
  • 网络Term Sheet of Equity Investment;The Term Sheet
  1. 该稿件是关于亚洲发展银行贷款的一些问题,涉及到贷款的生命周期、委任书、尽职调查、贷款条款清单等等。

    This file is about the loan requirement of Asia Development bank , including , the life cycle of loan , mandate letter , due diligence , term sheet , and so on .

  2. 这激发了FREDWILSON在博客上,呼吁风投行业做出简化的条款清单标准。

    That prompted Fred Wilson 's blog post appealing to the industry to make these simplified term sheets standard .

  3. 在最糟糕的情况下,投资条款清单几乎还不足一页a4纸,尽职调查也往往十分粗略。

    In the worst cases , term sheets barely covered an A4 Sheet of paper and due diligence was often cursory .

  4. 短短数天内,世界各地的许多投资者都收到了投资条款清单、活页图表和发行备忘录。

    Within a matter of days , investors around the world had been sent terms sheets , flip charts and offering memorandums .

  5. 坊间传闻,大量公司拒绝了私人股本公司开出的条款清单,转而从当地银行获取几乎未附加条件的廉价贷款。

    There were anecdotes aplenty of companies turning down private equity term sheets in favour of cheap debt from a local bank , with few strings attached .

  6. 清单计价模式下工程项目的合同条款浅议清单计价下不平衡报价的负面影响

    The Contract Terms Based on Bills of Quantities The Negative Effect of the Imbalanced Quotation Under the Bills of Quantities Model