
yě tiān é
  • wild swan
野天鹅[yě tiān é]
  1. 于是,象野天鹅,傲然飞行。

    Then , as a wild swan , when sublimely winging .

  2. 上星期在毗邻克罗地亚的地区发现一只野天鹅死亡。

    A wild swan was found dead last week near the border with Croatia .

  3. 部分中国鹅品种(系)的RAPD分析人们正在想方设法使这些野天鹅种群回到传统的栖息之地&北美洲大部分地区。

    Genetic Diversity In Local Geese of Chinese by RAPD Technique ; Efforts are under way to restore the species to its traditional range covering most of North America .

  4. 于是皇后就把这十一个儿子变成十一只野天鹅。

    Then the queen changed the eleven sons into eleven wild swans .

  5. 《野天鹅》对民间故事的继承与超越

    The Wild Swans : Its Inheritance and Transcendence of Folktales

  6. 太阳升起时,她的哥哥们又变成野天鹅了。

    When the sun came up , her brothers changed into wild swans again .

  7. 在绘画之余,他还是利物浦当地的乐队“野天鹅”的键盘手。

    Quinn was also the keyboard player in the Liverpool band The Wild Swans .

  8. 就在太阳下山的那一刻,十一只野天鹅马上变成十一位年轻的王子。

    Just as the sun went down , the eleven wild swans became eleven young princes .

  9. 这十一只野天鹅从宫殿窗口直往天空飞去。

    The eleven wild swans flew out of the windows of the palace up into the sky .

  10. 突然间,她听到嘈杂的声音,然后看到十一只头戴金色皇冠的野天鹅。

    Suddenly she heard a noise and saw eleven wild swans with golden crowns on their heads .

  11. 我们的初步成功启发了比尔·卡里克,他建议我们将已经学到的本领用来帮助拯救野天鹅。

    Our initial success led Bill Carrick to suggest we adapt what we had learned to help save the trumpeter swan .

  12. 但是,与其他禽类不同的是,这种野天鹅无识别迁徙路线的本能,它们从父母那儿学习飞行路线。

    Unlike some birds , however , trumpeters don 't know migration routes instinctively ; they learn the way from their parents .

  13. 我们认定,在只知道野天鹅的现状,没有搞清楚我们究竟能为它们做点什么之前就拿它们做实验太危险了。

    We decided that , given the trumpeters'status , experimentation with them would BE too risky until we knew what we were doing .

  14. 斯来登要求我们把一群野天鹅引飞到弗吉尼亚州沃伦顿付近的艾兰中心区。他是当地环境研究所主任。

    Sladen invited us to fly a flock to the Airlie Centre , near Warrenton , Va. , where he is director of environmental studies .

  15. 因而,被人为散至各地的许多野天鹅种群已经丧失了迁徙能力如迁徙便是沿着威胁它们生存的危险路线飞行。

    Consequently , many populations of birds restored to various locations by humans have lost the ability to migrate & or they follow perilous routes that threaten their survival .

  16. 就在这时,十一只野天鹅飞落在地面,围绕在伊莉莎身边。大天鹅在野外和人工饲养不同条件下生态习性的比较

    Just then the eleven wild swans came down , and stood around her . The comparation with Cygnus who lives in open country and was raised by person about ecologic habits

  17. 它们在她头上掠过,一忽儿红,一忽儿紫。不过,比它们飞得还要快的、像一片又自又长的面纱,是一群掠过水面的野天鹅。

    And , still more rapidly than the clouds , flew a large flock of wild swans towards the setting sun , looking like a long white veil across the sea .

  18. 他喜欢一系列不同的书籍,比如亚瑟-兰瑟姆的《燕子和鹦鹉》,旅英华裔作家张戎的《野天鹅》,还有安东尼-比弗写的《斯大林格勒》。

    He like a host of different books , namely - ' Swallows and Amazons " series by Arthur Ransome , ' Wild Swans " by Jung Chang and ' Stalingrad " by Antony Beevor . '