
  • 网络Dark Mind;dark heart
  1. 从弗朗西斯·培根到埃德瓦·蒙克,众多的艺术追随者都能证明,没有什么比看到一颗悬挂在墙上的黑暗心灵更吸引人的了。

    As admirers of artists from Francis Bacon to Edvard Munch can attest , few things are more alluring than the vision of a dark mind hanging on the wall .

  2. 眼睛见到黑暗时心灵也就失往安宁。

    When the eye sees black , the heart sees trouble .

  3. 光与色&《黑暗的心灵》中的视觉印象与象征寓意

    Light Colors On the Visual Impression and Symbolic Significance in Heart of Darkness

  4. 它们使她的生活变得黑暗,心灵感到悲痛。

    They blackened her days and grieved her soul .

  5. 殊途同归&《黑暗的心灵》与《西太平洋的航海者》之比较

    Different Routes Leading to the Same Goal & Comparison between " Heart of Darkness " and " Argonauts of the Western Pacific "

  6. 本文通过对《黑暗的心灵》和《吉姆爷》的文本进行分析,揭示约瑟夫·康拉德殖民话语的矛盾性。

    This paper reveals the ambivalence of Joseph Conrad 's colonial discourse by analyzing two of his texts Heart of Darkness and Lord Jim .

  7. 本文着重探讨了康拉德的《吉姆爷》和《黑暗的心灵》两部经典丛林小说的人物特征,旨在阐述其现代主义人物观和人物描写艺术。

    This article explores the characterization in the two famous works of Conrad 's Jungle Fiction : Lord Jim and Heart of Darkness , in order to illustrate his modernist concept of character and his art of the characterization .

  8. 他的音乐作品实现了音乐艺术揭露黑暗、纯洁心灵、肯定光明功能;

    His works of music fulfilled the function of exposing the darkness , purifying the heart and affirming the light .

  9. 让你的梦飞翔吧,让你黑暗中的心灵屈服吧,屈服于我的音乐的力量,屈服于这夜之歌的力量。

    Let the dreams begin , let your darker side give in to the power of the music that I write , the power of the music of the night .