
yě huǒ
  • Wildfire;wild fire;bush fire;prairie fire;will-o'-the wisp;twitchfire
野火 [yě huǒ]
  • (1) [prairie fire]∶荒山野地燃烧的火

  • 野火烧不尽,春风吹又生

  • (2) [twitchfire]∶燃烧地里野草的火

  • (3) [will-o'-the wisp]∶指磷火;鬼火

野火[yě huǒ]
  1. 2013年1月4日,一场野火席卷了南塔斯马尼亚我家所在的沿海小镇达纳利。

    On the January 4 , 2013 , a bush fire swept through our small coastal township of Dunalley in Southern Tasmania .

  2. 别担心,这只是一般的野火。

    Don 't worry , jettel . it 's just a common Bush fire .

  3. 草地野火烧焦了巴斯克亥农庄附近的土地。

    Grass fires have seared the land near the farming village of Basekhai .

  4. 在加利福尼亚州北部,一场野火产生的烟雾已扩散了200多英里。

    In Northern California , a wildfire has spread a haze of smoke over 200 miles .

  5. 消息像野火般迅速传播开来。

    The news spread like wild-fire .

  6. 在美国,每年会发生超过10万场野火。

    Over 100,000 wildfires burn each year in America .

  7. 俄罗斯每年会发生两万到三万五千场野火。

    Russia has 20,000 to 35,000 wildfires every year .

  8. “网络谣言”另外一个比较低调的说法是digitalmisinformation。不过,用火来做比喻似乎更加引人注意,而且这个说法巧妙地将传播误导性事实带来的破坏性结果比作野火烧过后留下的残迹。

    The concept underpinned of fire seems much more appealing however , aptly comparing the damage caused by the spread of misleading facts to the trail of destruction left in the wake of a wildfire .

  9. 与此同时,另一边的希腊埃维亚岛的野火连烧六天,火势失控,成千上万的人逃离了他们的家园。

    Thousands of people have fled their homes on the Greek island of Evia as wildfires burned uncontrolled for a sixth day .

  10. 这款90年代的经典发型因金·凯瑞在《阿呆与阿瓜》里的形象而闻名,近年来深受众多明星青睐,从蕾哈娜、罗伯特·帕丁森到莉娜·丹恩、麦莉·赛勒斯,都爱留这种西瓜头。如今这种发型正以野火燎原之势席卷潮人圈。

    The statement Nineties chop , made famous by Jim Carrey 's Lloyd Christmas in Dumb And Dumber , has graced the heads of celebrities .

  11. 自8月3日后的一周,希腊山火此起彼伏,许多地区的居民不得不紧急撤离。野火肆虐全国,摧毁了大片森林和建筑,希腊当局下令西伯罗奔尼撒半岛古奥林匹亚附近的村庄进行疏散。

    Greek authorities ordered villages near the site of the ancient Olympic Games in the western Peloponnese to be evacuated as wildfires raged across the country , destroying swathes of forest and buildings .

  12. N·K营养与N·K平衡对烤烟野火病发生的影响

    Influence of N and K Concentration and N and K Balance on Wild Fire Disease of Tobacco Leaf

  13. 更为重要的是,野火和Facebook未来的关系将会如何发展?

    More relevant will be to watch how the wildfire-facebook relationship progresses going forward .

  14. K营养对烤烟叶片中几种抗性物质及野火病发生的影响

    Effect of Potassium Nutrition of Flue-cured Tobacco Leaf on Several Resistant Substances of Flue-cured Tobacco Leaf and Wild Fire Disease

  15. 4.hurricane-forcewind飓风风的强风5.wildfire野火一九八七年的野火毁灭了千万公顷的森林。

    The wildfire of 1987 destroied thousands of acres of the forest .

  16. 1970年9月,圣安娜风(SantaAnaWinds)引发的野火在加州四处蔓延,席卷400平方英里。

    In September 1970 , wildfires sparked by Santa Ana winds spread across 400 square miles of California .

