
  • 网络aseptic packaging;Aceptic Packaging
  1. 崭新的食品包装材料&中性无菌包装材料

    A Totally New Food Packaging Material & Neutral Aseptic Packaging Sheet

  2. 本文运用HACCP原理对浓缩苹果清汁生产过程进行了危害分析及关键控制,确定了其关键控制点为:原料果和无菌包装材料的验收、原料果拣选、后巴氏杀菌和无菌灌装。

    The HACCP approach was used to identify the critical control points in the production of concentrated apple juice . The CCPs are : Accepting of apple and sterile packing ; Selection of apple ;

  3. 系统地介绍了食品无菌包装材料的种类、性能、无菌包装形式以及无菌包装食品的工艺,并展望了无菌包装在中国食品工业中的应用前景。

    The types , properties , form and the technology of sterile packaging were reviewed . The prospect of applying sterile packaging to food wad forecasted at the end of the paper .