
  • 网络Carbon emission reduction;Carbon reduction
  1. 碳减排已经成为大气污染控制工程的研究热点。目前CO2的减排技术可以分为物理处理、化学处理及生物固定三类。

    Dioxide carbon emission reduction has become the hot filed of air pollution control research . At present , there are physical , chemical and biological methods to fix CO2 .

  2. 当前,低碳减排已经成为国际社会的共同行动纲领,我国也提出了到2020年单位GDP的CO2排放量较2005年的排放量下降40%-45%的减缓目标。

    At present , the carbon emission reduction has been accepted as the common creed by the whole international society . China also established a goal that carbon emission per GDP of 2020 must be decreased by 40 % to 45 % compared with that of 2005 .

  3. 一个例子就是,一家上海的汽车保险公司上月在北京环境交易所(beijingenvironmentalexchange)自愿购买了碳减排指标,以实现碳中和。

    One example was a deal under which a Shanghai-based car insurer purchased carbon credits on the Beijing Environmental Exchange last month in a voluntary deal to become carbon neutral .

  4. 依据《京都议定书》(kyotoprotocol)负有碳减排共同义务的15个欧盟国家,大体上仍然有望实现减排目标。

    The 15 EU countries with a collective Kyoto Protocol obligation to cut carbon emissions are still broadly on track to meet their obligations .

  5. 我国出口行业总收入占GDP近三分之一,因此这个行业各部门的CO2排放量与碳减排目标的实现有着直接关系。

    Total income of export industry is nearly one third of the total GDP and its Carbon dioxide emissions has grate influence on the realization of carbon emission reduction goals .

  6. 但作为一个发展中国家,《京都议定书》(kyotoprotocol)并未要求中国限制温室气体排放,因此,中国国内没有强制购买碳减排指标的需求。

    But as a developing country , China is not required to limit greenhouse gas emissions under the Kyoto Protocol , so there is no domestic demand for mandatory carbon credits .

  7. 布莱尔昨日在柏林发表讲话时表示,此次峰会应设定碳减排目标,承诺建立全球碳市场,信守联合国主导的《京都议定书》(kyotoprotocol)。

    Speaking in Berlin yesterday , Mr Blair said the summit should set goals for reducing carbon emissions , pledge to establish a global carbon market , and commit to the UN-led Kyoto protocol .

  8. 采用生态足迹成分法对湘潭市2003年能源的生态足迹进行了计算,并对湘潭市2003年CO2排放量及森林固碳减排效应进行了分析。

    The ecological footprint of energy was counted by ecological footprint composition method , and CO_2 discharge volume and effects on the fixed carbon and reducing discharge of forest in Xiangtan city in 2003 were analyzed .

  9. 对外国投资者来说,中国已成为碳减排指标的最大供应来源,这些指标来自从2007年起经清洁发展机制(cdm)认证为实现碳减排的项目。

    China has become the largest supplier to foreign investors of carbon credits from projects that have been certified to reduce carbon emissions under the clean development mechanism since 2007 .

  10. 国际能源署IEA(2010)指出改善能源效率对碳减排的潜力要超过电力部门的脱碳潜力,成为减排的第一大来源。

    IEA ( 2010 ) points out that the potential for carbon emissions reduction by improving energy efficiency exceeds the electricity sector , becoming the largest source of emission reduction .

  11. 为应对全球气候变化给我们带来的挑战,我国政府制定了碳减排目标为:单位GDP碳排放2020年将比2005年降低40%-45%。

    To reduce greenhouse gas emission and face the challenge of the global climate change , the Chinese government announced a operational goal that carbon emissions will reduce by 40 % - 45 % per unit of GDP in 2020 than in 2005 .

  12. 在全球气候问题愈演愈烈的情况下,对于重要的始作俑者CO2,大家都格外关注,2009年12月在丹麦首都召开的哥本哈根世界气候大会更是把碳减排问题提上议事日程。

    In this urgent global climate situation , we are especially concerned about one of the major initiators CO2 . In December 2009 in the Danish capital Copenhagen , the World Climate Conference brought more issues about carbon emissions into its agenda .

