
  • 网络Multipath effect;multipath propagation
  1. 接下来论述了激光通信中多径效应的特殊性。

    Then this paper discusses particularity of multipath effect of laser .

  2. 基于GPS伪卫星的多径效应分析与研究

    Analysis and Research on the Multipath Effect of the GPS Pseudolites

  3. GPS系统中的多径效应分析

    Analyses of Multipath Effects in the GPS System

  4. 多径效应对GPS载波相位观测量的影响

    Multipath effects on GPS carrier phase observable

  5. 分析了GPs共视的主要误差源,重点分析了多径效应的影响。

    The main error source in GPS Common-view is analyzed , and the multi-path effect is put emphasis upon .

  6. MCCDMA多径效应下的误码率分析

    Analysis of BER for MC-CDMA with Effect of Multi-path

  7. 仿真结果很好的验证了OFDM在宽带无线传输中有效的对抗了多径效应。

    The result proves that OFDM is a effective way to overcome the multi-path effect .

  8. UHF频段陆地卫星移动通信业务多径效应测量

    Multipath environment measurements at UHF for land mobile satellite service

  9. 海上目标ISAR成像时多径效应的影响及消除

    Multipath Effects and Cancellation for Sea Target in ISAR Image Reconstruction

  10. 如何克服多径效应,利用多输入多输出(MultipleInputMultipleOutput,MIMO)技术优势成为研究协作通信的出发点。

    How to overcome multi-path effects , the use of multiple input multiple output ( MIMO ) technology advantages to become the starting point of the cooperative communication .

  11. 我们可以采用均衡技术来补偿信道中由于多径效应产生的码间干扰(ISI)。

    Equalization technology should be used to compensate for intersymbol interference s created by multipath fading .

  12. 针对通常应用于室内的白光LED器件特点和传输存在的多径效应,对影响数据传输速率的关键因素调制技术进行了深入研究。

    For the features of white LED device and the existing multi-path effects in transfer , we study the influence of the key factors in the data transfer rate of modulation .

  13. DGPS在船舶导航定位应用中多径效应的分析

    An Analysis of Multipath Effects in the Application of DGPS in Ship Navigation and Positioning

  14. 无线通信中的多径效应会引起信道失真导致码间干扰(ISI)。

    There exists multipath effect in the wireless communication systems , which causes channel distortion and intersymbol interference .

  15. 以高距离分辨力和频率分集为基础,采样了Chirp子脉冲频率步进信号解决多径效应的方法。

    For this , the paper bring forward the chirp sub-pulse stepped frequency signal on high remove resolution and frequency diversity .

  16. 推导了GPS接收机中多径效应引入的最大载波相位跟踪误差的闭合形式。

    The closed expression form of the maximum carrier phase tracking error caused by multipath effect is derived in this paper based on multipath signal characteristics and GPS receiver work mechanism .

  17. 根据多径效应对电力线信道模型的影响,介绍了一种基于多径衰落的信道模型,并分析了多径传播造成的频谱零点对OFDM系统性能的影响。

    A channel model based on multi-path propagation is introduced , and the influence of spectral nulls to OFDM system caused by multi-path propagation is analyzed .

  18. 多输入多输出(MIMO)技术充分利用无线信道的多径效应,在不增加系统带宽的情况下明显提高系统信道容量。

    Utilizing the multi-path scattering environment in Wireless channel , multiple-input multiple-output ( MIMO ) technology can increase significantly the channel capacity without the band-width increasing .

  19. 首先比较了按数据包和按数据流两种映射方式对流量映射算法性能的影响,主要结论是按流转发能解决TCP的多径效应问题,但其代价是损失了公平性;

    Ow mapping is compared , and the primary conclusion is that per - ? ow mapping can avoid the TCP multipath problem while sacri ? ces fairness between ?

  20. 通过建立了一般的空时CDMA系统模型,探讨多址干扰和多径效应的联合抑制问题。

    A general space-time CDMA system model in multipath fading channels is built to study how to suppress both multiple access interference ( MAI ) and multipath fading .

  21. OFDM是一种多载波高速无线传输技术,它能有效对抗多径效应,消除符号间干扰,对抗频率选择性衰落,而且信道利用率高。

    OFDM is a multi-carrier high-speed wireless transmission technology , with high channel utilization and good performance in mitigating multi-path effects 、 eliminating inter-symbol interference and resisting frequency-selective fading .

  22. 本文分析了短波信道的特点,采用Matlab仿真的方法,对由于多径效应而产生的瑞利衰落,时延扩展以及码间干扰等问题进行了仿真和深入的探讨。

    The paper analyzes the features of shortwave channel , and the method of Matlab simulation is adopted , simulates and discusses the Rayleigh fading , time delay spread and inter-symbol interference caused by multipath effect .

  23. 本文还研究了GALILEO接收机中的多径效应,推导多径效应引入的环路跟踪误差,并提出两种消除多径效应的方法。

    The multi-path effect in Galileo receiver and loop track error caused by multi-path effect are discussed , two methods of eliminating multi-path effect are presented .

  24. 基于Wi-Fi无线宽带技术具有很高的通信速率,但受到信道拥挤、多径效应、噪声干扰等因素的影响,严重影响了通信质量、降低了传输速率,高质量、高速率的目标难以实现。

    Wi-Fi technique can provide a higher communication rate , but the communication quality is strongly affected by multipath fading , limited spectrum and noise .

  25. 系统采用无源SAW器件实现,具有低功耗、低复杂度的特点;理论分析和计算机仿真结果说明:Chirp信号良好的自相关性和匹配滤波特性使得CSSUWB无线通信系统具有良好的抗多径效应的能力。

    The theoretical analysis and computer simulation results demonstrate that the proposed CSS UWB wireless communication system is highly robust against multipath effects for the excellent autocorrelation and matched filtering property of Chirp signals .

  26. 论文介绍了GPS载波相位测量技术的原理和应用,分析了GPS观测量的误差,研究了减小和消除各种误差的方法,重点是减小多径效应的影响。

    In the thesis , I introduce the theory and application of GPS carrier phase measurement , analyze the errors in the observation of GPS signal , study the ways to reduce these errors , specially for the error caused by multipath .

  27. 然而对低俯仰角下的ISAR成像方法一直是一个难以圆满解决的难题,究其原因是雷达工作在低俯仰角时,回波数据会受到多径效应的干扰,成像效果大打折扣。

    It is always a difficult resolved problem that ISAR images at low elevation angles , the reason of which is that imaging result will be interrupted by multipath effect .

  28. 然后分析波束调制对低俯仰角下ISAR成像的影响,这将会对抑制多径效应产生指导性的意义。

    After that , we go on discussing the influence of beam modulation on ISAR imaging at low elevation angles , which will bring the important significance on multipath effect restraining .

  29. 在仿真模型中,除了考虑上、下行信道的加性高斯白噪声,还考虑了多径效应、阴影衰落以及引起AMAM和AMPM转换的TWT(travelwavetube)非线性效应。

    In the simulation model , the multipath effect and shadowing and the nonlinearity of TWT that exhibits AM-AM and AM-PM conversion , are considered together with AWGN in both uplink and downlink .

  30. 多入多出(MIMO)技术是3G及未来移动通信系统中的关键技术,它利用信道的多径效应能够有效地提高信道容量,能极大改善无线通信的可靠性。

    MIMO technique is one of the key techniques for the next wireless communications , by using the effect of multipath which is usually harmful , it can increase the channel capacity and let the transmission more reliable .