
  • 网络yule ball;christmas ball
  1. 梁凯蒂&哈利波特初恋女友秋张的扮演者,在参与角色试镜的时候,演的是哈利邀请她参加圣诞舞会的一幕。

    Katie Leung , who got the role of Harry Potter 's first love , Cho Chang , did a screen test which was the scene where Harry invites Cho to the Yule Ball .

  2. 圣诞舞会的邀请卡你送出去没有?

    Have you sent out the invitation cards for the Christmas ball ?

  3. 我们为参加学校的圣诞舞会而盛装打扮。

    We dressed up for the school ball on Christmas day .

  4. 你觉得我们一起筹划圣诞舞会怎么样?

    What do you think about planning the Christmas dance together ?

  5. 我想买短衫和迷你裙圣诞舞会时穿。

    I want to get a blouse and miniskirt for the Christmas dance party .

  6. 我们一起参加圣诞舞会,意味着,我们之间关系的正式公开,

    Going together to the Christmas dance was a public confirmation of our relationship ,

  7. 喂,安迪,露西和我正计划邀请几位朋友在家开个小型的圣诞舞会。

    A : Say , Andy , Lucy and I are planning to have some friends in for a little Christmas party .

  8. 直到学校的圣诞舞会,我们萌芽中的关系,才进行了一个月多一点时间。

    We 'd been in a budding relationship for a bit over a month when our school 's Christmas Ball was held .

  9. 这家公司将要在帝国大饭店举行一个庆圣诞晚宴舞会。

    The company is had a christmas dinner-dance at the imperial hotel .

  10. 假如参加圣诞化妆舞会,你会戴什么面具?你为什么会选择戴这个面具呢?有特殊的含义吗?

    What mask do you wear at the masquerade on Christmas ? Why do you choose that one ? Has it got a special .