
  • 网络shih tzu;SHIH-TZU
  1. Yogi是一只西施犬——西施和贵宾的混种——他的眼睛和下巴使他看起来很像人类,尽管他在其它方面都很像狗。

    Yogi is a Shih-poo ― a cross between a Shih Tzu and a poodle ― whose eyes and jaw make him appear very human-like , despite being very dog-like in every other way .

  2. 在爱宠,一只名为葳丝琪的西施犬陪伴下,他们微笑着走过路边,威瑟斯小姐左手上还戴着显眼的订婚戒指。

    Smiling as they strode down the road , accompanied by their shih tzu lapdog , Whisky , Miss Withers wore a prominent engagement ring on her left hand .