
dé zui
  • offend;displease;give offence;cause offence
得罪 [dé zuì]
  • [offend] 使人不快或怀恨;冒犯;获罪

  • 赵岂敢留璧而得罪于大王乎。--《史记.廉颇蔺相如列传》

  • 适臣自杨最杨爵得罪后。--《明史.海瑞传》

  • 又得罪舅姑。--唐. 李朝威《柳毅传》

得罪[dé zui]
  1. 电视采访者必须小心别得罪人。

    A TV interviewer must be careful not to offend .

  2. 我也许无意中做了什么得罪她的事。

    Perhaps , unconsciously , I 've done something to offend her .

  3. 若有得罪,我们深表歉意。

    We apologize unreservedly for any offence we have caused .

  4. 很显然,不管是有意还是无意,他反正得罪了她。

    It was clear that , wittingly or unwittingly , he had offended her .

  5. 他说话没个轻重,得罪了许多人。

    He had alienated many people with his tactless remarks .

  6. 我尽量少得罪人。

    I try to offend the least amount of people possible

  7. 我们有过一些分歧,如有得罪我很抱歉。

    We have had our differences and I 'm sorry if it has caused offence .

  8. 他作风强悍,作决定不怕得罪人,这是出了名的。

    He is a man with a reputation for being tough and unafraid of unpopular decisions

  9. 我意识到我有个大毛病,我总想不得罪任何人。

    I realised I had a big problem . I wanted to be all things to all people

  10. 他逢迎富人和中产阶级,得罪了该党的传统支持者。

    He has offended the party 's traditional base by pandering to the rich and the middle classes .

  11. 我必须小心谨慎,不能得罪他们。我的工作是挑战他们,而不是威胁他们。

    I must be careful not to tread on their toes . My job is to challenge , but not threaten them .

  12. 我可不敢得罪他。

    I can 't afford to offend him .

  13. 这个小职员不敢得罪他的老板。

    The petty clerk was afraid of offending his boss .

  14. 如果他得罪了你,那他是有嘴无心。

    If he has offended you , he does not mean it .

  15. 他得罪了上司,上司就给他小鞋穿。

    He got across the boss , who made life very difficult for him .

  16. 他这个人八面玲珑,谁也不得罪。

    He is a very smooth character and never offends anyone .

  17. 琼斯因得罪了工头而被解雇了。

    Jones was dismissed because he got across the foremen .

  18. 我谨防得罪人。

    I am cautious of giving offence .

  19. 他得罪了他们最重要的客户,因此他在公司里的日子屈指可数了。

    He had offended their most important customer so his days with the firm were numbered .

  20. 是她得罪了你,可别在我身上出气(=气可别出在我身上)。

    She 's the one who offended you . don 't take it out on me .

  21. 我讲了一句原以为完全不会得罪人的话,没想到他听后却很不愉快。

    I made what I thought was a perfectly innocuous remark and he got most upset .

  22. 你可别得罪了老板,回头让你吃不了兜着走。

    You cannot afford to offend your boss , or you 'll be in real trouble .

  23. 她只想做个好人,连说句话也怕得罪人。

    She 's out to please everyone ; and she takes care that whatever she says offends no one .

  24. 那个精明的人尽量不得罪人。

    The politic man tried not to offend people .

  25. 道士也有过犹豫,怕这样会得罪了神

    Taoist Wang hesitated occasionally about these transactions for fearof offending the deities .

  26. 她得罪不起她的上司。

    She couldn 't afford to displease her boss .

  27. 他小心谨慎,绝不得罪他的访客。

    He took care never to offend his visitors .

  28. 这句话得罪了不少人。

    This remark caused affront to many people .

  29. n.[法]被告人adj.[法]被告的;辩护的n.犯罪,违反;冒犯,触怒;攻击违反触怒,得罪没有冒犯你的意思!不要见怪!

    an offence against give / cause offence to No offence ( meant ) !

  30. 如果imf停止纾困,可能会得罪整个欧元区及该地区的银行。

    For the IMF to pull the plug would risk the wrath of the entire eurozone and its banks .