
huǎng yán
  • lie;falsehood;story;fib;fable;whopper;fairy tale;humbug;porky
谎言 [huǎng yán]
  • [lie;falsehood] 假话,欺骗之言,没有根据的话

  • 谎言可畏

谎言[huǎng yán]
  1. 那只不过是谎言。

    It was a lie , tout court .

  2. 我们一定要戳穿这个谎言。

    We must nail this lie .

  3. 整个叙述只不过是一派谎言。

    The whole story is nothing but a pack of lies .

  4. 她精心编造了解释她不在场的一些谎言。

    She concocted some elaborate story to explain her absence .

  5. 报纸的这些报道尽是些流言飞语、谎言和真假参半的内容。

    The newspaper reports are a mixture of gossip , lies and half-truths .

  6. 那是赤裸裸的谎言。

    It was a patent lie .

  7. 那是个赤裸裸的谎言。

    It was a blatant lie .

  8. 大街上无家可归者的人数证明政府所声称的没有贫困的说法是谎言。

    Government claims that there is no poverty are belied by the number of homeless people on the streets .

  9. 广告标准管理局控告房地产代理商使用无耻的谎言。

    The Advertising Standards Authority accused estate agents of using blatant untruths

  10. 他们指控他编织了一个满是谎言和欺诈的骗局。

    They accused him of weaving a web of lies and deceit .

  11. 实情被揭穿了:政府的承诺原来是空洞的谎言。

    The government 's promises were exposed as a hollow sham

  12. 他指责他们故意散布有关他的谎言。

    He accused them of knowingly spreading falsehoods about him .

  13. 这位大名鼎鼎的电影制片人声色俱厉地抨击了这些说法,称之为“无耻的谎言”。

    The famed film-maker slammed the claims as ' an outrageous lie '

  14. 他周围的人都在给他灌输可怕的谎言。

    He was surrounded by people who fed him ghastly lies

  15. 那肯定是有史以来最大的谎言。

    That has to be the biggest lie ever told .

  16. 他们说业界所谓的放宽管制已经取得了成效的说法纯属谎言。

    They say the industry is flat out lying about the effects of deregulation .

  17. 甚至他的参战履历也是夸大其词,充满谎言。

    Even his war record was fraudulently inflated .

  18. 那人是个骗子,满嘴谎言。

    The man is a crook and a liar

  19. 我已经听够了你的谎言。

    I 've had enough of your lies

  20. 你会因自己的谎言而犯错误。

    Your own lies will trip you up

  21. 新闻媒体无法应对此事,因此他们就编造了这通谎言。

    The press couldn 't deal with that so they made up all this bull .

  22. 我再也不能和一个靠谎言骗我结婚的男人继续生活下去了。

    I could not go on living with a man who had married me under false pretences

  23. 我们是英国唯一一家坚持批判这些浅薄的谎言和半真半假的报道的报纸。

    We are the only paper in Britain that has consistently ripped apart these shallow lies and half-truths

  24. 那不过是为了骗你到这儿来的一句谎言,你居然信了!

    It was just a line to get you out here , and you fell for it !

  25. 我可以欺骗自己你这样做是为了我,但那终究是谎言。

    I could kid myself that you did this for me , but it would be a lie .

  26. 总统谴责媒体参与了肮脏交易,称该报道是谎言。

    The President denounced the press for engaging in ' sleaze ' and called the story a lie .

  27. 母亲从来没告诉父亲我的真实身世。一直以来我们都活在谎言之中。

    My mother never told my father the truth about me . We 've been living a lie all this time .

  28. 善意的谎言和谎言之间有什么不同?我是说,对于我而言二者完全一样。

    What 's the difference between a white lie and a lie ? I mean , it 's all the same to me .

  29. 他很惊讶,也很生气,因为她编的故事太真实了,甚至不能被斥为一个简单的谎言。

    He was surprised , and annoyed that she had spun a story which was too good to be condemned as a simple lie .

  30. 我们可以揭露他的无耻谎言。

    We can reveal his barefaced lies .