
shǒu fù
  • the richest family of a district;the richest
首富 [shǒu fù]
  • [the richest] 旧指某个地区中最富的人家。也说首户

  • 当地首富

首富[shǒu fù]
  1. 比起英国首富,她还差得远呢。

    She is a long way from being the richest person in Britain

  2. 如今女王甚至连英国首富榜的前40名都挤不进去。

    The Queen now doesn 't even appear on the list of the 40 richest people in Britain .

  3. 中国首富之子为爱犬购入8台iPhone7

    The son of China 's richest man bought his dog eight iPhone 7s

  4. 香港太阳能集团汉能薄膜发电(HanergyThinFilm)报告其财务总监李广民辞职。在该公司股价暴跌之前,其大股东曾是中国首富。

    Hanergy Thin Film the Hong Kong solar group that made its majority owner China 's richest man before its stock plunged - has reported the resignation of its financial controller .

  5. 即便是在顶峰时期,美国首富约翰•D•洛克菲勒(JOHND.Rockefeller)的财富也不足美国GDP的2%。

    Even at its peak John D. Rockefeller 's wealth was less than 2 per cent of US GDP .

  6. 内森•罗斯柴尔德(NathanRothschild)于1836年去世,当时他是世界首富。

    Nathan Rothschild was the richest man in the world when he died in 1836 .

  7. 香港的700万人口中,有三分之一是在中国出生的,其中包括香港首富李嘉诚(LiKa-shing)。

    One-third of Hong Kong 's 7m people were born in China , including Li Ka-shing , the territory 's richest man .

  8. 亚洲首富李嘉诚将把赫斯基能源(HuskyEnergy)的6%股份出售给他的控股公司,这是一场规模更大的调整的一部分。

    Mr. Li , Asia 's richest man , is selling a 6 percent stake in Husky Energy to his holding company as part of a broader shake-up .

  9. 中国首富王健林控股的地产与传媒集团大连万达(DalianWanda)将以35亿美元收购传奇娱乐(LegendaryEntertainment)。

    Dalian Wanda , the property and media group controlled by Wang Jianlin , China 's richest man , will purchase Legendary Entertainment for $ 3.5bn .

  10. 这里有一点需要说明:巴菲特最感兴趣的是生意,而不是由此带来的财富。在这一点上,他和已经让出世界首富位置的比尔•盖茨(BillGates)很相似。

    There is a point here . Like Bill Gates , whom he has toppled from the top spot , Mr Buffett is primarily interested in the business rather than the wealth that results .

  11. 中国首富王健林旗下的房地产和娱乐业集团大连万达(DalianWanda)一直引领着中国人向好莱坞的进军。

    Dalian Wanda , the property and entertainment conglomerate led by Wang Jianlin , the country 's richest man , has been leading the Chinese march into Hollywood .

  12. 赌场是由菲律宾首富施至诚,澳大利亚亿万富翁JamesPacker和何猷龙,澳门赌王何鸿燊的儿子。

    The casino is a joint venture between thecountry 's richest man Henry Sy , Australian billionaire James Packer and Lawrence Ho , son of Macau casino mogul Stanley Ho .

  13. 微软(Microsoft)董事长、世界首富比尔•盖茨(BillGates)昨日警告称,限制进入美国的熟练工人数量的规定,已使美国的竞争力面临风险。

    Bill Gates , the chairman of Microsoft and the world 's richest man , gave warning yesterday that restrictions on the number of skilled workers allowed to enter the US put the country 's competitiveness at risk .

  14. 就连有超人之称的香港首富李嘉诚(LiKa-shing)也折损了一半财富。李嘉诚掌管着一个不断发展壮大的商业帝国,足跨国际房地产、石油天然气以及电信等行业。

    Even superman Li Ka-shing , the city 's richest person , who heads a sprawling international property , oil and gas and telecommunications empire , had lost half his fortune .

  15. 亚洲首富李嘉诚预计将有第三种移动操作系统崛起,这令人猜测他可能会与三星电子(SamsungElectronicsCo.)展开合作,帮助后者开发其Tizen平台。

    Asia 's richest man Li Ka -- shing is predicting the rise of a third mobile operating system , fueling speculation that Mr. Li might be cooperating with Samsung Electronics Co. to help develop its Tizen platform .

  16. 拜媒体大亨邵逸夫爵士(SirRunRunShaw)和香港首富李嘉诚(LiKa-shing)等富豪所赐,香港的慈善传统要比中国内地深厚。邵逸夫爵士已于今年早些时候辞世。

    Hong Kong has had a stronger tradition of philanthropy than China thanks to tycoons such as Li Ka-shing , Asia 's richest man , and Sir Run Run Shaw , the media mogul who died earlier this year .

  17. 中国首富王健林执掌的大连万达(DalianWanda)是一家经营房地产、娱乐等多种业务的集团。现在,这家集团又将业务拓展到中国最热门的投资领域之一——私立医院。

    Dalian Wanda , the Chinese property-to-entertainment company headed by China 's richest man , Wang Jianlin , is to branch out into one of the hottest mainland investment sectors : private hospitals .

