
  • 网络black velvet
  1. 她穿着一件黑色天鹅绒长礼服。

    She was arrayed in a black velvet gown .

  2. 然后他突然在人群中看见了她那顶小巧的黑色天鹅绒帽子。

    Then he caught sight of her small black velvet hat in the crowd

  3. 黑色天鹅绒的镯子带有一镀银的花边在上面。

    Black velvet bracelets with closure that will have a silver plated ( metal ) flower on the velvet .

  4. 苹果则用上了盖着黑色天鹅绒的柜台,和一大块背光式的有机玻璃,上面印着雅诺夫新设计的标识。

    Apple had a counter draped in black velvet and a large pane of backlit Plexiglas with Janoff 's new logo .

  5. 此时我感觉有点晕菜,满脑子想的是找大楼的出口处,这时却突然看到1017号店里挂着的那件弹性款黑色天鹅绒衣服。

    At that addled point , I fully intended to find my way to the exit when I noticed stretchy black velvet dresses in the window of 1017 .

  6. 她穿着黑色天鹅绒,非常朴素,但却有一种华丽的光彩,世界上只有半打女装设计师能够创造出这样的效果。弗莱明这样评价薇斯帕在《皇家赌场》中的晚装。

    Her dress was of black velvet , simple yet with the touch of splendour that only half a dozen couturiers in the world can achieve , wrote Fleming of Vesper 's evening gown in Casino Royale .

  7. 塞克斯公爵夫人,春天的时候就会迎来和哈里王子的第一个孩子,这次穿了貌似是纪梵希的单肩黑色天鹅绒长袍,手抱着怀孕的肚子,看起来非常漂亮。

    The Duchess of Sussex , who is expecting her first child with Prince Harry in the spring , looked sensational in a black one-shoulder velvet gown , believed to be Givenchy , as she clutched her baby bump .

  8. 她穿着黑色的天鹅绒礼服,看上去娇小美丽。

    She looked pretty and rather fragile , dressed in black velvet .

  9. 那蜘蛛的黑色身子有如天鹅绒般光滑。

    The spider has a velvety black body .