
  1. 大多数Web应用程序都遵循相同的模式:通过HTML表单捕捉信息,然后将它们提交到服务器端资源以进行处理。

    Most Web applications follow the same pattern : capture information via HTML forms and submit them to a server-side resource for handling .

  2. 如何捕捉信息流,这令所有拍摄与编程有关的导演都感到头疼。南加州大学电影教授史蒂夫·F·安德森(SteveF.Anderson)专门研究如何电影中如何呈现技术。

    Capturing the flow of data has bedeviled every filmmaker who 's ever made a movie about programming , said Steve F. Anderson , a film professor at the University of Southern California who studies depictions of technology on screen .

  3. 在兼职中让我自己的思维变得灵活,捕捉信息能力更强,具备锐利的目光。

    Let my own thought become nimble in concurrent post , catch the information ability is stronger , have Hawkeye .

  4. 剩下的工作就是捕捉信息表单以及将服务器端与表单连接起来。

    All that 's left is a way to capture the information a form and a way to tie the server side and the form together .

  5. 网络的出现,改变了传统模式下图书馆的信息传递方式,它使人们获取知识、捕捉信息的能力突破了时间和空间的限制。

    The appearance of electric network changes the traditional ways of transmitting information . It makes people get knowledge and people ' ability of getting information breakthrough the time and space limitation .

  6. 另外,要培养学生善于捕捉信息、及时回输信息,这样才能提高教学效果,培养学生的综合能力。

    In addition , it is necessary to train students to be good at capturing information and turn back information , so as to improve teaching effectively and develop the comprehensive ability of students .

  7. 运动员要获胜就必须在进攻、防守、还击、反还击的不断变化过程中,比对手捕捉信息更有效、判断更准确、反应更及时、动作更迅速。

    If the athletes want to win , they have to capture information more effectively than competitors , to determine more accurately , to response more timely , the action more quickly in attack , defense , fight back , and fight back against the ever-changing process .

  8. 下一节将描述如何从STAB和DWARF部分中捕捉调试信息。

    The following section describes how the debug information can be captured from STAB and DWARF sections .

  9. 在VAX/VMS上捕捉输出信息的方法

    Mays of Capturing Output Information on VAX / VMS

  10. ATM内置的摄像头将捕捉人脸信息,与持卡人提交的身份照片进行校验比对。

    The ATM is installed with a camera that captures the facial images and compares them with the ID photos of users for verification .

  11. 可以使用SPT或HMC的屏幕图捕捉这些信息。

    This could be captured using the SPT or simple screen captures from the HMC .

  12. 介绍了通过CCD和图像采集卡捕捉填涂信息卡图像,然后利用图像识别技术将该卡的数据输入到计算机系统中的方法。

    The paper introduces a way in which the data can be collected , recognized and inputted from information cards with CCD , image capture card and technology of image recognition .

  13. 您可以使用db2trc命令来捕捉跟踪信息,并将该信息格式化成可读的文本。

    You can use the db2trc command to capture trace information and to format this information into readable text .

  14. 本文将向您介绍DB2跟踪功能和db2trc命令,同时将展示(通过实际的示例)如何捕捉跟踪信息,这曾是您需要做的。

    This article introduces you to the DB2 trace facility and the db2trc command , and shows you ( by way of actual examples ) how to capture trace information , should you ever need to do so .

  15. Connolly(1999)提出了弹性阻抗(EI)的概念,尽管对于捕捉AVO信息有用,然而这种方法依赖于S波与P波速度比从浅到深保持某一常数不变,这有点不切合实际。

    Connolly ( 1999 ) put forward the concept of Elastic Impedance ( EI ), Although useful and efficient for capturing the AVO effects , this method relies on an unrealistic assumption of an S - to P-wave velocity ratio staying constant throughout the depth column .

  16. 不同于小波变换,Contourlet变换的多方向性和基函数支撑区间具有随尺度长宽比变化的长条形结构,使得它能有效地捕捉图像信息中的几何结构特征。

    Different from the wavelet transform , the multi-directionality and the property that the support of basis functions has a variety of elongated shaped with different aspect ratios make it effectively capture the geometric structure features of the image information .

  17. Capinfos是一个显示捕捉文件信息的程序。

    Capinfos-Capinfos is a program that provides information on capture files .

  18. 通过屏蔽跟踪,有助于减少所捕捉的信息量。

    Masking a trace helps to minimize the amount of information that is captured .

  19. 最后一部分为结论,概括教师进行情感教育必须因材施教,并善于观察,捕捉反馈信息和自我反思。

    The teachers must be good at observing , seizing the information feedback and learn to self-reflect .

  20. 目前,许多公司使用问题分类法中的一组固定的类别捕捉这些信息。

    Today , companies try to capture these insights using a fixed set of categories within problem taxonomies .

  21. 只要可以用命令捕捉到信息,就可以将它们显示在提示符中。

    If you can capture bits of information with a command , you can probably display that data at the prompt .

  22. 而本文提出一种新的简单的方法&利用日志钩子来捕捉系统信息。

    The article puts forward a new means in which information of windows system can be got by using log hook function .

  23. 保险统计人员必须提高自身素质尤其是对事物的敏锐洞察力,善于捕捉各种信息,为保险企业经营发展服务。

    Insurance statistics employee should improve their own capabilities and abilities of in-sight , catching all sorts of information to serve their companies .

  24. 本文所得结果,为目前用潮汐观测手段捕捉地震信息及对一些观测资料的解释提供了一定的理论依据。

    The results provided theoretic basis for pursuing ditatancy , catching earthquake information and interpreting observation data by tide observation means at present .

  25. 实验证明,这种结构描述子可以有效捕捉边缘信息,提高的检索性能。

    It is proved in the experiment that such structure characterization is good for catching edge imformation , in order to elevated image retrival capability .

  26. 当它出现在您的脑海中时,应该捕捉此信息,那么这一刻片段可以让您草草记下实现注意事项。

    You want to capture this information when it pops into your head , so this section provides a place to jot down implementation notes .

  27. 作为语言的物质基础,语音是掌握语言技巧和捕捉语言信息的基础。

    As the material base of the language , pronunciation plays an essential role in mastering the language skills and acquiring the knowledge of a language .

  28. 化学实验设计是指根据问题和条件设计解决问题的实验方案或调查方案并通过运用所学的化学实验方法,正确选择和使用实验器材,确定或调整实验步骤,捕捉相关信息,分析实验结果。

    The design of chemistry experiment includes : make a plan how to solve a problem , choose experiment equipment correctly , modify experiment process and analyze the experiment data .

  29. 捕捉旅游信息促进经济发展&浅谈旅游信息在贺州市经济决策中的地位及其开发利用

    Capture the Tourist Information to Promote the Economic Development & Talking about the Position of the Tourist Information in the Economic Decision-making of Hezhou City and Its Development and Utilization

  30. 在保持清晰的前提下,应尽量使用最小尺寸的屏幕截图(调整将被截取的应用程序窗口的大小,使其仅包含需要捕捉的信息)。

    Try to take the smallest screen capture possible , while still legible , by adjusting the size of your browser window to include just the information you need to capture .