
  • 网络bar code system;Bar Coding Systems;barcode
  1. 分析了我国汽车零配件产业的现状,从信息技术的角度提出了汽车零部件产业物流的基本模式,并提出了基于Internet技术的物流条码系统解决方案。

    The paper analyzes the present situation of China automobile parts industry , in the light of information technology , it puts forward the basic logistics mode of the industry and logistics barcode system solution based on Internet .

  2. 通用弹药条码系统在物流工程的应用

    Application of General Ammunition Barcode System in Logistics Engineering

  3. 同时得出项目的成功对企业应用条码系统在ERP环境中的深入应用,为企业带来竞争能力,管理能力的提高有着非常重要的结论。

    At the same time that the success of the project on the application of bar code system in the enterprise environment of the in-depth ERP applications for enterprise competitiveness , and improve the management capacity of a very important conclusion .

  4. 摩托车企业条码系统的应用

    The Application of the Bar Codes System of Motorcycle Enterprises

  5. 条码系统会记录使用过某台仪器的所有人的信息。

    A bar-code system records information on every person who handles an instrument .

  6. GB/T12905-1991条码系统通用术语条码符号术语

    Definition of common terminology used in bar code system-Terms for bar code symbol

  7. 条码系统是由条码符号设计、制作及扫描阅读组成的自动识别系统。

    Bar code system is a self-identify one with three components : bar code design , execution , and scan reading .

  8. 我们已经把成熟可靠的条码系统开发并成功应用到药厂的物流系统中。

    F & R has successfully developed and applied Bar Code System as the available tools for the material flow in pharmaceutical plant .

  9. 基于DSP的欧元水印条码识别系统的研究

    The research of detection system of watermark bar of euros based on DSP

  10. 基于J2EE技术的检验检疫条码管理系统的设计与应用

    Application of J2EE in the Barcode Management System for Inspection and Quarantine

  11. Observer模式与Command模式在条码采集系统中的应用研究

    The Research about Application of Observer Pattern and Command Pattern in Barcodes Collecting System

  12. PIC单片机在模具条码识别系统中的应用

    The Application of PIC Single Chips in Mold Bar Code Identification System

  13. 条码解码系统DSS的硬件设计

    Hardware Design of Dss System

  14. 给出了具有语音功能的条码解码系统DSS的硬件设计。该条码解码系统具有良好的人机界面。

    Gives a hardware design of Dss system with speech function It has a good man-machine interface .

  15. 基于SOPC的嵌入式二维条码识读系统

    Embeded 2-Dimension Bar Code System Based on SOPC

  16. 本文的目的是实现手机端二维条码识别系统,手机上运行的解码软件可以在开放环境下对QR码进行识读,最终给出结果。

    Decoding software running on mobile phones identifies the QR code at the open environment and gives the final results .

  17. TBA-9型利乐无菌包装机的条码识别系统的分析与改进

    Reconstruction of the Bar Code Recognition System on TBA-9 Asepsis Packaging Machine

  18. 条码网络系统DSSN的实现

    The Realization of DSSN System

  19. 本文介绍了条形码的一些基本知识,并且详细讲解如何利用ASP技术在网络上建立便捷的条码打印系统,文章还结合实例对条码打印系统的基本原理和主要代码进行分析。

    The article introduces some basic knowledge of barcode , as well as how to utilize ASP technology to establish a convenient barcode printing system on the Internet . An example is also given to illustrate and analyze the basic principle and the main codes of barcode printing system .

  20. 基于图像处理的条码识别系统是图像条码扫描引擎的核心,在实际的应用过程中,PDT(PortableData-collectionTerminal,便携式数据采集终端)中采用图像条码引擎需要解决两个系统之间的通讯问题。

    The barcode recognition system , based on the digital image processing , is the main part of the barcode image scan engine . PTD ( Portable Data-collection Terminal ) need solve the communication of two systems if the system needs the barcode image engine in practice .

  21. 8500型条码阅读系统是美国MRC公司生产的8000系列产品之一,80年代初应用于美国通用汽车公司FLINT发动机厂的自动试车线上。

    A model 8500 bar code reading system is one of the 8000 series products produced by the MRC Co. in U. S. A , it was adopted on an automatic engine testing line in FLINT Engine Plant of General Motors in early of 1980s .

  22. 8500型条码阅读系统在发动机试车线上的应用

    Application of A Bar Code Reading System to Engine Testing Line

  23. 基于嵌入式的无线条码扫描仪系统的设计

    Design of Wireless Bar Code Scanner System Based on Embedded System

  24. 车辆购置税二维条码申报系统的研究与设计

    Vehicle Purchase Tax of Two-Dimensional Bar Code Reporting System Research and Design

  25. 精密级进模生产的条码管理系统

    Bar Code Management System of the Precision Progressive Dies Manufacture

  26. 基于西门子S7-226PLC分布式海关条码监控系统

    Distributed Customs Bar Code Monitoring and Control System Based on SIEMENS S7-226

  27. 医院设备管理中的条码清点系统设计

    Design of a barcode counting system in hospital equipment management

  28. 条码识别系统中的光电信号处理

    Opto - electronic Signal Processing in Barcode Recognizing System

  29. 应用于生化仪的条码识别系统

    Bar code identification system applied in biochemical analyzer

  30. 主要研究条码识别系统的基本组成及其在工业现场中的应用。

    Major in barcode identification system and the basic component in the industrial field of application .