- 网络Carbon emission reduction;Carbon reduction

Dioxide carbon emission reduction has become the hot filed of air pollution control research . At present , there are physical , chemical and biological methods to fix CO2 .
At present , the carbon emission reduction has been accepted as the common creed by the whole international society . China also established a goal that carbon emission per GDP of 2020 must be decreased by 40 % to 45 % compared with that of 2005 .
One example was a deal under which a Shanghai-based car insurer purchased carbon credits on the Beijing Environmental Exchange last month in a voluntary deal to become carbon neutral .
The 15 EU countries with a collective Kyoto Protocol obligation to cut carbon emissions are still broadly on track to meet their obligations .
Total income of export industry is nearly one third of the total GDP and its Carbon dioxide emissions has grate influence on the realization of carbon emission reduction goals .
But as a developing country , China is not required to limit greenhouse gas emissions under the Kyoto Protocol , so there is no domestic demand for mandatory carbon credits .
Speaking in Berlin yesterday , Mr Blair said the summit should set goals for reducing carbon emissions , pledge to establish a global carbon market , and commit to the UN-led Kyoto protocol .
The ecological footprint of energy was counted by ecological footprint composition method , and CO_2 discharge volume and effects on the fixed carbon and reducing discharge of forest in Xiangtan city in 2003 were analyzed .
China has become the largest supplier to foreign investors of carbon credits from projects that have been certified to reduce carbon emissions under the clean development mechanism since 2007 .
IEA ( 2010 ) points out that the potential for carbon emissions reduction by improving energy efficiency exceeds the electricity sector , becoming the largest source of emission reduction .
To reduce greenhouse gas emission and face the challenge of the global climate change , the Chinese government announced a operational goal that carbon emissions will reduce by 40 % - 45 % per unit of GDP in 2020 than in 2005 .
In this urgent global climate situation , we are especially concerned about one of the major initiators CO2 . In December 2009 in the Danish capital Copenhagen , the World Climate Conference brought more issues about carbon emissions into its agenda .
Energy efficiency trading is a kind of market mechanism of reducing carbon emission . The key content is that the building owner takes technical and management measure to make the energy efficiency higher than the baseline , in order to get economic benefits by energy efficiency trading .
Both countries should lead by example , with unilateral low-cost carbon-abatement policies already announced or under consideration : cap and trade in the US , measures to reduce carbon intensity in China .
Although having not committed in cutting carbon emission , China has always been actively engaged in the Clean Development Mechanism ( CDM ), and now it is the county that has received most Certified Emission Reductions ( CERs ) .
Stuart Wheeler , founder of the spread-betting company IG Index , is a rare figure in the City of London : a business chief who is prepared to question publicly the arguments for reducing carbon emissions at a time when they have become the new boardroom orthodoxy .
In the Kyoto Protocol carbon reduction , including the Joint Implementation mechanism , emissions trading mechanism and the three mechanisms of clean development mechanism , clean development mechanism is only to reduce emissions in developing countries related to institutional arrangements .
Moreover , the Beijing exchange is co-operating with bluenext , the Paris-based exchange , to offer credits generated by Chinese renewable energy projects to potential European investors .
Most carbon reduction policies aim to do the job by increments .
Study on Carbon Dioxide Reduction Schemes of Major Countries and Their Bases
What it must provide is a carbon reduction target .
Middle demand effect has great influence on carbon emission .
Ways of carbon emission reduction of blast oven gas
Carbon reduction is the only way for the development of low-carbon economy .
Second , to explore carbon reduction of the theoretical basis for outsourcing .
Economic and Technical Study on Reducing Carbon Dioxide Emissions
Second , revenues from a cap-and-trade system of carbon mitigation make their debut .
Reforestation , where appropriate , was also a rapid method of carbon drawdown .
Third , the domestic and international carbon reduction status of outsourcing and Enlightenment .
But they are no longer insisting that carbon abatement is none of their affair .