
  • 网络Love life
  1. 他的爱情生活很复杂,几段感情都是轰轰烈烈。

    His love life was complicated , and involved intense relationships .

  2. Julie很高兴Susan重新开始了她的爱情生活。

    NARRATOR : Julie was glad Susan was rekindling her love life .

  3. 他们拿他的爱情生活开玩笑。

    They chaffed him about his love-life .

  4. 我不谈论我的爱情生活。泰勒斯威夫特在接受ABC的早安美国节目采访时说。

    I dont really talk about my love life , said Taylor Swift , interviewed Monday on ABCs Good Morning America .

  5. 但没过多久,我的监督就催我开始推动Alex的爱情生活。我拒绝了。

    But before long , my supervisor pushed me to push Alex about her love life . I pushed back .

  6. 不仅是对于Alex和她的爱情生活,也对于各地的二十几岁的人的家庭与未来。

    not just for Alex and her love life but for the careers and the families and the futures of twentysomethings everywhere .

  7. 克拉克森来自第五张专辑的下一支单曲Stronger将会是消极的,但是她的幸福爱情生活让她很难产生消极的情绪。

    Clarkson 's next single off her fifth album , Stronger , will be Darkside but her happy love life is making it difficult to tap in to her own darkness .

  8. 德国最新调查显示,Facebook上好友发布的度假、爱情生活、工作成就等信息会引发嫉妒心理,并由此让人感到痛苦和寂寞。

    Witnessing friends ' vacations , love lives and work successes on Facebook can cause envy and trigger feelings of misery and loneliness , according to German researchers .

  9. 爱情生活:他和妻子Alla有三个儿子。

    Love life : He and wife Alla have three sons .

  10. 我的爱情生活就像一块瑞士奶酪。

    My love life is like a piece of Swiss cheese .

  11. 情侣靠爱情生活,如同云雀靠韭葱生活。

    Lovers live by love , as larks live by leeks .

  12. 劳伦斯·奥利维尔与费雯丽的爱情生活(2)

    Love Lives - Laurence Olivier & Vivien Leigh ( 2 )

  13. 杰弗里叔叔:你的爱情生活怎样?

    Uncle geoffrey : so , how 's your love life ?

  14. 如果你对自己说“爱情生活是什么?”

    If you are saying to yourself ," WHAT love life ?"

  15. 同时,她在爱情生活中也有自己的彷徨和迷惘。

    Meanwhile Scarlett is also indecisive and perplexed in her love life .

  16. 很难说我的爱情生活是典范的。

    My love life could hardly be described as exemplary .

  17. 还好命运没有控制我的爱情生活。

    Good thing destiny doesn 't control my love life .

  18. 增进爱情生活质量的六种保健法。

    6 healthy ways to spice up your love life .

  19. 如果你想讨论我的爱情生活。

    If you propose to start discussing my love life .

  20. 她的爱情生活变得越来越复杂。

    Her love life is becoming more and more tangled .

  21. 当他遇见苏珊时,他开始了新的爱情生活。

    He rekindled his love life when he met susn .

  22. 这里说的显然不只是爱情生活

    And I 'm not just talking about your love lives , either

  23. 关于他的爱情生活,他们散播了许多不堪的闲言闲语。

    They spread a lot of tacky gossip about his love life .

  24. 但在问及他爱情生活方面的问题时,郭敬明却笑了起来。

    But Guo Jingming smiles when asked about his own love life .

  25. 但是我能自己应付我的爱情生活。

    But I can handle my own love life .

  26. 我说,“你的爱情生活怎样了呢?”

    I said ," how is your love life ?"

  27. 他的爱情生活受情感所支配,因此一直在更换伴侣。

    He had a very emotional love life and was always changing partners .

  28. 想来找我谈你的爱情生活的。

    In talking to me about your love life .

  29. 你的爱情生活会非常稳定,你的交流方式会更加地流畅。

    Your love life is stabilized from your way to be more fluid .

  30. 你可能对爱情生活感到困感。

    You may be confused regarding your love life .