
  • 网络passive tracking;Passive Target Tracking
  1. Kalman滤波算法在被动跟踪中的应用

    Application of Kalman Filtering Algorithm in Passive Tracking

  2. 上述方法不仅对CW脉冲信号可测向、测距,同样还适用于调频、跳频信号,所以可适用于信号形式多变的智能型鱼雷的弹道轨迹测量,以及主动声纳信号的被动跟踪。

    The means above is feasible not only to CW pulses , but also to frequency modulated and pulsatile modulated signal . It is adapt to tracking intelligent torpedoes with diverse signal types and passive tracking of active sonar signal .

  3. 混合坐标系下基于U变换的水下机动目标被动跟踪

    Bearing-only Tracking for Underwater Target : A Hybrid Coordinate based on Unscented Transform

  4. 基于UT变换的机动辐射源单站被动跟踪IMM算法

    Maneuvering emitter tracking with a single passive observer using IMM algorithm based on unscented transformation

  5. 该起始算法与交互式多模型(IMM)算法相结合实现了对机动目标的被动跟踪。计算机仿真验证了该方法的有效性。

    In computer simulation to track a maneuvering target , our algorithm combining such a method with interacting multiple models is very effective .

  6. 仿真结果表明,伪线性估计器(PLE)在一定程度上能够改善带频率信息的机动目标被动跟踪。

    Simulation results indicated that PLE can improve the effect of PPT for maneuvering target with frequency information to some degree .

  7. 本文对带频率信息的被动跟踪由二维常速目标延伸到三维机动目标,并采用伪线性估计器(PLE)。

    This paper was also dedicated to the maneuvering target 's passive tracking with frequency information , and the 2-D moving target with constant velocity was extended to 3-D maneuvering target by using Pseudo-measurement Linear Estimator ( PLE ) .

  8. 三维纯角度被动跟踪定位的最小二乘-卡尔曼滤波算法

    LS-Kalman algorithm for passive target location and tracking with bearing-only measurements

  9. 水下目标被动跟踪及自适应导引律研究

    Study on Passive Underwater Target Tracking and Adaptive Guidance Law Design

  10. 晃动平台上的体积目标被动跟踪与尺度估计

    Passive Tracking and Size Estimation of Volume Target on Sway Platform

  11. 空基多平台对空中机动目标的被动跟踪定位算法

    Passive locating and tracking of 3D maneuvering target with multi-airborne platforms

  12. 被动跟踪技术在主动攻击水雷攻击决策中的应用

    Applications of Passive Tracking Technique on Attacking Policy of Homing Mine

  13. X~2检验自适应卡尔曼被动跟踪

    Chi - square test in adaptive Kalman filter of passive tracking

  14. 宽带接收和高精度被动跟踪伺服跟踪系统

    High Accuracy Servo Track System Based on Pulse Compress Receiver Receiving Systems

  15. 自适应舰船被动跟踪与尺度估计的实验研究

    Experimental study on the adaptive passive tracking and size estimation of ships

  16. 基于当前统计模型的机动目标被动跟踪

    Passive Tracking of Maneuvering Targets Based on Current Statistical Model

  17. 水下动目标纯方位被动跟踪仿真研究

    Simulation study on passive tracking of underwater moving target for bearing only

  18. 基于光电观测信息的空中机动平台被动跟踪研究

    Research on aerial maneuvering platform passive tracking based on photoelectron

  19. 基于声强向量法的体积目标被动跟踪和尺度估计

    Passive tracking and size estimation of volume target based on acoustic intensity vector

  20. 强跟踪滤波器在被动跟踪中的应用

    Application of strong tracking filter in passive target tracking

  21. 水下动目标被动跟踪研究

    The Study on Passive Tracking of Underwater Moving Target

  22. 干噪比估算新方法及被动跟踪精度问题研究

    A New Method of Estimating Jam-Noise Ratio and Research on Passive Tracking Precision

  23. 带有间歇辅助测量的机动目标被动跟踪

    Passive tracking a maneuvering target with intermittent accessorial measurement

  24. [空中监狱]基于运动学原理的地对空单站被动跟踪研究及试验

    Research and Experimentation of Ground-to - Air Single Observer Passive Location Based on Kinematics

  25. 介绍了极坐标系下的被动跟踪算法及存在的问题,并分析了其原因。

    The traditional passive tracking algorithm under polar coordinates and its deficiencies were analyzed .

  26. 双子阵被动跟踪系统

    Passive tracking system using double-arrays for maneuvering object

  27. 基于视线角信息的被动跟踪问题研究与仿真

    Passive Tracking by Line-of-sight Angle Study and Simulation

  28. 对辐射源的被动跟踪算法研究

    Study of Passive Tracking Algorithm of Radiation Source

  29. 带频率信息的机动目标被动跟踪

    Passive locating of maneuvering target with frequency information

  30. 基于多传感器的多目标联合概率数据关联被动跟踪算法

    An Algorithm for Multitarget Passive Tracking with Joint Probabilistic Data Association Based on Multisensor