  13. 能效交易是促进建筑碳减排的一种市场机制,其核心是建筑业主方通过技术与管理,使能效水平高于基准线,产生可交易的结余CO2排放量而获得经济收益。

    Energy efficiency trading is a kind of market mechanism of reducing carbon emission . The key content is that the building owner takes technical and management measure to make the energy efficiency higher than the baseline , in order to get economic benefits by energy efficiency trading .

  14. 两国都应该以身作则它们或已宣布单边低成本碳减排政策,或正在讨论之中:美国的“限量及交易”(cap-and-trade)法案和中国的降低碳排放强度举措。

    Both countries should lead by example , with unilateral low-cost carbon-abatement policies already announced or under consideration : cap and trade in the US , measures to reduce carbon intensity in China .

  15. 虽然我国没有承担强制性的碳减排义务,但长期以来也一直积极致力于清洁发展机制(CDM)项目的参与,是目前国际上对核证减排量(CER)最大的供应方。

    Although having not committed in cutting carbon emission , China has always been actively engaged in the Clean Development Mechanism ( CDM ), and now it is the county that has received most Certified Emission Reductions ( CERs ) .

  16. 差价赌注公司IGIndex的创始人斯图亚特•惠勒(StuartWheeler)在伦敦金融城是一个罕见的人物:就在碳减排成为董事会新的正规议程之际,他这位企业领袖却准备公开质疑减排主张。

    Stuart Wheeler , founder of the spread-betting company IG Index , is a rare figure in the City of London : a business chief who is prepared to question publicly the arguments for reducing carbon emissions at a time when they have become the new boardroom orthodoxy .

  17. 在《京都议定书》中碳减排包括联合履约机制(JI)、排放权交易机制(EUA)和清洁发展机制(CDM)三个机制,其中清洁发展机制是唯一涉及到发展中国家的碳减排制度安排。

    In the Kyoto Protocol carbon reduction , including the Joint Implementation mechanism , emissions trading mechanism and the three mechanisms of clean development mechanism , clean development mechanism is only to reduce emissions in developing countries related to institutional arrangements .

  18. 此外,北京环境交易所正与巴黎bluenext交易所合作,向欧洲的潜在投资者出售中国可再生能源项目产生的碳减排指标。

    Moreover , the Beijing exchange is co-operating with bluenext , the Paris-based exchange , to offer credits generated by Chinese renewable energy projects to potential European investors .

  19. 大多数碳减排政策着眼于增量。

    Most carbon reduction policies aim to do the job by increments .

  20. 部分国家碳减排方案及其基本依据

    Study on Carbon Dioxide Reduction Schemes of Major Countries and Their Bases

  21. 它必须要给出的,是一个碳减排目标。

    What it must provide is a carbon reduction target .

  22. 中间需求效应对碳减排具有重要的影响。

    Middle demand effect has great influence on carbon emission .

  23. 放散高炉煤气的碳减排利用途径研究

    Ways of carbon emission reduction of blast oven gas

  24. 从可持续发展角度看,碳减排也是未来的低碳经济发展的必由之路。

    Carbon reduction is the only way for the development of low-carbon economy .

  25. 其二,探寻碳减排服务外包的理论依据。

    Second , to explore carbon reduction of the theoretical basis for outsourcing .

  26. 经济层面和技术层面的碳减排研究

    Economic and Technical Study on Reducing Carbon Dioxide Emissions

  27. 其次,来自碳减排“限量和交易”制度的财政收入首度亮相。

    Second , revenues from a cap-and-trade system of carbon mitigation make their debut .

  28. 在适当的情况下,重新造林也是一种快速的碳减排方法。

    Reforestation , where appropriate , was also a rapid method of carbon drawdown .

  29. 第三,国内外碳减排服务外包的现状及启示。

    Third , the domestic and international carbon reduction status of outsourcing and Enlightenment .

  30. 但是,它们都不再坚持碳减排与己无关的说法。

    But they are no longer insisting that carbon abatement is none of their affair .