
  • 网络sybil;Sybill;Sibyl;Cybil
  1. 西比尔询问了她当女工的生活。

    Sybil quizzed her about life as a working girl .

  2. 西比尔接连吃了3块饼干。

    Sybil ate three biscuits , one after the other

  3. “这听起来是极为令人生畏的艰苦工作。”西比尔后来说。

    ' It sounds the most fearful hard work , ' Sybil said later .

  4. 西比尔的手指在水中划来划去。

    Sybil 's fingers ran through the water

  5. 被我视为贵人的女子叫西比尔。她待我好极了。

    The woman I regarded as my fairy godmother was Sybil . She was wonderful to me .

  6. 肯定不会是因病去世:剧中他的小姨子西比尔(Sibyl)已经因产后子痫去世,他的前未婚妻、沉闷的拉维尼娅·斯怀尔(LaviniaSwire)因西班牙流感去世。

    Death by illness was out : Sibyl , his sister-in-law on the program , had already died of eclampsia after giving birth , and his former fianc é e , the dreary Lavinia Swire , had succumbed to the Spanish flu .

  7. 西比尔:好吧,我想这是事实。

    Sybil : Okay , I guess that 's true .

  8. 以我对警官西比尔伯纳特的了解。

    And knowing officer cybil Bennett the way I do .

  9. 西比尔:是呀,那确实是真的。

    Sybil : Yes , that 's certainly true .

  10. 西比尔:我不知道我看上去如此精疲力尽。

    Sybil : I didn 't know I looked tired and worn out .

  11. 西比尔:你是指你计划分配给我更多的任务?

    Sybil : Are you saying you 're planning on giving me more work ?

  12. 西比尔:啊,我刚才没有领会你的意思。

    Sybil : Oh , I guess I didn 't catch your drift earlier .

  13. 丹尼:是的。西比尔:那么,我接受。

    Danny : Yes , I am . Sybil : Then , I accept .

  14. 我得去找到西比尔。

    I must go and find sybil .

  15. 戏终于痛苦地结束了,多里安去看望西比尔。

    When the play came to its painful end , Dorian went to see Sybil .

  16. 西比尔有我,她的母亲。文太太平静地说。

    ' Sybil has me , her mother , you know , 'said Mrs Vane quietly .

  17. 西比尔不会把它们恢复原状,神谕便无可弥补地丢失了。

    The Sibyl gave no aid to restoring them again , and the oracle was irreparably lost .

  18. 唐宁街一位发言人称,西比尔于本周初在一位家庭朋友的家中去世。

    Sybil died earlier this week at the home of a family friend , a Downing Street spokesman said .

  19. 但是如克拉克森预料,西比尔因子痫醒来并在她家人面前死去。

    Sybil wakes up experiencing the eclampsia fits predicted by Dr Clarkson and dies in front of her horrified family .

  20. 每一个异教民族都有精通这门学问的西比尔。

    Every gentile nation had its own sybil versed in this science , and we find mention of twelve of them .

  21. 道林则通过画像实现其虚化的自我认同,同时西比尔作为浮动的能指,也起着镜像的作用。

    Dorian accomplishes his self-identification through the picture , while Sibyl , as the floating signifier , plays the role of mirror image .

  22. 克拉克森先生在西比尔产前注意到一些令人担忧的症状而建议他们把西比尔小姐送去医院,然而菲利普医生不同意。

    Dr Clarkson noticed worrying symptoms when she was in labour and urged the family to bring Sybil to hospital , while Sir Philip disagreed .

  23. 第二章分析了画像和西比尔对道林的影响。

    Chapter Two focuses on the respective influence of the picture and of Sibyl , who is the first love of the young man , on Dorian .

  24. 日前,英国“猫”西比尔身患急症去世。英国首相戈登•布朗两年前上任后不久,西比尔便入住唐宁街。

    Sybil the cat , who moved into Downing Street shortly after Prime Minister Gordon Brown took office two years ago , has died after a short illness .

  25. 西比尔小姐在生下健康的女儿后撇下她的丈夫汤姆和家庭痉挛而死。

    Lady Sybil was seen dying of eclampsia soon after giving birth to a healthy baby girl , leaving her husband Tom Branson ( Allen Leech ) and family devastated .

  26. 西比尔的丈夫,唐顿庄园的前司机,现在的家庭成员,成为了一个小婴儿的单身父亲,他把孩子的名字名为西比尔。

    Downton 's former chauffeur Tom , now part of the family , is left devastated and now a single father to their baby girl , who he names Sybil .

  27. 但是,当西比尔的丈夫汤姆决定她应该被送去医院时,孩子出生了,他的妻子给他平安生下了一个小女孩。

    However , by the time Sybil 's husband Tom decides she should be brought to hospital , the baby is already coming and his wife gives birth to a baby girl safely .

  28. 詹姆斯·文转向母亲。我当了水手,这种新的生活会使我离开英格兰很多年。他说,但我不想丢下西比尔一个人。

    James Vane turned to his mother . 'My new life as a sailor will keep me away from England for many years , 'he said . 'But I don 't like to leave Sybil alone . '

  29. 自从“西比尔”离任后,唐宁街第一猫的“职位”一直空缺。西比尔在2007年和前任财政部长阿里斯代尔达林一起来到这里,但6个月之后就回到了爱丁堡,没能在伦敦中部长住。

    There has been no Downing Street cat since Sybil , who moved in with then Chancellor of the Exchequer Alistair Darling in 2007 but returned to Edinburgh after six months , having failed to settle in central London .

  30. 西比尔的父亲恳求医生但是克拉克森解释说一切都太迟了,尽管汤姆和玛丽绝望的尝试帮助她呼吸,西比尔还是去世了。

    Sybil 's father ( Hugh Bonneville ) is seen pleading with the physicians but Dr Clarkson explains that it is now too late . Despite desperate attempts to help her breathe by Tom and then by Mary she passes away .