 北部湾涠洲岛南湾火山砂岩捕虏体光释光(OSL)测年结果

    OSL dating of a sandstone Xenolith in the volcanic rocks of the Nanwan volcano , Weizhou island , Beibu Bay

  4. 捕虏体麻粒岩锆石U-Pb年龄和铪同位素:华北地块下地壳的形成与再造

    The U-Pb Dating Ages and Hf Isotopic Compositions of Zircon from Various Granulitic Xenoliths : The Formation and Reworking of the Lower Crust Beneath the North China

  5. 大兴安岭捕虏体与中国东北其它地区橄榄岩捕虏体具有相似的Sr-Nd,Re-Os同位素组成。

    The xenoliths from the Great Xing ' an Range show similar Sr-Nd , Re-Os isotopic compositions with other places in the northeast China peridotite xenoliths .

  6. 不同产状角闪石矿物化学成分的差异和温压估算结果显示,榴辉岩类捕虏体经历了一个顺时针的P-T演化轨迹,进而反映了中生代早期华北克拉通东部造山作用的存在。

    Mineral chemistry and P-T estimation results of the amphiboles of different occurrences indicate that the eclogite xenoliths were subjected to a clockwise P-T evolutional path , implying that an orogenic event happened in the eastern part of the North China Craton in the early Mesozoic .

  7. 我国陆上最深的钻井&塔参1井,井深7200m,其底部钻遇的是一分布有闪长岩捕虏体的花岗闪长岩体。

    Tacan 1 (" TC1 " for short ) located at the central part of Tarim Basin is 7200m in depth , the deepest well in China . It revealed granite and diorite at the bottom .

  8. 地幔流体作用&地幔捕虏体中流体包裹体的研究

    Fluid inclusions in Mantle Xenoliths : evidences for FLUID-INVOLVED mantle processes

  9. 河北阳原新生代玄武岩中橄榄岩捕虏体的含水量研究

    Water Content of Peridotite Xenoliths from Cenozoic Basalt in Yangyuan , Hebei Province

  10. 上述捕虏体均与寄主玄武岩无成因关系。

    No original relation was found between the xenoliths and the host basalt .

  11. 中国几个地方的石榴石二辉橄榄岩捕虏体研究

    Study on garnet lherzolite xenoliths from eastern China

  12. 中国东部新生代碱性玄武岩及幔源捕虏体中的流体组成

    The Composition of the Fluids in Alkali Basalts and Mantle-Derived Xenoliths in Eastern China

  13. 徐淮地区镁铁质岩石捕虏体单斜辉石中石榴石和石英的出溶

    Garnet and Quartz Exsolutions in Clinopyroxenes of Mafic Rock Xenoliths from Xuzhou-Northern Anhui Province

  14. 长白山地区幔源捕虏体的硫化物相及其演化

    Sulfide Phases and Their Evolution in Mantle Xenoliths from Changbaishan Mountain District in China

  15. 中国东部岩石圈地幔的演化&地幔岩捕虏体微量元素的证据

    Evolution of mantle lithosphere beneath the eastern China ── trace element evidence from peridotite xenoliths

  16. 浙江新昌地幔岩捕虏体中的硫化物包裹体初步研究

    A Study of Sulfide Inclusions of the Mantle Xenoliths from Xinchang , Zhejiang , China

  17. 捕虏体麻粒岩是了解下地壳形成和演化的重要样品。

    Granulite xenoliths are important samples for understanding the formation and evolution of the lower crust .

  18. 徐州-宿州地区中生代闪长质岩石中存在丰富的榴辉岩类捕虏体。

    Abundant eclogite xenoliths are found in Mesozoic dioritic rocks from Xuzhou-Suzhou area , central China .

  19. 榴辉岩类捕虏体的地球化学特征及其构造意义&来自徐淮地区中生代侵入杂岩中的信息

    Geochemical Characteristics of Eclogite Xenoliths in Mesozoic Intrusive Complex from Xu-Huai Area and Its Tectonic Significance

  20. 深源捕虏晶;

    Deep - seated xenocryst ;

  21. 收缩构造变形、火成岩构造组合和下地壳岩石捕虏体3个独立证据提出陆壳的构造加厚;

    Crustal tectonic thickening based on evidence from contractional deformation , igneous rock assemblages and lower crustal xenoliths ;

  22. 辉石岩类捕虏体是由该母岩浆高压分离结晶堆积的产物。

    The pyroxenite xenoliths could be accumulates of the high - pressure fractional crystallization of the parental magma .

  23. 徐淮地区中生代深部地壳的物质组成及热状态&深源捕虏体证据

    Composition and thermal state of Mesozoic deep crust in Xu-Hui area : evidence from deep - seated xenoliths

  24. 辽西中生代晚期岩石圈地幔的性质:来自玄武岩和地幔捕虏体的证据

    Nature of Late Mesozoic lithospheric mantle in western Liaoning province : evidences from basalt and the mantle-derived xenoliths

  25. 徐州-宿州地区榴辉岩类捕虏体中角闪石的结构、矿物化学及成因意义

    Amphiboles in Eclogite Xenoliths from Xuzhou-Suzhou area , central china & texture , mineral chemistry and Their Tectonic Implications

  26. 火成岩中的麻粒岩相捕虏体研究新进展及其对认识地壳生长与演化的意义

    Progress in the study of GRANULITIC-FACIES xenoliths scavenged in igneous rocks and its implications for crustal growth and evolution

  27. 伊通上地幔剪切带捕虏体中富铝尖晶石的地球化学特征

    Geochemical Characteristics of the Aluminum-Enriched Spinels in Xenoliths from the Upper Mantle Shear Belt in Yitong , Northeastern China

  28. 徐&淮地区早侏罗世侵入杂岩中单斜辉石岩捕虏体的矿物组合及演化

    Mineral Assemblages and Their Evolution of Clinopyroxenite Xenolith in Early Jurassic Intrusive Complex from Xu-Huai Region , Central China

  29. 捕虏体可见于许多层位,并局部可见到冲刷和其他侵蚀特征。

    Xenoliths are found at numerous horizons , and locally there is evidence of scour and other erosional features .

  30. 岩体中捕虏体甚多,接触交代作用不明显。花岗质岩石具似斑状结构,钾长石斑晶分布极不均匀。

    There arc many xenolithes in granite body and the contact-metasomatic action is not evident between granite and wall rocks .