  17. 照理说承包商消防员需要按国家野火协调集团(NationalWildfireCoordinatingGroup)制定的标准接受培训,但是这一标准的执行却得不到保证。

    And while contracted firefighters are expected to go through training outlined by the national wildfire coordinating group ( nwcg ) , the ability to enforce such standards is hotly contested .

  18. 谷歌(Google)昨日宣布,公司已经收购了社交营销公司野火互动(WildfireInteractive)。

    Google ( GOOG ) yesterday announced that it had acquired social marketing company wildfire interactive , apparently after previously losing out on buddy media to salesforce .

  19. 提高了转基因烟草离体叶对野火(PseudomonassyringaePv.tabaci)的抗性。

    The resistance of detached leaf of transgenic plant to Pseudomonas syringae pv . tabaci was enhanced .

  20. 研究了云南中部地区烤烟中部叶片旺长后期(移栽后70~75d)N、K营养及N、K平衡对田间烤烟野火病发生的影响。

    The relationship among N and K concentration and N and K balance in middle leaf of tobacco plant and wild fire disease were investigated in the central Yunnan .

  21. 自从这个意外之财的消息以野火蔓延之势被传出去后,人们在托特纳姆法院路上的Sainsbury超市里的ATM机前排起了长队。

    Long queues formed outside the Sainsbury 's ATM in Tottenham Court Road as word of the unexpected windfall spread like wildfire .

  22. 按照这些步骤,并逐一在它结束时,您将有最新的ROM中根深蒂固的野火。

    Follow through these steps , one by one and at the end of it you 'll have a rooted Wildfire with the latest ROM.

  23. 首次实验中,他把一个HTC野火智能手机藏在宠物外套口袋里,然后给他的虎斑猫搭档Skitzy穿上。

    His first experiment involved hiding an HTC Wildfire smartphone inthe pocket of a dog jacket worn by his co-worker 's tabby , Skitzy .

  24. 去寻找能繁殖的羊,被感染后将MBR病毒带回,之后病毒像野火一样蔓延,导致疫情的爆发。”

    went on a foray looking for breed-able sheep , got infected and brought it back to MBR and there it spread like wildfire to cause the outbreak . "

  25. 定期测定了感病品种红花大金元接种烟草野火病菌后叶片内5种酶活性的动态变化,研究结果表明:烟草接种病菌后,SOD活性先上升,后在8d下降,低于对照;

    Tobacco plants ( Var. Honghuadajinyuan ) were inoculated with Pseudomonas syringae pv . tabaci , and the changes of the defendant enzymes activity were detected regularly after inoculation .

  26. 通过对突变体进行特异性的PCR鉴定、Kan抗性筛选以及连续继代培养,结果表明EZ::Tn5均稳定地插入到了烟草野火病菌基因组DNA中。

    By specific PCR identification , Kan resistance screening and successive transfer culturing , it was indicated that the resultant mutants had stabile EZ : : Tn5 insertion into the pathogen genomic DNA . 2 .

  27. 应用Rep-PCR分子指纹技术结合传统植物病理学分析了51个采自云南各大烟区的烟草野火病菌(PseudomonassyringaePv.tabaci)以及其他不同致病变种、不同种、不同属的植物病原菌的群体遗传多样性。

    The molecular fingerprint techniques of Rep-PCR were used to analyze the genetic diversity in a population of 51 strains of Pseudomonas syringae pv . tabaci and other genera , species and pathovars .

  28. Pro/Engineerwildfire(Pro/E)野火版2.0以其易学易用、功能强大和互连互通的特点,推动了整个产品开发机构中个人效率和过程效率的提高。

    Pro / ENGINEER Wildfire 2.0 is powerful , and easy to learn with characteristics of interconnection and interflow , and it promotes the efficiencies of individual and procedure in the whole process of product design .

  29. Setiogi是设在日内瓦的世界卫生组织(世卫组织)的通讯联络官。她知道,要精心选择一些建议,来回击这些野火般蔓延的流言。

    Setiogi , a communications officer at the World Health Organization ( WHO ) in Geneva , knew she had to combat the wildfire spread of such rumours with some well chosen advice .

  30. 野火鸡做熟后常有坚果味道。

    The wild turkey often has a nutty taste when cooked .