
  • 网络The Goblet of Fire;Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
  1. 人们最喜欢买回家放到书架上尘封的藏书是JK罗琳的《哈利波特与火焰杯》,其次是《霍比特人》。

    The book most people are likely to have gathering dust on the shelf is Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire by JK Rowling , followed by The Hobbit .

  2. 哈利·波特与火焰杯

    Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

  3. 是你把你名字投进火焰杯的吗?

    Did you put your name in the Goblet of Fire ?

  4. 火焰杯可不是件寻常的魔法物件。

    The Goblet of fire is an exceptionally powerful magical object .

  5. 火焰杯书末时,斯内普受命去了哪里?

    Where did Snape go at the end of gf ?

  6. 火焰杯组成了一个必须遵守的魔法契约。

    The Goblet of fire constitutes a binding magical contract .

  7. 他不仅骗过了火焰杯,还打败了身为傲罗的穆迪?

    Yet he could fool the Goblet of Fire and out-duel Mad-Eye Moody ?

  8. 塞德里克,快回到火焰杯那里,快!

    Cedric ! We have to get back to the cup . now !

  9. 他指的是他最近的电影《哈利波特与火焰杯》。

    He was referring to his recent film Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire .

  10. 你有没有把你的名字放进火焰杯里?

    Did you or did you not put your name into the gobiet of fire ?

  11. 《哈里·波特与火焰杯》是第四部拍摄成电影的哈里波特系列丛书。

    The Goblet of Fire is the fourth Potter book to be made into a film .

  12. 这位现年二十七岁的女演员因在《哈利波特与火焰杯》中饰演美丽的芙蓉德拉库尔而闻名。

    The27-year-old French actress is best know for her role as Fleur Delacour in the Harry Potter films .

  13. 在《火焰杯》的结尾,哈利回家时的心情比离开霍格沃茨时还要悒郁。

    At the end of goblet of fire we sent Harry home more depressed than he had ever been leaving howarts .

  14. 是我错觉吗,还是在《火焰杯》后半部分罗恩赫敏间确实发生了些什么呢?

    Is it just me , or was something going on between Ron and Hermione during the last half of Goblet of Fire ?

  15. 根据周日的票房统计,《哈利·特与火焰杯》上映第一个周末的票房收入高达1.014亿美元。

    " Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire " grossed $ 101.4 million in its debut weekend , according to studio estimates released Sunday .

  16. 而火焰杯恰恰是个让电影蜘蛛侠也显得小家子气的大制作。

    " Goblet " on the other hand is an action epic of a size that makes the last " Spider-Man " movie seem small .

  17. 众多明星聚集在伦敦莱斯特广场出席《哈里·波特与火焰杯》的全球首映仪式。

    The stars of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire have attended the film 's world premiere at the Odeon Leicester Square in London .

  18. 位于英国汉普郡的纳什家族生产的长扫帚一旦被《哈里•波特与火焰杯》选用,他们面临的将是全球范围内的商业成功。

    The Nash family in Hampshire , are bracing themselves for global success once their Besom brooms feature in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire .

  19. 最新的哈里波特系列――《哈里波特与火焰杯》已经创下了英国电影史上最成功的纪录。

    The latest Harry Potter adventure , Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire , has already become the most successful film in UK cinema history , earning over

  20. 很难选择。我喜欢魔法石第十二章(里斯魔镜)我觉得火焰杯的收尾也很出色。

    Hard to choose . I like chapter twelve of Sorcerer 's Stone ( The Mirror of Erised ), and I am proud of the ending of Goblet of Fire .

  21. 然而怪事发生了:火焰杯紧接着喷出了哈利的名字,他不得已成为了第四名勇士,最后还和重生的伏地魔狭路相逢。

    However , curiously , Harry 's name is also produced from the Goblet making him a fourth champion , which results in a terrifying encounter with a re-born Lord Voldemort .

  22. 英国广播公司正在报告哈利波特与火焰杯已经在最好的电影第11年刊大英科学院孩子电影和电视奖赏的种类中被提名的。

    The BBC is reporting that Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire has been nominated in the Best Film category of the11th Annual British Academy Children 's Film and Television Awards .

  23. 甚至在著名的小说《哈里波特和火焰杯》里,小巫师哈里·波特也要打败一条凶恶的龙,从它的巢穴里抢回金蛋。

    Even the popular boy wizard Harry Potter has to battle a deadly dragon and get back a golden egg from its nest in " Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire " .

  24. 原著解释了其中一部分,另一部分悬而未谈,不像读者们在之前几部里面(尤其是火焰杯那本)所习惯的那样。

    Much is explained , much is left hanging and there is nothing like the pace of action that readers had grown accustomed to in earlier episodes ( especially The Goblet of Fire ) .

  25. 同样地在较早的职位被提到,哈利波特与火焰杯在商店中创造如在它的第一天的放映上的最快速的销售数字化视频光的一个金尼斯世界纪录。

    As was mentioned in an earlier post , Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire set a Guinness World Record as the fastest selling DVD on its first day of release in stores .

  26. 罗琳将娜塔莉·麦克唐纳写入《哈利·波特与火焰杯》中,将其塑造成一个人物。这给这个家庭带来了惊喜,让他们能在读这本书的时候感受到他们女儿的不朽精神。

    Rowling turned Natalie McDonald into a character in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire , not revealing the surprise to the family who only discovered their immortal daughter when they read the book .

  27. 每次的新书发布会都成为新闻头条:2000年该系列第四本《火焰杯》发布的时候,全世界的书商们聚集在一起协调组织了首个全球午夜发布会。

    The book releases themselves became headline news : when the fourth book Goblet of Fire came out in 2000 , booksellers around the world got together to coordinate the first ever global midnight launch .

  28. 《哈利·波特和火焰杯》的拍摄结束后,有位导演拿着剧本找到了鲁伯特的经纪人,鲁伯特看完剧本后签下了这部电影,他演男主角。

    " Harry Potter and the Goblet of fire " after the end of the film , a director with the script found Rupert 's agent , Rupert read the script after the signing of this movie , he played the male lead .

  29. 粉丝们最初是从电影中感受到哈利波特世界的“真实”模样的,像《哈利波特和火焰杯》(2005),但是现在他们将看见这个魔法世界出现在现实生活中,就在他们眼前。

    Fans got their first glimpse of a " real " Harry Potter world in the films , like " Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire "( 2005 ), but now they will see the wizarding world come to life before their eyes .