
  • 网络model rocket;rocket model;THE MODEL ROCKETRY
  1. 哦,我们并不是真的要踩我们的火箭模型。

    Oh , we 're not actually going to stomp our rocket model .

  2. 用这种方法减缩之后的卫星结构和火箭模型结合后,可以进行载荷耦合计算工作。

    Once the satellite structure , shrunk through this method , is connected with the rocket model , coupled loads computation can then be conducted .

  3. 朝鲜发射的火箭模型也装饰在展览的花卉中。

    Models of North Korean rockets also decorated the flower displays .

  4. 我为我的火箭模型尝试了几种设计。

    I 've tried a few designs for my model rocket .

  5. 我发射火箭模型已经有两年了。

    I 've been launching rockets for two years .

  6. 打击也可以自己做火箭模型!

    You can build a model rocket , too !

  7. 向成年人寻求帮助,收集材料,构建并测试你的火箭模型。

    Ask a grown-up for help gathering materials , and building and testing your model .

  8. 吱吱,咱们做一些改动,看看能不能帮助我们的火箭模型飞得更高!

    Let 's go make some changes and see if they help our model fly even better , Squeaks !

  9. 但它是关于火箭模型以及那些长大后可能将真火箭发送到太空的孩子们。

    But it is about rockets - the model kind - and the kids who may grow up to launch the real thing into space someday .

  10. 三名来自德州的少年火箭模型团队打败了来自法国和英国的团队,赢得本届国际火箭大赛的冠军。

    A trio of teenage Texas model rocketeers beat out teams from France and the U.K. to claim top honors at this year 's International Rocketry Competition .

  11. 对一个芯级捆绑四个助推级的捆绑式火箭模型进行了计算,并将计算结果与已有的实验结果和多梁模型计算结果作了比较。

    A testing model of strap-on rocket consisted of a central stage surrounded with four boosters is computed , the numerical results obtained are compared with the experimental results and available numerical results using multi-beam approximation .

  12. 所采用的模式依赖Lyapunov方法减小了寻优性能中的保守性,并将部分理论研究成果应用到F-16飞机模型,F-18飞机模型和火箭整流罩模型容错设计仿真研究中。

    Mode-dependent Lyapunov method has been utilized to reduce conservatism of design , and parts of theory results have been ap-plied in F-16 and F-18 aircraft models and rocket fairing structural-acoustic model .

  13. 制动器多柔体仿真分析柔体火箭弹道模型的建立

    Flexible Multi-body Simulation of Brake System BALLISTIC MODEL OF FLEXIBLE ROCKET

  14. 柔体火箭弹道模型的建立

    Ballistic model of flexible rocket

  15. 请看看巡航导弹、弹道导弹和宇宙火箭的模型吧。

    Please have a look at the models of cruise missiles , anti-ballistic missiles and space rockets .

  16. 介绍了与之有关的两个模型:(1)高速中子星的中微子火箭喷流模型;

    Two relevant models are introduced : ( 1 ) The neutrino rocket model for neutron stars with high velocities ;

  17. 建立了某远程多管火箭动力学模型,从理论、计算、试验三方面对远程多管火箭的振动特性进行研究。

    The dynamics model of Long-Range Multiple Launch Rocket System ( LRMLRS ) is established . The vibration characteristics are studied from three aspects : theory , simulation and test .

  18. 高压自燃双组元液体火箭发动机燃烧模型

    A combustion model for the high-pressure liquid hypergolic bipropellant rocket engine

  19. 液氧/烃液体火箭发动机燃烧模型及计算机模拟

    A combustion model and computer simulation of lox / hydrocarbon rocket engines

  20. 建立了火箭弹道仿真模型。

    The ballistic simulation model is established for a rocket .

  21. 以某型液氧煤油高压补燃火箭发动机为模型,利用随机仿真(蒙特卡罗仿真)的方法,研究在主要结构参数和发动机入口参数随机变化时发动机稳态参数的分布规律。

    The statistic characteristics of the nonlinear static parameters of a liquid oxygen / kerosene staged combustion cycle engine are simulated by Monte-Carlo method .

  22. 通过建立运载火箭的数学模型,成功应用基于强跟踪滤波器的状态和参数联合估计方法,实现了对运载火箭推力参数的正确估计。

    Joint estimate of parameters and states based on strong tracking filter ( STF ) is used successfully to estimate the thrust of carrier rocket , and the validity of result is validated by simulation .

  23. 针对未来大运载火箭的缩比模型动特性仿真研究

    Dynamic Research and Imitation of Reduced-scale Model for Future Launch Rocket

  24. 高空环境下超远程火箭的角运动模型

    Angular Motion Models for Ultra Range Rocket in High Altitude Environment

  25. 接着给出了轨道控制小推力火箭发动机的推力模型,并讨论了弹体上发动机的分布布局。

    Given orbit control and attitude control engine thrust model .

  26. 高速高加速固体火箭发动机壳体力学模型的建立

    Establishment of Mechanical Model of High-speed and High-acceleration Solid Rocket Engine Case

  27. 一个刚柔耦合的火箭发射架动力学模型

    A Dynamic Model for Rocket Launcher With Coupled Rigid and Flexible Motion

  28. 液体火箭发动机基于关系模型的故障诊断方法

    Relation-model based fault diagnosis technique for liquid-propellant rocket engines

  29. 基于地球直角坐标系及弹体主惯轴的火箭刚体弹道数学模型

    Mathematics model of rocket body trajectory based on earth fixed axes and main inertial axes

  30. 用火箭发射的飞机模型自由飞纵向导数试验研究

    Test Research of longitudinal derivatives using free flight model of an aircraft launched by ground rocket