
  • 网络I'm not here;Here Without Me
  1. 可能你回来时我不在这儿了。

    I may not be here , when you come back .

  2. 因为星期四和星期五我不在这儿。

    Because Thursday and Friday I 'm out of town .

  3. 继续写,就当我不在这儿。

    Go on , don 't let me bother you .

  4. 听着,别担心,我不在这儿呆着了。

    Listen , don 't worry . I 'm not sticking around .

  5. 谢尔顿:告诉她我不在这儿.

    Sheldon : Tell her I 'm not here .

  6. 你就当作我不在这儿。

    Just act like I 'm not even here .

  7. 你可以任何时候用,甚至我不在这儿。

    You can use it any time , even when I 'm not here .

  8. 我不在这儿工作,我现在只是来帮忙的。

    I don 't work here . I just help out at the moment .

  9. 今晚我不在这儿过夜。

    I will not sleep here tonight .

  10. 就因为我不在这儿参加那个什么舞会嘛。

    Just because it turns out I won 't be here for an old dance .

  11. 不,我不在这儿读书。

    No.I don 't even go here .

  12. 嗨!我不在这儿,你们还没见过我。

    Julie : Hi , but I 'm not here , you haven 't met me .

  13. 小姐今天不骑马了,记住,今天晚上我不在这儿吃晚饭了,我将在小姐家吃。

    The lady isn 't going riding today.And remember , I 'm not having dinner here tonight , I 'll be at the lady 's.

  14. 我不在这儿让你们嘲笑我!他叫道,正准备跑出去,凯瑟琳一把抓住了他。

    ' I won 't stay to be laughed at !' he cried , and was about to run away , when Catherine caught hold of his hand .

  15. 如果那个叫朱迪的女人下来,就说我不在这儿干了,你从没见过我。然后胡乱编些东西混过去,然后摆脱她!

    If that Judy woman comes down , I don 't work here , you 've never seen me , just make up something , just get rid of her !

  16. 它纯数学,非物理,所以我不在这儿做,它是积分,若物体完美对称,你们基本都能做。

    It 's no physics , it 's pure math , and I 'm not going to do that for you . It 's some integral , and if the object is nicely symmetric , in general you can do that .

  17. 我不打算在这儿细说技术上的理由;

    I won 't here go into the technical reasons why ;

  18. 我不想在这儿安排场景。

    I 'm not even gonna make a scene in here .

  19. 乔珀看见你的时候,我不想在这儿。

    I don 't want to be here when Joep sees you .

  20. 我不应该在这儿,我没做什么。

    I didn 't do shit to be up in this bitch .

  21. 你觉得我不知道在这儿谈会有什么反响吗?

    Don 't you think I know how it works in here ?

  22. 毕业以后,我就不在这儿住了。

    I have not been living here since I graduated .

  23. 不,我不介意在这儿吸烟。

    No , I wouldn 't mind smoking here .

  24. 我不觉得在这儿象在家一样。

    I don 't yet feel at home here .

  25. 我一般不在这儿谈公事

    I don 't usually do business here .

  26. 我不呆在这儿。

    I 'm not stay-ing here . '

  27. 不用,不管怎样我不该在这儿了。

    No.i-i shouldn 't be here anyway .

  28. 我不想在这儿向你告别。她说。

    I didn 't think I would say goodbye to you here , she said .

  29. 她的宝宝是臀位,我不想在这儿做剖腹产手术臀位

    Her baby 's breech , and I would hate to try a c-section here .

  30. 我不愿意在这儿把你打得稀烂,因为我在这儿吃饭,睡觉。

    I don 't want to make a mess of you here , because I eat and sleep here .