
shǒu tuī
  • first launch;considered as first or best-known;first choose;first recommend
  1. 这方面的专家首推张教授。

    Of the experts in this realm Professor Zhang is the first to mention .

  2. 相互联系链首推胰岛素和ATM蛋白质的相互关系。

    That chain starts with a link between insulin and a protein known as ATM .

  3. 如果只进行一个鉴别检验,应当首推红外线(IR)光谱(溴化钾颗粒)。

    If only one specific identity test is performed , an IR spectrum ( KBr pellet ) is preferred .

  4. 今年首推的3D仿真系统开创了该赛事仿真环境下两足机器人智能控制研究的先河。

    As an introductory line , RoboCup3D server opens up a kingdom of the study of intelligent control of soccer biped robot in simulation environment .

  5. 首推行业内“4s”模式创新服务理念。

    Firstly propose industrial " 4s " mode and innovate service concept .

  6. 在PSoC设计中,可复用IP核设计技术则应首推功率变换器中控制模式的IP核设计。

    The design of IP core in power transformer is one of the most important parts of the IP core reuse technique .

  7. 我认为应当只允许root用户进行SCP访问,并且只能从指定的(首推)服务器访问。

    I am of the opinion that user root should be allowed only SCP access and that too only from a designated ( rollout ) server .

  8. 目前国际公认的文献检索工具首推医学文献联机检索数据库(MEDLINE)。

    One of the worldwide accepted tools for literature retrieval nowadays is MEDLINE .

  9. 这个显示社会地位的标识由汤姆福特(TomFord)上世纪90年代担任古驰创意总监时首推,但它当时是土豪的标志。

    The logo was first made a status symbol under Tom Ford in the early 1990s . Back then , it was a symbol of raw materialism .

  10. 芬迪一直在创新自己的制作工艺:1989年,它首推“粒面皮革”工艺(“grainedleather”technique)——把皮裘与皮革合二为一,使传统棕色真皮外套更加轻盈。

    Fendi has always innovated with its manufacturing methods : In 1989 the house developed a " grained leather " technique , that combined fur and leather to create a lighter take of the traditional brown coat .

  11. 如果说电视评论协会为期一周的媒体邀请会中有什么可值得期待的,当首推PBC在周一下午举行的英剧《神探夏洛克》精彩见面会。

    If there was a most anticipated session during the weeks-long Television Critics Association press tour , it might have been PBS Masterpiece 's presentation of British drama Sherlock on Monday afternoon .

  12. 夫妇俩而后把衣钵传给五个女儿,如今孙女西尔维亚芬迪(SilviaFendi)与老佛爷一起,掌管男装与配饰系列(正是她于1997年首推风靡世界的Baguette手袋)。

    The couple then passed on the reins to their five daughters and , today , granddaughter Silvia Venturini Fendi oversees the men 's and accessories lines alongside Lagerfeld ( it was she who introduced the cult " Baguette " handbag in 1997 ) .

  13. 若以新约的人物为例,我们会首推哥尼流和保罗的信主经过;

    In the New Testament it could be Cornelius or Paul .

  14. 其奠基者首推古罗马著名的思想家西塞罗。

    Its founder is Cicero who is a famous thinker in Roman .

  15. 三星仍然首推其技术可行的相机。

    Samsung continues to market its cameras using technologically feasible ones first .

  16. 要说我喜欢的饮品,应该首推普洱茶。

    As to my favorite drink , I like pu'er tea best .

  17. 仅就距离而言,恐怕当首推北极燕鸥了;

    For sheer distance , the arctic tern probably holds the record ;

  18. 在陕西剪纸艺术中,首推陕北民间剪纸。

    Paper-cut art in Shaanxi , the duation of northern Shaanxi folk paper-cut .

  19. 其中最严重的稳定性事故仍首推失步振荡。

    Nowadays , out-of-step oscillation is still considered as the most serious stability accident .

  20. CEPA&未来鲁港合作首推服务业

    CEPA & Service Taking Priority for Cooperation between Shandong and Hong Kong in the Future

  21. 到宁夏观光,最吸引人的,首推水利工程。

    Perhaps the most interesting sitht in Ningxia are the water conservancy and irrigation systems .

  22. 秉承之一观点并在实践上身体力行者,首推徐悲鸿。

    Adhering to the one point of view and in practice practitioner , Xu Beihong .

  23. 结论临床验光应科学规范,医学验光首推。

    Conclusion Clinical optometry should science norm , the medical optometry , the head to push .

  24. 男生首推乐器表演,而女生则认为声乐才是最动听的声音。

    The boys want to play the musical instruments while the girls prefer the vocal music .

  25. 〕古希腊早期明确而深刻地探讨了和谐思想的哲学家当首推毕达哥拉斯和赫拉克利特。

    Early ancient Greek philosophers Pythagoras and Herakleitos made the first thorough study of " harmony " .

  26. 宁波要建成海洋经济强市,基础性的工作首推海洋管理制度建设。

    To become a city with a powerful marine economy , Ningbo must have a marine administration system .

  27. 其创作涉及多个领域,且达到了相当的艺术水准;而最能体现其艺术成就的当首推其歌曲创作。

    His creation is various and of great achievement , among which the creation of songs is most outstanding .

  28. 对于这个历史性生存的精深思考,首推施蒂纳的“利己主义”。

    The most profound thinking over the historic being of the individual can be attributed to Max Stiner 's egoism .

  29. 文章讨论了椎间盘突出的早期诊断,手术方法的选择和手术方式对脊柱生物力学的影响,椎间盘摘除术作者首推小切口开窗。

    Early diagnosis of lumbar disc herniation , selection of surgical method and its influence to spinal biomechanics were also discussed .

  30. 在我国古代文学作品中,服饰形象塑造成就最高的,当首推《红楼梦》。

    In the literary works of ancient China , what achieves most in dress image comes firstly to the Red Mansion .