
  • 网络opening night
  1. 新戏首演之夜,剧场外排起了长队。

    There were long lines outside the theatre on the opening night .

  2. 首演之夜,那家戏院观众爆满。

    That theater was bursting at the seams on the opening night .

  3. 没错,那只是试映,这是…这可是首演之夜

    Yeah , that was just previews . This is opening night .

  4. 我由于去哈瓦那结果差一点没赶上首演之夜。

    I nearly missed the first night as a result of going to havana .

  5. 她说她会准时在首演之夜上台的。

    She said she 'd be here in time to get dressed on opening night .

  6. Hernani的首演之夜可能是19世纪的法国最重要的文学事件之一。

    Hernani 's opening night was probably one of the most important literary events in 19th century France !

  7. 热�因为演员们都很热心地排演,导演不大担心首演之夜的演出。

    Because the cast had rehearsed with such elan , the director had few apprehensions about the opening-night performance .