
  • 网络Cursed child;Children of The Damned;The Hated Son
  1. 这本新书是《哈利波特与被诅咒的孩子》舞台剧的剧本,该舞台剧由J.K.罗琳、剧作家杰克·索恩和导演约翰·蒂芙尼共同打磨,并由索恩执笔,在伦敦西区剧院上演。

    The book comes from the script for a West End play based on an original story by J.K. Rowling , Jack Thorne and John Tiffany and written by Thorne .

  2. 《被诅咒的孩子》的故事由罗琳、编剧杰克·索恩(JackThorne)和导演约翰·蒂芬尼(JohnTiffany)共同编写,它让伏地魔这种问题变得没法回答了,我请求保持沉默,这可不是在扭捏作态。

    The story of " The Cursed Child " - conceived by Ms. Rowling with its playwright , Jack Thorne , and director , John Tiffany - makes such questions impossible to answer , and I 'm not just being coy because of my pledge of silence .

  3. 两年来,哈利波特粉丝熟读《被诅咒的孩子》和《魔法史之旅》,现在他们又有了关于魔法男孩的新故事。但是作者不是JK罗琳,而是人工智能文本预测机器人。

    Harry Potter fans who have already finished reading The Cursed Child and A Journey Through the History of Magic from the past two years have a new chapter in the story of the wizarding boy to tide them over - one brought to us not by J.K. Rowling , but by AI-generated text prediction .

  4. 在今年的奥利维尔奖中,《哈利?波特和被诅咒的孩子》打破纪录拿下九项大奖。

    The play won a record-breaking nine prizes at this year 's Olivier Awards .

  5. 但在《被诅咒的孩子》里,所有台上的角色都是置身现场,直接对剧中的故事负责。

    But in " The Cursed Child , " everyone onstage has direct , present-tense responsibility for the story being told .

  6. 但是这个概念也极为适合《被诅咒的孩子》,它是一种多重选择叙事,让波特的粉丝们可以看到他们已经熟悉的角色和剧中的新角色各种走过或者还没有走过的道路。

    allowing Potter fans to encounter various might-have-been , might-yet-be paths for characters they already know intimately and for the new ones introduced here .

  7. 与书籍和电影发行时一样,《哈利?波特和被诅咒的孩子》2016年在伦敦开演时也掀起了“哈迷热”。

    Harry Potter and the Cursed Child opened in London in 2016 to the same kind of Pottermania that surrounded the release of the books and films .

  8. 这就是《被诅咒的孩子》里感人而又有趣的魔法,它能让所有观众都变成魔法师的学徒。

    That 's the magic practiced so affectingly and entertainingly in " The Cursed Child , " and it turns everyone in the audience into a sorcerer 's apprentice .

  9. 《被诅咒的孩子》之中渗透的就是这个观点,它的故事似乎发生在一片闪烁着催眠般的光亮的黑暗大陆,对成年人和孩子同样生效。

    This point of view saturates " The Cursed Child , " which seems to occur in a land of hypnotically luminous darkness that should mesmerize adults as effectively as children .

  10. 非常卖座、备受赞誉的英伦戏剧《哈利波特与被诅咒的孩子》,讲述了小说男巫哈利·波特成为了三个孩子的父亲的故事。这一戏剧将于2018年春季在纽约上演。

    Harry Potter and the Cursed Child , the smash-hit , award-winning London play about the fictional boy wizard as a grown father of three , will open in New York in spring 2018 .

  11. 本文不含剧透,不过标题已经很清楚,《被诅咒的孩子》是一个关于亲子关系的故事,和原系列作品完全不同。

    There will be no spoilers here , but the very title makes clear that " The Cursed Child " is a story about parents and children in a way that the original series never was .

  12. 《哈利·波特》系列丛书的中国出版方人民文学出版社称,该系列丛书第八部《哈利·波特与被诅咒的孩子》的中文版将于10月下旬出版。

    The Chinese version of the eighth book of the Harry Potter series , Harry Potter and the Cursed Child , is going to come out in late October , according to its Chinese publisher People 's Literature Publishing House .

  13. 正如之前的小说一样,《被诅咒的孩子》中充满神秘的情节,用示意图也搞不明白,其中还有伤感的人生教训,痛苦地深入探讨青春期时代充满热情和苦恼的自我中心。

    Like the novels that preceded it , " The Cursed Child " is stuffed with arcana-filled plots that defy diagrams and baldly wrought sentimental life lessons , along with anguished dives into the earnest , tortured solipsism of adolescence .