
  • 网络schwarze sonne;the Black Sun
  1. 而她的诅咒的念叨,夹杂着无望的传播丑闻的惬意,是来自一轮黑色太阳的闪光。

    Rather , grinding through her imprecations is a scandalous joviality without hope , rays from a black sun .

  2. 研究人员说那时黑色的太阳会在地平线以上仅14度。

    The obscured sun will be just 14 degrees above the horizon at the time , researchers say .

  3. 本文介绍能降低硅太阳电池造价的新工艺:化学镀全镍电极黑色硅太阳电池。

    This paper introduces a new technology which reduces the cost of silicon solar cells on a Large scale .

  4. 黑色衣服容易吸收太阳光。

    Black clothes take in the sunlight easily .

  5. 这颗像死星一样的黑色天体在被太阳光完全吞没之后,又迅速飞向太空。

    The black , death star-like , orb is briefly engulfed in light from the sun , then flies off into space .