
  • 【电影】The Black Rose
  1. 记住,你是黑玫瑰酒吧的女王。

    Remember , you 're the queen of la Rosa negra .

  2. 黑玫瑰:未来的重大变化。

    Black roses : a major change in the future .

  3. 我们成为黑玫瑰酒吧的舞王与舞后。

    We were king and queen of la Rosa negra .

  4. 你对“黑玫瑰”这个人了解多少?

    How well do you know the black rose ?

  5. “黑玫瑰”将会再次绽放!

    The Black Rose shall bloom once more .

  6. 另一方面,北爱尔兰暴力份子乔志带同女助手黑玫瑰来港,策划行刺女皇之阴谋。

    George , a reactionary from North Ireland , comes to Hong Kong with his girlfriend Black Rose , planning to assassinate the Queen .

  7. 人行道是满是五彩纷呈的狗屎:土黄,土棕,铁黄,深赭,铬绿,象牙黑,玫瑰红。

    The sidewalks were full of dogshit in brilliant colors : ocher , umber , Mars yellow , sienna , viridian , ivory black , rose madder .

  8. 于是,就在那天,我的爱情随著那朵落入黑棺的玫瑰,一起下葬。

    Then , just that day , my love , with that rose that fell into the black coffin , buried together .

  9. 扑鼻而来的野生草莓,黑加仑和新鲜玫瑰的香气。

    An explosive nose of wild strawberry , blackcurrant and fresh roses .

  10. FWS称,这些从印度发货的黑檀木所贴标签有误,根据印度法律,未加工的黑檀木和玫瑰木禁止出口。

    FWS claims the ebony sent from India was mislabelled , and that Indian law forbids the export of unfinished ebony and rosewood .