
  • 网络multifunctional composites
  1. 结构吸波材料是一种多功能复合材料,具有承载和减小雷达反射截面的双重功能,是一种非常有发展前途的吸波材料。

    Structural radar absorbing materials are multifunctional composites with dual functions of high performance and reducing RCS , which are increasingly receiving recognition as practical structural functional composites with good prospect .

  2. ZrO2对C/Al2O3陶瓷多功能复合材料性能的影响

    Influence of ZrO_2 on Properties of C / Al_2O_3 Ceramic Functional Composites

  3. 结果表明:多功能复合材料可以降低土壤的pH值和土壤容重,提高土壤总孔隙度,提高土壤阳离子交换容量。

    The results showed that multifunctional composite can decreased soil pH and bulk density , increased the contents of total porosity , and improved soil cation exchange capacity .

  4. 采用基体改性的方法,向AlCl3溶胶中添加ZrO2粉,制得含ZrO2的C/Al2O3复合材料,探讨了添加ZrO2对C/Al2O3多功能复合材料性能的影响。

    By adopting matrix modification method , adding ZrO_2 powder to AlCl_3 sol glue , the influence of ZrO_2 on the properties of C / C-Al_2O_3 functional composites is investigated .

  5. 采用两步法合成了同时具备磁性和光催化性的Co/N-TiO2核壳型多功能复合材料,Co/N-TiO2核壳型多功能复合材料中钴核粒径约为150nm,而N-TiO2壳层厚度约为200nm。

    A multi-functional composite , Co / N-TiO2 with core-shell structure was synthesized by two-step process . The average particle size of the cobalt core and the thickness of the N-TiO2 shell were about 150 nm and 250 nm respectively .

  6. 抗动能多功能复合材料结构模型试验研究

    Experimental Study on Composite Structure Models for Hypervelocity Impact Resistance

  7. 抗弹/隐身多功能复合材料及其应用前景

    Ballistic Resistant / Stealthy Dual Function Composites and the Prospect of Their Application

  8. 电沉积法制备多功能复合材料研究动态与发展趋势

    Research and Development Trends of Electrodeposited Multifunctional Composite Materials

  9. 低密度烧蚀防热透波多功能复合材料的研究

    Study of multi-function composites with low density ablation heat protection and wave transmition

  10. 多功能复合材料对土壤物理性质的影响

    Effect of Multifunctional Composite on Soil Physical Properties

  11. 家电用HIPS/nano-TiO2多功能复合材料的性能

    Study on the General Property of HIPS / nano-TiO_2 Composite Used in Household Appliances

  12. 电磁波透波材料作为一种多功能复合材料,广泛用于各类通信系统的天线罩和天线窗中。

    As multifunctional composite materials , wave-transparent materials are widely applied in the radome of communication systems .

  13. 对多功能复合材料与结构研究提出了几点值得重视的看法。

    Finally , a few of important views on multi functional composite and structure study are presented .

  14. Co/N-TiO2核壳型多功能复合材料的制备及其光催化性能研究

    Synthesis of Multi-functional Co / N-TiO_2 with Core-shell Structure and Study on its Performance of Photocatalytic Degradation

  15. 聚苯胺用量对镍粉/环氧树脂多功能复合材料分散行为和机械性能的影响研究

    Effect of PAN using amount on morphology and mechanical property of Ni / epoxy resin / PAN composite

  16. 泡沫铝是新型的多功能复合材料,具有很多其他金属材料所没有的良好性能。

    Aluminium foam is a new type of multi-functional compound material which has many excellent properties the other metal materials do not have .

  17. 在应用试验中确立了两种多功能复合材料配方,并建立了施用规范。

    During the application of trial , the establishment of two multi-function composite formula have been determined , and formulated the application of norms .

  18. 纳米Fe304材料具有优良的磁学特征,使其在磁存储材料、微波吸收、特种涂料、药物靶向引导、多功能复合材料、催化剂及生物工程等方面有重要的应用。

    Nanometer ferroferric oxide has unique magnetic characteristics , and it can be availably used for magnetic memory materials , microwave absorbing materials , special coating , targeted drug delivery , multifunctional composite materials , catalysts , and biotechnology .

  19. PUF多功能复合防水材料研究

    A study of PUF multifunctional composite waterproof material

  20. 用于野战工事的新型多功能无机复合材料的性能研究

    A Study of a New Multifunctional Composites Used in Field Work

  21. 三维编织多功能结构复合材料的发展

    The development of 3-D braid multifunction structure composites

  22. 本论文的工作对今后新型多功能纳米复合材料的研究提供了较好的参考价值。

    Our work provides valuable information for the study of multifunctional nanocomposites in the future .

  23. 本论文主要在多功能复合纳米材料的设计、制备及其在光分析应用方面开展了一些研究工作。

    This paper mainly focuses on designing the multifunctional nanocomposites and investigating their applications in the fields of optical analysis .

  24. 为此,用高分子黏结剂将高吸水树脂和高分子化肥有机地结合起来,制备成多功能高分子复合材料用于沙土的改良。

    Thus , it prepares multifunctional composite materials for improving sand soil through organically combining super-absorbent resin with polymer fertilizer by macromolecule bond .

  25. 水溶性丙烯酸酯固沙抑尘剂的合成与性能研究固沙植被多功能高分子复合材料对沙土物理性状的影响

    Synthesis and Properties of Acrylate Copolymer Emulsion as Water-Soluble Dust Depressor ; Influence of Sand-fixation Vegetation Multifunctional Macromolecule Composites at Physical Characters of Sand

  26. 高分子/炭黑复合材料流变行为&导电功能的相关性研究固沙植被多功能高分子复合材料对沙土物理性状的影响

    Correlation between Rheological Behavior and Conductive Property of Carbon Black Filled Polymer Composites ; Influence of Sand-fixation Vegetation Multifunctional Macromolecule Composites at Physical Characters of Sand

  27. 本文论述了采用MDI-UF为胶粘剂胶合木材刨花与废弃轮胎橡胶颗粒制备木质-橡胶多功能环保复合材料的研究现状、生产工艺、性能优势、环保效果和应用和发展前景。

    The present situation , feasibility , manufacture processing technology and excellent characteristics of wood-rubber composite materials were outlined . The composite are composed of waste tire rubber and wood spill and diphenylmethane diisocyanate ( MDI ) and UF are used as binder to cure scrap tires and wood spill .

  28. 为满足各种需求,制备具有多功能的纳米复合材料已经成为材料研究的一个热点。

    To satisfy all kinds of application , preparation of multifunctional nano-composite materials has become an important aspect of research .

  29. 多功能一维纳米复合材料具有独特的结构和性质,使其在生物、化工等领域具有广泛的用途。

    Multifunctional one-dimensional nanohybrids owns unique structure and properties , which bring them broad purpose in biology , chemical industry and so on .

  30. 如何构建具有磁性、光学、电学、催化等性能的多功能化纳米复合材料,并将其有效应用于生物医学、环境科学、食品安全等领域,已经成为研究者们关注的焦点。

    Many researchers concentrate their efforts on design and fabrication of multifunctional nanocomposites with magnetic , optical , electrical , catalytic properties for various applications in biomedicine , environmental science , food safety and other fields .