
The fabrication processes , properties and applications of aluminium matrix composites reinforced by SiC particulates are briefly reviewed .
The morphology of the surface and the cross-section and the interface state of the coatings and aluminum matrix composite reinforced by silicon carbide particles ( SiCp / Al ) were investigated by SEM , EDAX and XPS techniques . Adhesion mechanism between Ni layer and substrate is analyzed .
Study on wettability on aluminum matrix composites with aluminum base filler metals
The effect of deformation temperature on the Superplasticity of SiC partical reinforced aluminium composite
The EELS Investigation of Silicon Carbide Particulate Reinforced Aluminum Matrix Composite ′ s Interface Characteristics
A Laser Induced Reaction Welding ( LIRW ) technique is employed for SiC particulate reinforced Al based composite to produce joints .
The microyield behavior of the composite was investigated , and the effect of different thermal cycling treatment on the microyield behaviors of the composite was studied .
Interface characteristics of silicon carbide particulate of both oxidized and as received reinforced aluminum matrix composite materials and their effect on the flexural strength of the composites had been studied .
SiC particle reinforced aluminum matrix composites ( abbreviated SiCp / Al composites ) is a new type of composite material , with its superior performance has been of great importance to all countries in the world .
Interface characteristics of as received and oxidized silicon carbide particulate reinforced aluminum matrix composite materials were studied by means of electron energy loss spectroscopy , and the effect of their interface structures on the flexural strength of the composites were discussed .
The SiC particle reinforced aluminum foam matrix composite produced by the melt route foam process was studied . The factors such as the wettability between SiC P and liquid aluminum , control of foaming process and temperature to have influence on the technological process for preparation were discussed .
The corrosion resistance of sulfuric acid anodized film on the SiC particle reinforced 2024 aluminum metal matrix composite ( SiCp / 2024 Al MMC ) in 3.5 % NaCl aqueous solution was investigated using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and compared with that of sulfuric acid anodized 2024 Al .
Interfacial characteristics of SiC particles reinforced aluminum matrix composites
Interfacial characteristics of aluminum matrix composites with oxidized SiC particles as reinforcement
The recent research development of ageing behavior of SiC whisker or particulate reinforced aluminum matrix composites is reviewed .
Investigation on Reaction Mechanism of SiC Particulate Reinforced Aluminum Matrix Composite Prepared by Pressureless Infiltration