
  • 网络Multilayer chip;Multi-layered tablets;multilayer tablets;solutiontablets
  1. 最后,针对该款多核DSP芯片详细介绍其多核结构及多核多层片上系统。

    Finally , the Multi-core structure of this DSP chip and multi-core multi-layer system on chip are introduced in details .

  2. 与单层缓控释片相比,多层片有其独特的优点,近年来得到了快速发展。

    Multi-layered tablet as drug delivery system , compared with conventional sustained-release tablets , has definite advantages and developed rapidly in recent years .

  3. 这就使得基于LTCC的多层基片集成波导椭圆、准椭圆滤波器在微波、毫米波通信系统中的应用潜力巨大,有望成为系统级封装(SiP)中重要的组成部分。

    So the elliptic and quasi-elliptic SIW filters based on LTCC will show tremendous potentials in microwave and millimeter-wave communication systems , and may become an important component of system in package ( SiP ) .

  4. 将经典的腔体滤波器用多层基片集成波导的思路进行实现,并且采用LTCC工艺,更有利于将其与其他有源器件无缝的融合在整个电路板上。

    If realize the classical multi-cavity filter with the idea of SIW , using LTCC technology , it will be more beneficial to its seamless integration of other active devices in the circuit board .

  5. 多层电流片中双撕裂模的耦合

    Coupling of double tearing mode in a multiple current sheet

  6. 应用边界层理论研究了等离子体压强对多层电流片中m≥2的双撕裂模耦合的线性和非线性发展行为的影响。

    A boundary theory is used to study the influence of plasma pressure on the coupling behavior of double resistive tearing mode in a multiple current layer .

  7. 直接使用氢的燃料电池可能在五六年后投入商业应用。这种方法将使用各种不同的、更轻的多层板片堆装置,不再需要重整器。

    The direct method , which could be available commercially in five or six years , would use different , lighter stacks of plates that eliminate the need for a reformer .

  8. 碳纳米管是一类新型碳材料,是由单层或多层石墨片卷曲而成的中空无缝管状纳米结构。

    The carbon nanometer tube is a kind of new carbon material . This nanometer structure is hollow and Seamless tubular structure , which is composed of single layer or the multilayer curling flake of graphite .

  9. 橡胶支座是由多层橡胶片与薄型钢板硫化、粘合而成,它不仅具有足够的竖向刚度,能承受垂直方向的竖向荷载,还有较大的水平抗剪切变形能力,可以满足上部水平位移。

    Rubber bearing is superposed in multi-layer rubber which uniform distribution and steel plate . Not only does it have enough vertical stillness , withstand the vertical direction of the vertical load , but also does it have large horizontal shearing deformation ability , can satisfy the horizontal displacement .

  10. 高亮度发光二极管多层结构外延片电化学C-V测试分析

    Tests and analyses of multilayer structure HB-LED epitaxial slice by electrochemical C-V measurement

  11. 基于多层薄介质片等效模型的天线罩传输性能高效数值分析

    Transmission Performance Analysis of Radomes Based on Multilayer Thin-Dielectric-Sheets Equivalent Model

  12. 多层膜干片法测定血清酒精浓度的方法学探讨

    Multi-layer dry slides method in the determination of serum alcohol

  13. [方法]采用多层膜干片法测定血清酒精浓度,并对其方法学进行初步研究。

    [ Methods ] Serum alcohol was determined by multi-lay dry slides method .

  14. 多层膜干片法测定血镁及临床应用

    Clinical application of multilayer dry slides method in the determination of blood magnesium

  15. 目的了解多层膜干片法测定血清葡萄糖的实验特点。

    Objective To understand the characteristics of multi-layer dry slides method in the determination of serum glucose .

  16. 因此,用适当匹配的多层组合飞片对靶样品产生准等熵压缩是可行的,提出的准等熵压缩的数值模拟方法是可靠的。

    Therefore , the method to obtain quasi-isentropic compression by layered flyers impacting target and the method of numerical simulation for quasi-isentropic compression are reliable .

  17. 就阻抗递变的多层组合飞片对靶样品的冲击压缩过程进行了一维平面应变数值模拟计算,其中,等熵线采用逐步递推法计算。

    This article describe the numerical simulation for shock compression which is produced by layered flyers impacting target , in which the isentropic curve is calculated by recurrence method .

  18. 低温共烧陶瓷技术利用多层介质基片的堆叠,形成一种高集成度多层布线封装结构,利用这一特点可以提高电路性能,同时使系统体积和重量减小。

    LTCC ( Low-Temperature Co-fired Ceramic ) technology makes use of a multi-layer construction to form a hermetical , high-density substrate . With this feature , it can improve the performance of the circuits , reduce the volume and decrease the weight of the system .

  19. 珠光体组织的疲劳裂纹扩展方式可分为A,B,C三种类型。A型为裂纹同时横切多层铁素体片和渗碳体片而扩展;

    Observations were demonstrated of 3 different types of the fatigue crack propagation of pearlitic structure : type A & the crack intersects the multiple ferrites and cementites simultaneously ;

  20. 盐酸曲马多多层控释骨架片的体外释药规律

    A study on in vitro drug release pattern of the multi layered controlled release matrix tablets containing tramadol hydrochloride

  21. 文中采用技术成熟的多层介质膜滤波片进行滤波,并利用电磁驱动的微机械转动结构实现角度调谐。

    In the thesis , dielectric multilayer filter , the technology of which is fully developed , is used to filter and the electromagnetic actuated tunable structure based on MEMS is used to tune the angle .

  22. 本实用新型提供一种滚动活塞多层滑片式压缩机,多层滑片由二层、三层或多层滑片所组成。

    The utility model provides a multi-layer slide vane compressor with a rolling piston , wherein the multi-layer slide vane is composed of a two-layer , a three-layer or a multi-layer slide vane .