
  • 网络multi-phase flow;Multiphase Flows
  1. 用Visualc++和COM开发多相流动数值计算软件

    Development of Multi-phase Flow Numerical Software with Visual C + + and COM

  2. 以商业软件CFX4.3为平台,研制开发了晶种分解过程多相流动的数值模拟系统。

    The numerical simulation system of multi-phase flow in the precipitation process was developed based on the commercial software CFX4.3 .

  3. 改进BP神经网络在流型智能识别中的应用水平环道内油水气多相流动研究

    Application of Improved BP Neural Network on Intelligent Identification of Flow Regime of Oil Gas Water Multiphase Flow

  4. PIV应用于气固多相流动的研究现状

    The Application of PIV in Gas - Solid Multiphase Flow

  5. 文中运用Fluent流体计算软件,模拟脱硫塔内的气液多相流动,并进行数值分析,为脱硫塔的优化设计提供理论依据。

    The numerical simulation for the gas-liquid two-phase flow in the desulfurization tower by Fluent is carried out and provides theoretical basis for the optimization design .

  6. 采用Visualc++及与其兼容的C语言开发的可视化程序实现了生产测井资料的预处理功能,并且多相流动测井数据预处理的软件化为以后的解释工作提供了方便。

    Pretreatment of the production log data is realized by use of the visualized program developed by visual c + + and c compatible . It offers convenience for latter interpretation making pretreatment of the multiphase flow log data software .

  7. PIV技术作为一种先进的全场瞬态测速技术,已经在单相和多相流动研究领域中得到广泛的应用。

    As an accurate high-quality instantaneous measurement technology , particle image velocimetry ( PIV in acronym ) has applied widely in single-phase flow and multiphase flow .

  8. 因多相流动中汽液速度差而造成相积存(Holdup)是深冷混合工质节流制冷系统中混合物浓度偏析的一个重要因素。

    The phase holdup caused by the velocity difference in the two-phase flow is one of the most important reasons for the composition shift of multicomponent mixtures .

  9. 但近年来,已被Crowe等人推广为可用于求解多相流动。该算法认为,压力场是决定速度场的重要原因,速度场进而影响到其它被动标量(如温度、浓度等)的输运。

    In the recent years , this numerical method has been further developed to solve the multiphase flow by Crowe etc. In this algorithm , pressure field is considered as an important factor of determining the velocity field .

  10. 本文介绍了GENIE自动化组态软件在水力机械多相流动试验台监控系统中的应用,通过界面能实时观测动态波形、处理数据,优化控制现场作业,提高生产率。

    In this paper , the software of GENIE applied to control system of multiphase-flow test stand in the fluid machinery was introduces . It can real-timely observe the dynamic curve and deal with the data , optimize the spot task , enhance productivity through the interface .

  11. 多相流动淡水体系中碳钢的冲刷腐蚀行为

    Erosion-corrosion behavior of carbon steels in multiphase flowing freshwater with sand

  12. 涡轮流量计在多相流动中的响应方程

    Response Equation for Spinner Flowmeter in Multiphase Flow and its Application

  13. 污染土壤原位生物修复中的多相流动传输特性

    Multiphase Flow and Transport Characteristic in In-Situ Bioremediation of Contaminative Soil

  14. 油气水多相流动实验数据采集系统的设计流体动力学的相互作用

    The Design of Experimental Data Acquisition System about Oil-Gas-Water Multiphase Flow

  15. 欠平衡钻井多相流动循环系统分析

    Analysis of the multiphase flow circulating system of underbalance pressure drilling

  16. 采用混合模型对多相流动进行处理。

    Mixed model was adopted to treat with multiphase flow .

  17. 多相流动基本方程应遵循的基本原则

    On Necessary Principles for Establishing Fundamental Equations of Multiphase Flow

  18. 流化床内多相流动模拟研究进展

    Progress of Study on Hydrodynamic Modeling of Multiphase Flow in Fluidized Bed

  19. 油井内多相流动压力分布的计算方法

    Calculation method for multi-phase flow pressure distribution in oil wells

  20. 几种化工及冶金反应器内多相流动传输现象的模拟研究

    Studies on Multiphase Flow Transport Phenomena in Several Chemical and Metallurgical Reactors

  21. 油气水多相流动计算及其应用

    The Calculating Methods and Application of the Oil-gas-water Multiphase Flow

  22. 油水两相流动漂流模型的研究水平环道内油水气多相流动研究

    Study on drift Model of Oil / Water phase Flow

  23. 欠平衡钻井多相流动理论与计算分析

    A dynamic modeling of underbalanced drilling multiphase-flow and numerical calculation

  24. 变形介质多相流动流固耦合数学模型

    WOUNDED PATIENT FLOW Solid-fluid coupling phenomenon in deformable porous media

  25. 真空排污管内多相流动阻力特征研究

    Frictional Pressure Drop Characteristic of Multi-phase Flow in the Vacuum Sewage Pipes

  26. 多相流动电磁波成像测井测量敏感场计算

    Calculation of sensitivity field for electromagnetic tomography in multiphase flow well logging

  27. 垂直管中多相流动的统计研究

    Statistical approach of multi - phase flow in vertical tubings

  28. 高压滴流床中多相流动及传质特性研究

    Multiphase Flow and Mass Transfer Properties in Low and High Pressure Trickle Beds

  29. 油井多相流动实验及测井解释模型

    Experiments of multiphase flows for oil wells and a model of logging interpretation

  30. 管内气固多相流动数值模拟方法的研究与实践(Ⅱ)

    Study and Practice of Numerical Simulation of Gas-solid Multiphase Flow in Tube (ⅱ)