
  1. 只会打仗的马克西米努斯不断侵占或没收所有者阶级的领土,还率军向意大利挺进,意图减少意大利对他皇位的威胁。

    With war being all he knew , he extorted and confiscated lands from the property owning class , finally heading to Italy to suppress his challengers to the throne .

  2. 他还努力帮助军人们

    and he did what he could to help out the soldiers .

  3. 你还记得童子军的事。

    You remembered * The boy scouts .

  4. 一男人跟他的朋友吹牛说,他妹妹如何如何装成一个男子,还参了军。

    A man was bragging to his friends about how his sister disguised herself as a man and was able to join the army .

  5. 但是光靠这个方面军是不够的,光靠了它是不能打胜敌人的,因为它还不是主力军。

    But this army is not enough ; we cannot defeat the enemy by relying on it alone , for when all is said and done it is not the main force .

  6. 可叹的是,截至法军入侵米兰废黜了公爵时,李奥纳杜仅仅完成了一个22英尺的黏土模型,并且还被法军士兵作为实战练习的射击目标。

    Alas , by the time the French invaded Milan and deposed the Duke , Leonardo had succeeded only in making a22-foot clay model , which the French soldiers used for target practice .

  7. 那是,跟Campbell比,我还只是个童子军呢。

    Yeah , compared to Campbell , I 'm a boy scout .

  8. 法庭还听取了杜军与摩根士丹利一名初级合规官之间的电话录音,后者弄混了中信资源与其姊妹公司中信泰富(citicpacific),其后批准了杜军的交易请求。

    The court also heard phone recordings between Mr Du and a junior Morgan Stanley compliance officer who approved his trading after confusing CITIC Resources with CITIC Pacific , a sister company .

  9. 该文还分析了我军综合电子信息系统对美国的LISI如何借鉴和应用,最后进行了小结。

    The paper analyses how our army 's intergrate electron information system use for inference America LISI . The end of paper is a conclusion .

  10. 我还不知道救世军(基督教一种传教组织)有卖衣服呢。

    I didn 't know the salvation army was having a sale .

  11. 整个利比亚仅有三个孤城还掌握在政府军手中。

    Only three isolated pockets within Libya 's vast expanse remain in loyalist hands .

  12. 美国还为自由叙利亚军的指挥官增加了非致命援助。

    The United States also increased its deliveries of non-lethal assistance to commanders in the Free Syrian Army .

  13. 但周日它还声称,政府军在该地区发现了一座集体坟墓。

    But it also claimed on Sunday that regime forces had found a mass grave in the area .

  14. 以色列军方同时还召集了后备军以防巴勒斯坦人侵略其领土。

    It 's also authorized the call-up of reservists for a possible ground invasion of the Palestinian territory .

  15. 新时期的管理教育工作,不应把注意力和兴奋点仅仅放在对现代管理科学的追求上,还必须和我军的优良传统有机地结合起来。

    General Fu Quanyou in this exposition emphasizes that such administration should , instead of just focusing on the pursuit of modern administrative sciences , combine with PLA 's valuable traditions .

  16. 除了要求有统一的空间参照和定位基准以外,还必须将诸军兵种所需的地理空间信息科学合理地统一在一起,形成一个有机整体。

    Besides of uniform spatial reference and positioning datum , modern war must unite all the geographic spatial information needed by all arms of services to a organic integer scientific and reasonably .