
  • 网络condition code
  1. 利用射影几何方法在小缺陷码中,NMDS码是链条件码;

    NMDS codes are all the ones satisfying the chain condition ;

  2. 本文讨论了机械滤波器的特性,对通信系统中传输的条件二相码进行了分析,提出了一种采用机械滤波器从CDP中提取时钟的方法,并介绍了其实现过程。

    The paper discusses the characteristics of mechanical filter , analyzes the condition biphase code transmitted in communication system , presents a method for extracting sync clock from CDP with mechanical filter , and describes its implementation process .

  3. 一类满足断链条件线性码的重量谱

    Weight Hierarchies of Linear Codes Satisfying the Break-Chain Condition

  4. 低信噪比高动态条件下P码直接捕获技术研究

    Research of P-code Direct Acquisition Technology at Low Signal-to-Noise Rate in High Dynamic Condition

  5. 高动态条件下PN码扩谱接收机的频率跟踪策略

    Frequency Tracking Algorithms for PN Spread Spectrum Receiver in High Dynamic Circumstance

  6. 在卫星移动信道中不同条件下Turbo码的纠错性能研究

    Study on error - correction performance of Turbo codes in mobile satellite channel under different fading conditions

  7. 这个充分条件对LA码的序列设计和采用LA码的系统帧结构的设计都有着重要的意义。

    This sufficiency condition is important for the design of LA code and the frame structure of the system in which LA code is used .

  8. 最后以低轨卫星通信为应用背景,给出两种适用于大频偏条件下PN码快速捕获方法。

    Finally , two methods for fast code acquisition in condition of large frequency-offset are given under the application background of LEO satellite communication .

  9. 本文在深入研究GPS的系统组成、工作原理以及信号格式的基础上,对高动态条件下C/A码GPS接收机设计中遇到的几个关键问题进行了理论分析,并对实现方法进行了研究。

    Based on analysis of the system architecture , principles and signal format of GPS , this thesis makes researches on the problems existing in designing high dynamic GPS receiver , and the corresponding implementation is also discussed .

  10. 本文利用预处理修正周期谱算法完成了低信噪比条件带信码DS信号的检测和参数估计,在此基础上再利用相关搜索匹配法完成了DS信号中的码型识别。

    In this paper , a pre-processed revised cycle-spectrum algorithm is used to detect the DS signals of low SNR . On the basis of detection and parameters estimation , a matching algorithm is used to perform the identification of code type .

  11. 基于一个等价条件的量子码的新构造

    A new construction of quantum error-correcting codes from a condition of equivalency

  12. 基于区组设计的具有仲裁的无条件安全认证码的构造

    A construction for unconditionally secure authentication codes with arbitration obtained from combinatorial designs

  13. 给出了在无条件安全认证码中嵌入阈下信道的一个新的方法。

    One new method of embeding subliminal channel into Cartesian authentication code is proposed .

  14. 无条件安全认证码的一种构造方法

    A Construction of Unconditionally Secure Authentication Codes

  15. 本文给出了一类无条件安全认证码的一种构造方法,这种构造方法是通过构造满足某些条件的函数来实现的。

    A class of unconditionally secure authentication codes is constructed by constructing functions that satisfy some conditions .

  16. 本文借助区组设计给出一类具有仲裁的无条件安全认证码的构造方法,并给出一种安全的无条件安全认证码的构造方法,计算了有关参数。

    A new method for construction of authentication codes with arbitration and secret authentication codes with arbitration is presented , some results are given .

  17. 基于无条件安全认证码构造了无条件安全的可防止欺骗的密钥共享方案,并讨论了该方案的特性。

    The property of threshold system based on MDS-code is studied , a new unconditionally secure verifiable secret sharing system based on unconditionally secure authentication code is constructed and some properties are discussed .

  18. 在相同的条件下,戈尔德码的干扰效果比CW的干扰效果好:距离近的比远的干扰效果好;

    Under the same condition , interference of Gold code is more effectual than CWs ;

  19. 在相位和频偏等信道参数未知条件下,Turbo码的解码性能急剧恶化。

    If phase and frequency offset are unknown to the receiver , the performance of Turbo code decoding decreases seriously .

  20. 文中提出了一种基于FPGA的扩频信号快速滑动相关捕获方法,来解决低信噪比条件下长伪码序列的捕获问题。

    The paper presents a spread spectrum signal acquisition speed sliding correlation method base on FPGA , to address the problem of capture long PN code under low SNR .

  21. 最后,在不同的条件下对RA码和ARA码误码性能进行了仿真和分析。

    Finally , under different conditions the simulation and analysis of the performance of RA code and ARA code are carried out .

  22. WiMAX移动信道条件下RS-CC级联码纠错系统的研究与设计

    Research and Design on Error Correcting System of the Reed-Solomon-convolutional Concatenated Code Used in WiMAX Wireless Mobile Channel

  23. 仿真结果表明:虽然在相同条件下三维Turbo码纠错性能比传统Turbo码差,但是这种新型Turbo码译码收敛很快,能够有效地减小译码延迟。

    The simulation result shows that the performance of traditional Turbo codes in error-correction is better than this new Turbo code , but the new Turbo code converges more rapidly , reducing the decoding delay considerably .

  24. 然后对各种不同参数条件下的Turbo码进行了性能比较。最后本文致力于空时分组码和Turbo码级联技术的研究。

    At the same time , it compared different performances of Turbo codes with different parameters . Finally , the thesis focused on the research of the technology which concatenated Space-Time Block Codes and Turbo codes .

  25. C.Berrou所作的计算机的仿真结果表明,在加性高斯白噪声无记忆信道(AWGN)上,在特定的参数条件下,Turbo码的误码率可以达到与Shannon理论极限极其接近的性能。

    As a result of computer simulation , under spe-cial parameters and Add White Gauss Noise ( AWGN ) channel , the BER performance of Turbo Code is very close to Shannon Limit .

  26. 在综合编、译码部分及信道模型的基础上,给出了RA码和IRA码的仿真流程。最后,在不同的条件下对RA码和IRA码误码性能进行了仿真和分析。

    Based on the encoding part , decoding part and the channel model , the IRA code simulation flow is established . Finally , under different conditions the simulation and analysis of the performance of IRA code are carried out .

  27. 高动态条件下伪随机码信号相关函数研究

    Correlation of PN spread spectrum signal under high dynamics

  28. 具体实现中提出了基于功率估计的码捕获门限实时调整方案,解决了动态干扰条件下的快速码捕获问题。

    In practical implementation , real-time adaptive adjustment of capture threshold of direct spread sequence is proposed as to be able to rapidly capture the direct spread sequence under the environment of dynamically changing interference .