
yě mǎ
  • mustang;wild horse;bronco;vapor in open country;jughead;fury horse
野马 [yě mǎ]
  • (1) [mustang;bronco]

  • (2) 未经人驯养的马,如蒙古野马(又名普氏野马Przhevalskis horse)

  • (3) 逃到野外生活的家马

  • (4) [vapor in open country]∶田野上空蒸腾浮游的水汽

  • 野马也,尘埃也,生物之以息相吹也。--《庄子.逍遥游》

野马[yě mǎ]
  1. 这匹野马终于被驯服了。

    The wild horse was finally broken in .

  2. 这样一匹野马你是怎样使它驯服的?

    How did you manage to break in such a wild horse ?

  3. 赛跑运动员如脱缰野马般起跑了。

    The runners set off at a blistering pace .

  4. 一匹野马和她的幼驹站在雾茫茫的英格兰荒野上。

    A horse and foal stand out against the gray of the English moors .

  5. 牛仔竞技表演中一匹弓背跳跃的野马

    a bucking bronco in the rodeo

  6. BrookeChaseAlone在LittleWound高中《野马新闻》工作。

    Brooke Chase Alone works on the Mustang News at Little Wound High School .

  7. 山柰饮片挥发油的GC-MS特征成分和指纹图谱研究高效液相色谱法测定野马追药材中槲皮素和山柰素含量

    GC-MS fingerprint and characteristic components of essential oil of processed Rhizoma Kaempferiae

  8. 停在美国科罗拉多州的福特野马跑车(FordMustang),看起来帅呆了!

    Menacing looking Ford Mustang police car spotted in Colorado , USA.

  9. 结果野马追能明显降低实验性血清胆固醇、甘油三酯及LDL-C水平,并明显升高HDL-C水平。

    RESULTS : Levels of TC , TG and LDL-C were significantly reduced while HDL-C levels were significantly increased by Lindley eupatorium herb .

  10. 这款跑车的操控性也异乎寻常的出色。它搭载了一款312马力的V6发动机,应该可以与福特野马在短程加速赛中一较高下。

    With a base V-6 engine that produces 312 horsepower , it should face off nicely against the Mustang in stop-light drag races .

  11. 迪克麦考伊和他的妻子蕨类植物也得到他们的驾驶福特Mustang去野马俱乐部会议。

    Dick McCoy and his wife Fern also enjoyed driving their Ford Mustang and going to Mustang club meetings .

  12. 好消息是新款野马敞篷车使用了标准的3.7升V6发动机,能泵出305马力,因此老款的V8发动机可以光荣下岗了。

    The good news is that a V-8 is superfluous , given the 305 horsepower put out by the standard 3.7 liter V-6 .

  13. 这家美国汽车制造商已经表示,2011年至2015年间将在中国推出15款新车型,包括奢侈品牌林肯(Lincoln)和经典的野马(Mustang)汽车。

    The U.S. car maker has said it would bring 15 new models in China between 2011 and 2015 including the luxury brand Lincoln and classic Mustang .

  14. 文中叙述两件获奖ADI铸件:建筑和园林用的装载机ADI驱动轮铸件和福特野马眼睛蛇(FordMustangCobra)跑车底盘悬架控制臂。

    One of five ADI castings is ADI drive wheel of loading machine used for architecture and park . The other is Ford Mustang Cobra 's chassis IRS control arm .

  15. 去年12月福特SUV(运动型汽车)车的销量锐减,包括“探险者”和“远征”,于是抵消了福特新车型“野马”和“福特500”的销量。

    Sharply weaker sales for many of Ford 's sport utility vehicles , including the Explorer and Expedition , offset gains from new cars , including the Mustang and Five Hundred sedan .

  16. 野马浪费一点时间沉醉于他的家乡在外地Tebow。

    The Broncos wasted little time getting Tebow on the field in his hometown .

  17. Oulette负责教校报《野马新闻》的12名学生。

    Ms. Oulette teaches the twelve students on the school newspaper , the Mustang News .

  18. 此次比赛是丹佛野马(DenverBroncos)第七次出战超级碗,这支来自科罗拉多的队伍曾经于1998年和1999年两次问鼎该赛事。

    This is the seventh time the Denver Broncos have been to the Super Bowl . The Colorado team won the championship two times , in 1998 and 1999 .

  19. 基纳斯顿说,野马牌厕纸“便宜、历史悠久,出了名的不吸水,”它开始尝试使用新的淡彩色;1960年12月9日,工人阶层肥皂剧《克罗内申街》(CoronationStreet)首播。

    Bronco toilet paper , described by Mr. Kynaston as " cheap , traditional , notoriously nonabsorbent , " tests new pastel colors , and on Dec. 9 , 1960 , the working-class soap opera " Coronation Street " airs for the first time .

  20. 底特律三巨头对沿用历史品牌和设计这种做法一直颇为低调,但福特野马(FordMustang)、雪佛兰科迈罗(ChevroletCamaro)和道奇战马(DodgeCharger)确实借鉴了早期车型的外形和设计思路。

    The Detroit Three have been somewhat less blatant in their appropriation of historic badges and designs , but the Ford Mustang , Chevrolet Camaro , and Dodge Charger all borrow shapes and cues from earlier models .

  21. 福特野马敞篷车福特野马于1964年首次亮相,它的历史比马自达Miata更悠久,野马新一代车型的问世也标志着这个品牌进入了鼎盛时期。

    Having made its debut in 1964 , the Mustang has been around longer than the Miata and came into its prime with the current generation .

  22. 奖项:尽管大众的高尔夫GTI先拔头筹,但偏向自家人的2015年北美汽车大奖的评审员们还是对福特的野马和F-150皮卡不吝溢美之辞。

    Awards : Despite early wins for VW 's Golf GTI , the Detroit-centric jurors of the North American Car and Truck award 2015 prizes to Ford 's Mustang as well as Ford 's F-150 pickup truck .

  23. 同时,丹佛野马队将进军第48届超级碗比赛。

    Meanwhile the Denver Broncos have advance to Super Bowl XLVIII .

  24. 普氏野马在圈养和放归条件下的行为比较研究

    Studies on the Comparative Behavior between Stalled and Reintroduced Przewalskii Horse

  25. 尽我所能救助所有的野马。

    What I can to help save all the wild horses .

  26. 现在政府也正在驱拢圈养我们的野马。

    And now the government is rounding up our wild horses .

  27. 可是我的爱永远在这儿,野马也拽不走。

    Wild , wild horses , couldn 't drag me away .

  28. 野马追不同药用部位的质量初步评价。

    The quality assessment of different parts of Eupatorium lindleyanum dc .

  29. 即使性子最烈的野马也能驯得服从缰绳的指挥。

    Even the wildest horse can be broken to the rein .

  30. 人们不能驯服野马,所以就毁掉它们。

    They couldn 't domesticate them , so they destory them .