
  • 网络Barbaric invasion;The Barbarian Invasions;Les invasions barbares;invasion barbare
  1. 公元13世纪中后期,中国历史上发生的南宋抗蒙(元)战争是汉民族政权为抵御蒙古游牧贵族野蛮入侵所进行的一场民族正义战争。

    The anti-Mongolian ( Yuan ) war that occurred during mid-to late 13th century is a just war of Han nationality against the barbaric invasion of the Mongolian nomadic nobles .

  2. 即使全世界都义正词严地谴责俄罗斯对格鲁吉亚野蛮的入侵,普京依然毫不在乎,坚信自己的事业是有价值的。

    And , even as the world rightly condemns his ruthless invasion of Georgia , imagining the world as he sees it is a worthwhile exercise .

  3. 无论我们所谈的是民族迁徙和野蛮人入侵,或是拿破仑三世的命令,或是某个人一个小时前从几个方向中选出一个散步的方向的这一行动,我们都看不出任何矛盾。

    Whether we are discussing the migrations of peoples and the inroads of barbarians , or the government of Napoleon III. , or the action of some man an hour ago in selecting one direction for his walk out of several , we see nothing contradictory in it .

  4. 在准备迎接哈德良皇帝到大不列颠视察的工作时,当地官员和军事领导人因不愿意冒险抵抗北方野蛮人的入侵,所以他们决定建一堵跨越北海和爱尔兰海,长约80英里(约129千米)的城墙。

    In preparation for a visit from Emperor Hadrian , local officials and military leaders decided they weren 't willing to risk an invasion from northern barbarians , so they constructed a wall approximately 80 miles long from the North Sea to the Irish Sea .

  5. 威尼斯的历史应该可以追溯至罗马帝国衰亡,也就是公元五、六世纪的时候。为了躲避来自北方一浪接一浪凶狠野蛮人的入侵,内陆村镇的居民唯有迁到威尼斯泻湖的岛屿避难。

    The origins of Venice go back to the breakup of the Roman Empire in the fifth and sixth centuries AD. Hoping to escape successive waves of hostile 3 ) barbarian invaders sweeping down from the north , villages and townspeople from the mainland sought refuge on the islands of the Venetian Lagoon .

  6. 于是,我便静静的坐在我的山岗上,看着成千上万的野蛮人仍在入侵。自从人们知道使用剑的人必死无疑后便几乎没人敢哪怕碰一下王者之剑。

    But I sat silent in my hill , the barbarians still came in their thousands , and there were few who dared to wield Excalibur , knowing that they would surely die .

  7. 那时候,野蛮人在隆尼西大陆美丽的海滩上登陆了。当地人来到我的住处,请求我给他们一件可以抵御野蛮人入侵的武器。

    Back into time , when the barbarians first landed on Lyonnesse 's sweet shores , and the people came to me , begging for a weapon that would save them .