  18. 在胡润百富榜(HurunRichList)上,宗庆后以130亿美元的财富位居中国首富,而他还无意在短期内放手自己创立的公司。

    Ranked as China 's wealthiest man , with an estimated fortune of $ 13bn according to the Hurun Rich List , Mr Zong has no desire to let go of the company he founded in the near future .

  19. 根据最新的《胡润百富榜》(HurunRichList),中国已取代美国成为身家10亿美元以上富翁最多的国家,房地产大亨王健林取代阿里巴巴(Alibaba)创始人马云(JackMa)成为中国内地首富。

    China has overtaken the US as home to the most dollar billionaires , according to the latest Hurun Rich List , with real estate tycoon Wang Jianlin overtaking Alibaba founder Jack Ma as the mainland 's wealthiest person .

  20. 由于公司在纽约证交所取得创纪录的IPO认购成果,阿里巴巴集团创始人马云刚刚成为中国首富,也很可能成为一部电影的主题。

    Jack Ma , founder of the Alibaba Group , who just became the richest man in China thanks to his companys record-breaking IPO-offering on the New York Stock Exchange , could next become the subject of a movie .

  21. 就在迪士尼(Disney)的“神奇王国”(MagicKingdom)准备进军“中央王国”之际,中国首富磨拳擦掌,要与“米老鼠”(MickeyMouse)争夺中国童心——以及儿童父母的钱包。

    As Disney 's Magic Kingdom prepares to enter the Middle Kingdom , China 's richest man has geared up to do battle with Mickey Mouse for the hearts of the country 's children - and their parents " wallets .

  22. 但这个消息反映出,亚洲首富李嘉诚(LiKa-shing)支持的这家医药公司正在中国开发的几种试验药物之一又取得新进展。

    But it represented another step forward for one of several experimental medicines that the company - backed by Li Ka-shing , Asia 's richest man - is developing in China . With a market capitalisation of just

  23. 过去12个月,随着市场形势再度让冒险者感到安全,谁都无法再拒绝斯利姆。《福布斯》(Forbes)昨日证实,他以535亿美元的身价,再次成为全球首富。

    With markets safe for risk takers once more in the past 12 months , Mr Slim could no longer be denied , and Forbes yesterday confirmed that he was the wealthiest man with $ 53.5bn .

  24. 俄罗斯首富普罗霍洛夫(MikhailProkhorov)欲收购新泽西网队(NewJerseyNets)的控股股权,这一举动令美国篮球协会(NationalBasketballAssociation,NBA)麻烦最多的一支球队马上拥有了现金,可以在纽约市的布鲁克林建造早就说过的球场。

    Russia 's richest man is buying a controlling stake in the New Jersey Nets in a move that instantly turns one of the National Basketball Association 's most troubled franchises into a team with the cash to build a long-promised arena in Brooklyn , N.Y.

  25. 香港码头工人针对亚洲首富李嘉诚(LiKa-shing)发起的历时一个月的罢工已告结束,罢工者最终接受了9.8%的加薪幅度,这一数字远低于之前他们要求的23%的加薪幅度。

    A month-long strike that pitted Hong Kong dock workers against Asia 's richest man has ended with the strikers accepting a 9.8 per cent pay rise , much less than the 23 per cent increase they had been demanding .

  26. 日本最大贸易公司三菱(MitsubishiCorp)与亚洲首富李嘉诚将联手创建一家规模为8亿美元的合资飞机租赁公司。他们认为,廉价贷款和来自低成本运营商的强大需求将延续飞机租赁热。

    Japan 's biggest trading company and Asia 's richest man have teamed up in an $ 800m aircraft leasing joint venture , betting that cheap debt and strong demand from low-cost carriers will sustain a multiyear boom .

  27. 亚洲首富、香港亿万富豪李嘉诚控股的长江实业集团有限公司(CheungKongHoldingsLtd)准备豪掷约20亿美元,打造一支拥有60架客机的机队,以此为前景光明的亚洲航空公司提供飞机租赁服务。

    Cheung Kong Holdings Ltd , controlled by Asia 's richest man , Hong Kong-based billionaire Li Ka-Shing , is to pay around $ 2 billion to build a fleet of some 60 airliners that it will lease to the continent 's up-and-coming airlines .

  28. 《福布斯》杂志日前公布了日本年度富豪榜,由于“任天堂”Wii游戏机的热销,“任天堂”前任董事长山内溥以78亿美元的身价成为日本首富。

    Soaring sales of Nintendo 's Wii game machine have made former Nintendo chairman Hiroshi Yamauchi Japan 's richest man , worth $ 7.8 billion , Forbes magazine said in its annual rankings .

  29. 深圳一家汽车和电池制造商的所有者从人数越来越多的中国百万富翁中脱颖而出,被评为中国大陆首富。美国股神沃伦巴菲特(WarrenBuffett)的投资,大幅提振了他的财富。

    The owner of a Shenzhen car and battery maker has emerged from the growing pack of Chinese millionaires to be named the richest person on the mainland after a boost to his wealth driven by an investment by Warren Buffett .

  30. 以接近800亿美元净资产被《福布斯》(Forbes)列为世界首富的盖茨表示,他已直接投资了约15家公司,另外还间接投资了30家公司。

    Mr Gates , who is listed by Forbes as the world 's richest person with a net worth of almost $ 80bn , said he had invested directly in about 15 companies and indirectly in another 30 .