
tiáo jiàn biǎo dá shì
  • conditional expression;expression of condition
  1. 在COBOL系统中,由一个数据项、算术表达式或条件表达式表示的信息。

    In the COBOL system , the information represented by a data item , arithmetic expression , or conditional expression .

  2. 过滤器是一个条件表达式,用于选择行。

    A filter is a conditional expression that is used to select rows .

  3. 可以在DataItem中使用条件表达式屏蔽机密信息&使用特定字符替换机密信息。

    We can use conditional expressions in a Data Item to mask confidential information replacing these with specific characters .

  4. 您还可以使用XPath中的条件表达式来进一步精确定位特定节点的位置。

    You can use conditional expressions in XPath to further pinpoint the location of specific nodes .

  5. 给出了逼近任意形状凹陷地形的SH波散射问题解的完备函数序列及边界条件表达式。

    This paper gives the complete function which approaches the solution of steady state scattering of SH-wave on two-dimensional canyon topography .

  6. 对于激光器内的光场分布则应用严格的耦合波理论进行研究,通过将这两种方法有机结合,首次导出了两段式DFB激光器的阈值条件表达式。

    Combined with these two methods , the threshold condition expression has been derived for the first time .

  7. Unicode字符集、模式内任意代码操作、flagtoggles、条件表达式以及其他特征都被添加到正则表达式库中。

    Unicode character class specifiers , arbitrary code execution inside a pattern , flag toggles , conditional expressions , and many other features were added to the regular expression engine .

  8. 为了保证算法的精确性,我们对二维空间的TM电磁波(雷达波)进行数值稳定性分析及数值频散问题的讨论,推导出了数值稳定性条件表达式和理想频散关系;

    For guaranteeing the arithmetic accurate , we analyze the numerical value 's stability and discussion question of numerical value frequency dispersion to the two-dimension TM electromagnetic wave ( GPR wave ), deduce out numerical value 's stability expression and ideal frequency dispersion relation .

  9. 建立了压电材料修正后的H-R混合变分原理,并从该变分原理直接推导了压电材料的状态向量方程,同时给出了与广义位移和广义应力相关的边界条件表达式。

    A modified mixed variational principle for piezoelectric plates is established and the state-vector equation is deduced directly from the principle . The explicit forms of the generalized displacements and stresses with respect to boundary conditions are given .

  10. 动态查询条件表达式生成的新方法

    A New Way to Generate Expressions in Dynamic Inquiry

  11. 除此之外,在输入条件表达式时,也可以使用代码帮助。

    In addition , code assist is available when typing in the conditional expression .

  12. 随机生成条件表达式的实现方法

    A Fulfilling Method of producing Random Conditional Expression

  13. 与并行条件表达式的生成

    Generating conditional expressions for and parallelism

  14. 获取用作验证可访问性检查点的一部分的条件表达式的右侧。

    Gets the right side of a conditional expression used as part of the verification accessibility checkpoint .

  15. 解决方案可能需要新奇的数据结构或者不同寻常的集合或算法,以及条件表达式。

    The solutions might require a novel data structure or an unusual set of loops or conditionals .

  16. 基于统一边界条件表达式,对边界条件进行处理。

    Based on the general boundary conditions , the boundary conditions for the present model are treated .

  17. 渗流理论中现有的潜水面边界条件表达式是针对特定方向的一类潜水渗流问题而给出的。

    In the seepage theory , the current expression of boundary condition on phreatic surface is aimed at a kind of seepage .

  18. 该方法在约束生成时只考虑控制语句的条件表达式,可有效避免生成冗余约束;

    The method only generates constraints for condition expression of the control statements , which can reduce the costs on constraint solving .

  19. 被评估的行数则基于WHERE子句里所使用的每个条件表达式的选择性。

    In turn , the estimated number of rows is based on the selectivity of each conditional expression that is used within the WHERE clause .

  20. 通过理论推导,得出基于剪切力和水流功率的均匀沙起动临界条件表达式。

    Based on both shear force and stream power and through theoretical derivation , the incipient motion critical conditions of cohesionless uniform sediment are achieved .

  21. 应用突变理论建立了条带煤柱突变破坏失稳的尖点突变模型,导出了条带煤柱破坏失稳的充要条件表达式。

    By applying catastrophic theory , a cusp catastrophic model for failure instability of strip coal pillar was set up . The formula of fully essential condition for instability failure of strip coal pillar was derived .

  22. 找出了这种风流状态突变的条件表达式,提出了克服通风系统中风流异常现象的措施。

    In this paper , the conditional expressions are deduced for the appearance of the catastrophe condition of airflow status , and the measures for overcoming the abnormal status of airflow in mine ventilation system are put forward .

  23. 该模型采用色彩表现学生模型和知识特性,通过导航结构和条件表达式体现教学策略,可以实现在学生模型和教学策略支持下的适应性知识集成。

    It denotes the character of domain knowledge and student mode in coloured tokens and expresses teaching strategies with navigation structure and condition expressions , so it can support adaptive knowledge aggregation involving student model and teaching strategy visual .

  24. 将农业血防数据库与地理图形有机地结合在一起,打破了关系型数据库系统单纯依靠条件表达式的单一检索模式,提供了一种更为直观的查询手段,实现图形和数据资源共享。

    An efficient combination of information databases in agricultural schistosomiasis control with GIS can break down the single search mode of relative databases , supply a more vivid search method , and achieve a share of graphics and databases .

  25. 在Blue中,条件这种表达式取代了语句。

    In Blue , a condition is an expression instead of a statement .

  26. 需要对XML元素指定条件XPath表达式来详细描述对警告消息的验证。

    A conditional XPath expression needs to be specified on the XML element to specify the validation for the Warning message .

  27. 并指出一般教材中的三点式LC振荡器的起振条件的表达式,均是精确式在不同近似条件下的结果。

    It also points out that all these expression formula in general teaching materials are the results of accurate expression formula on different approximate conditions .

  28. 但是如果需要表达更复杂的记录选择条件的表达式、转换结果集或者进行递归查询,则需要使用XQuery。

    However , if you need a query that expresses more complex record-selection criteria , transforms the result set , or requires recursion , then you need XQuery .

  29. 为了实现控制规则的时态性,SCIAC模型在周期理论和时态RBAC的基础上提出了条件周期表达式,并以条件周期表达式为基础定义了角色约束、运行请求和触发器。

    To implement the timeliness of control rules , the term of conditional cycle based on cycle theory and tense RBAC are proposed , and we have defined role restriction , operating request and trigger in the form of conditional cycle expression .

  30. 任意直角坐标系下潜水面边界条件的表达式

    Expressions of the boundary condition on phreatic surface in arbitrary rectangular coodinates system