
  • 网络carbon trading
  1. 基于交易成本理论的森林碳汇交易研究

    Study on the Forest Carbon-Sink Trade Based on the Transaction Cost Theory

  2. 概述国内外森林碳汇交易市场现状,分析中国森林生态交易市场的潜力和存在的问题。

    The actuality and potentiality of forest carbon trade market at home and abroad were expounded .

  3. 接着讨论了公益林生态服务交易市场的运作,即公益林碳汇交易市场、水文服务市场、生物多样化交易市场、生态旅游市场运作过程中需要注意的问题。

    Followed by a discussion of the operation the forest eco-service market , that is , how to operate the forest carbon sink trading market , hydrological service market , biodiversity trading market the and eco-tourism market .

  4. 据此提出了建立碳汇交易服务支撑体系、指导林业企业合理选择项目、以财政转移支付等手段消除一部分林业的社会成本及改善投资环境等政策建议。

    So hereby gives relative solutions and policy suggestion such as establish Carbon trade service support system , provide policy guidance to forestry enterprises choose reasonable projects , depend on financial transfer payment eliminate a part of forestry social cost and improve investment condition .

  5. 另外,本研究有如下发现:网络拍卖模式是林业碳汇交易的有效模式;专业性第三方市场模式是有形林产品电子商务发展的主流模式。

    Furthermore , the research has the following discoveries : Network auction mode will be the effective and future electronic commerce mode for the forest carbon ; The specialty third party market mode will become the main electronic commerce mode for the materially forest product .

  6. 然后结合我国森林碳汇交易市场的现状,重点分析了我国森林碳汇交易价格存在的问题,认为引入期权机制可以有效改善价格机制,提高市场配置的效率。

    Secondly , the article combined with current situation of the forest carbon trade pricing . mainly talking about the problem of it . The article point out that it may improve the Price mechanism and enhance the efficiency of the Market allocation by introducing the stock option system .

  7. 最终选取了最优控制模型和布莱克-斯科尔斯(B-S)期权定价方法,对未来我国森林碳汇市场交易的价格进行计算,为我国建立碳汇市场及其定价提供理论依据。

    Finally , the optimum control model and the Black-Scholes option pricing methods will be combined to estimate the future trading price of the domestic forest carbon sinks and to provide a reference for establishing the forest carbon market in China .

  8. 参与碳汇市场交易的项目具有外部性的特征,要实现其外部价值,并转换为内部价值,就必须通过市场交换,使之在使用过程中数量化、市场化、价值化。

    The deals in the CSM show the features of externality . To realize the external value of these deals and change them into the internal value , they should be put in the market and quantified , market-styled and valued in the process of utilization .

  9. 森林碳汇服务市场交易成本问题研究

    Study on Transaction Costs of Forest Carbon-sink Service Market

  10. 然而,已有研究表明,由于森林碳汇服务市场交易的特殊性,其交易成本可能非常巨大而使交易难以进行。

    The practices have indicated , however , that the transaction costs of the market are probably too more massive than carbon-sink revenues to make trades go along .

  11. 本文以此为出发点,引出了中国林业碳汇市场融资交易机制的研究背景、目的意义以及基本的概念和理论基础。

    This article take this as a starting point , drew out the research background , the goal and significance , the basic concept and the rationale about the study on the financing transaction mechanism of Chinese forestry carbon sequestration market .

  12. 重视林业碳汇项目及碳交易的政策研究;

    Put emphasis on the researching the policy of carbon sequestration projects and transaction .

  13. 森林碳汇服务的经济学分析&基于产权角度看森林碳汇服务交易

    Economics Analysis on the Service of Carbon Sink & Based on the Angle of the Property Right

  14. 通过对这些问题的探讨分析,最后就构建我国林业碳汇非志愿市场和志愿市场的融资机制提出了建议,为使通过林业碳汇交易完善我国林业建设融资渠道真正成为可能作理论上的准备。

    Through discussing and anglicizing these questions , made the theoretical preparation for constructing the financing transaction mechanism of Chinese forestry carbon sequestration market .